Ann Bucklin
Ann Bucklin
University of Connecticut - Department of Marine Sciences
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
DNA barcoding of marine metazoa
A Bucklin, D Steinke, L Blanco-Bercial
Annual review of marine science 3 (1), 471-508, 2011
Molecular systematic and phylogenetic assessment of 34 calanoid copepod species of the Calanidae and Clausocalanidae
A Bucklin, B Frost, J Bradford-Grieve, L Allen, N Copley
Marine Biology 142, 333-343, 2003
Metabarcoding of marine zooplankton: prospects, progress and pitfalls
A Bucklin, PK Lindeque, N Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, A Albaina, M Lehtiniemi
Journal of Plankton Research 38 (3), 393-400, 2016
Taxonomic and systematic assessment of planktonic copepods using mitochondrial COI sequence variation and competitive, species-specific PCR
A Bucklin, M Guarnieri, RS Hill, AM Bentley, S Kaartvedt
Molecular ecology of aquatic communities, 239-254, 1999
A “Rosetta Stone” for metazoan zooplankton: DNA barcode analysis of species diversity of the Sargasso Sea (Northwest Atlantic Ocean)
A Bucklin, BD Ortman, RM Jennings, LM Nigro, CJ Sweetman, NJ Copley, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (24-26), 2234-2247, 2010
Molecular systematics of six Calanus and three Metridia species (Calanoida: Copepoda)
A Bucklin, BW Frost, TD Kocher
Marine Biology 121, 655-664, 1995
DNA barcoding of Arctic Ocean holozooplankton for species identification and recognition
A Bucklin, RR Hopcroft, KN Kosobokova, LM Nigro, BD Ortman, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (1-2), 40-48, 2010
DNA barcodes for species identification of euphausiids (Euphausiacea, Crustacea)
A Bucklin, PH Wiebe, SB Smolenack, NJ Copley, JG Beaudet, KG Bonner, ...
Journal of Plankton Research 29 (6), 483-493, 2007
DNA barcoding the Medusozoa using mtCOI
BD Ortman, A Bucklin, F Pagès, M Youngbluth
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (24-26), 2148-2156, 2010
Low mitochondrial diversity and small effective population sizes of the copepods Calanus finmarchicus and Nannocalanus minor: possible impact of climatic …
A Bucklin, PH Wiebe
Journal of heredity 89 (5), 383-392, 1998
Toward a global reference database of COI barcodes for marine zooplankton
A Bucklin, KTCA Peijnenburg, KN Kosobokova, TD O’Brien, ...
Marine Biology 168 (6), 78, 2021
Multiplexed species-specific PCR protocol to discriminate four N. Atlantic Calanus species, with an mtCOI gene tree for ten Calanus species
R Hill, L Allen, A Bucklin
Marine Biology 139, 279-287, 2001
Marine Plankton: A practical guide to ecology, methodology, and taxonomy
C Castellani, M Edwards
Oxford University Press, 2017
DNA barcoding of marine copepods: assessment of analytical approaches to species identification
L Blanco-Bercial, A Cornils, N Copley, A Bucklin
PLoS currents 6, ecurrents. tol. cdf8b74881f87e3b01d56b43791626d2, 2014
Molecular phylogeny of the calanoida (Crustacea: Copepoda)
L Blanco-Bercial, J Bradford-Grieve, A Bucklin
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59 (1), 103-113, 2011
Molecular phylogeography and evolutionary history of the estuarine copepod, Acartia tonsa, on the Northwest Atlantic coast
CC Caudill, A Bucklin
Hydrobiologia 511, 91-102, 2004
Diversity and community structure of pelagic fishes to 5000 m depth in the Sargasso Sea
TT Sutton, PH Wiebe, L Madin, A Bucklin
Deep Sea Research Part II: topical studies in oceanography 57 (24-26), 2220-2233, 2010
New view of population genetics of zooplankton: RAD-seq analysis reveals population structure of the North Atlantic planktonic copepod Centropages typicus
L Blanco-Bercial, A Bucklin
Molecular Ecology 25 (, 1566-1580, 2016
Genetics redraws pelagic biogeography of Calanus
M Choquet, M Hatlebakk, AKS Dhanasiri, K Kosobokova, I Smolina, ...
Biology letters 13 (12), 20170588, 2017
Species diversity of planktonic gastropods (Pteropoda and Heteropoda) from six ocean regions based on DNA barcode analysis
RM Jennings, A Bucklin, H Ossenbrügger, RR Hopcroft
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (24-26), 2199-2210, 2010
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