Rocky Lai
Rocky Lai
University of Massachuetts Medical School
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Induction of autonomous memory alveolar macrophages requires T cell help and is critical to trained immunity
Y Yao, M Jeyanathan, S Haddadi, NG Barra, M Vaseghi-Shanjani, ...
Cell 175 (6), 1634-1650. e17, 2018
GRP78 and CHOP modulate macrophage apoptosis and the development of bleomycin‐induced pulmonary fibrosis
EA Ayaub, PS Kolb, Z Mohammed‐Ali, V Tat, J Murphy, PS Bellaye, ...
The Journal of pathology 239 (4), 411-425, 2016
Understanding delayed T‐cell priming, lung recruitment, and airway luminal T‐cell responses in host defense against pulmonary tuberculosis
CR Shaler, C Horvath, R Lai, Z Xing
Journal of Immunology Research 2012 (1), 628293, 2012
Marked improvement of severe lung immunopathology by influenza-associated pneumococcal superinfection requires the control of both bacterial replication and host immune responses
D Damjanovic, R Lai, M Jeyanathan, CM Hogaboam, Z Xing
The American journal of pathology 183 (3), 868-880, 2013
Limited recognition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected macrophages by polyclonal CD4 and CD8 T cells from the lungs of infected mice
YR Patankar, R Sutiwisesak, S Boyce, R Lai, CSL Arlehamn, A Sette, ...
Mucosal immunology 13 (1), 140-148, 2020
CXCR3 signaling is required for restricted homing of parenteral tuberculosis vaccine–induced T cells to both the lung parenchyma and airway
M Jeyanathan, S Afkhami, A Khera, T Mandur, D Damjanovic, Y Yao, ...
The Journal of Immunology 199 (7), 2555-2569, 2017
Novel chimpanzee adenovirus-vectored respiratory mucosal tuberculosis vaccine: overcoming local anti-human adenovirus immunity for potent TB protection
M Jeyanathan, N Thanthrige-Don, S Afkhami, R Lai, D Damjanovic, ...
Mucosal immunology 8 (6), 1373-1387, 2015
Differentially imprinted innate immunity by mucosal boost vaccination determines antituberculosis immune protective outcomes, independent of T-cell immunity
M Jeyanathan, D Damjanovic, CR Shaler, R Lai, M Wortzman, C Yin, ...
Mucosal immunology 6 (3), 612-625, 2013
Mucosal immunity and novel tuberculosis vaccine strategies: route of immunisation-determined T-cell homing to restricted lung mucosal compartments
R Lai, S Afkhami, S Haddadi, M Jeyanathan, Z Xing
European Respiratory Review 24 (136), 356-360, 2015
Airway macrophages mediate mucosal vaccine–induced trained innate immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in early stages of infection
MR D’Agostino, R Lai, S Afkhami, A Khera, Y Yao, M Vaseghi-Shanjani, ...
The Journal of Immunology 205 (10), 2750-2762, 2020
Functionally overlapping variants control tuberculosis susceptibility in collaborative cross mice
CM Smith, MK Proulx, R Lai, MC Kiritsy, TA Bell, P Hock, ...
MBio 10 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 02791-19, 2019
CD11b+ dendritic cell–mediated anti–Mycobacterium tuberculosis Th1 activation is counterregulated by CD103+ dendritic cells via IL-10
R Lai, M Jeyanathan, S Afkhami, A Zganiacz, JA Hammill, Y Yao, ...
The Journal of Immunology 200 (5), 1746-1760, 2018
Pulmonary M. tuberculosis infection delays Th1 immunity via immunoadaptor DAP12-regulated IRAK-M and IL-10 expression in antigen-presenting cells
M Jeyanathan, S McCormick, R Lai, S Afkhami, CR Shaler, CN Horvath, ...
Mucosal immunology 7 (3), 670-683, 2014
Spray dried human and chimpanzee adenoviral-vectored vaccines are thermally stable and immunogenic in vivo
S Afkhami, DA LeClair, S Haddadi, R Lai, SP Toniolo, HC Ertl, ...
Vaccine 35 (22), 2916-2924, 2017
Key advances in vaccine development for tuberculosis—success and challenges
R Lai, AF Ogunsola, T Rakib, SM Behar
NPJ vaccines 8 (1), 158, 2023
Restoration of innate immune activation accelerates T h1‐cell priming and protection following pulmonary mycobacterial infection
R Lai, M Jeyanathan, CR Shaler, D Damjanovic, A Khera, C Horvath, ...
European journal of immunology 44 (5), 1375-1386, 2014
Role of B cells in mucosal vaccine–induced protective CD8+ T cell immunity against pulmonary tuberculosis
AK Khera, S Afkhami, R Lai, M Jeyanathan, A Zganiacz, T Mandur, ...
The Journal of Immunology 195 (6), 2900-2907, 2015
Single-dose mucosal immunotherapy with chimpanzee adenovirus-based vaccine accelerates tuberculosis disease control and limits its rebound after antibiotic cessation
S Afkhami, R Lai, MR D’agostino, M Vaseghi-Shanjani, A Zganiacz, Y Yao, ...
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 220 (8), 1355-1366, 2019
Host genetic background is a barrier to broadly effective vaccine–mediated protection against tuberculosis
R Lai, DN Gong, T Williams, AF Ogunsola, K Cavallo, CSL Arlehamn, ...
The Journal of Clinical Investigation 133 (13), 2024
Enhancement of antituberculosis immunity in a humanized model system by a novel virus-vectored respiratory mucosal vaccine
Y Yao, R Lai, S Afkhami, S Haddadi, A Zganiacz, F Vahedi, AA Ashkar, ...
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 216 (1), 135-145, 2017
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