gerard j.m. janssen
gerard j.m. janssen
Associate Professor
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Durability and degradation issues of PEM fuel cell components
FA de Bruijn, VAT Dam, GJM Janssen
Fuel cells 8 (1), 3-22, 2008
Water transport in the proton-exchange-membrane fuel cell: measurements of the effective drag coefficient
GJM Janssen, MLJ Overvelde
Journal of Power Sources 101 (1), 117-125, 2001
Noncoherent ultra-wideband systems
K Witrisal, G Leus, GJM Janssen, M Pausini, F Trösch, T Zasowski, ...
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 26 (4), 48-66, 2009
Wideband indoor channel measurements and BER analysis of frequency selective multipath channels at 2.4, 4.75, and 11.5 GHz
GJM Janssen, PA Stigter, R Prasad
IEEE Transactions on Communications 44 (10), 1272-1288, 1996
A phenomenological model of water transport in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell
GJM Janssen
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 148 (12), A1313, 2001
The influence of carbon dioxide on PEM fuel cell anodes
FA de Bruijn, DC Papageorgopoulos, EF Sitters, GJM Janssen
Journal of Power Sources 110 (1), 117-124, 2002
Analysis of a UWB indoor positioning system based on received signal strength
T Gigl, GJM Janssen, V Dizdarevic, K Witrisal, Z Irahhauten
2007 4th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 97-101, 2007
Multiuser subcarrier allocation for QoS provision in the OFDMA systems
S Pietrzyk, GJM Janssen
Proceedings IEEE 56th vehicular technology conference 2, 1077-1081, 2002
n-Type polysilicon passivating contact for industrial bifacial n-type solar cells
MK Stodolny, M Lenes, Y Wu, GJM Janssen, IG Romijn, JRM Luchies, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 158, 24-28, 2016
An overview of ultra wide band indoor channel measurements and modeling
Z Irahhauten, H Nikookar, GJM Janssen
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 14 (8), 386-388, 2004
Multinode spectrum sensing based on energy detection for dynamic spectrum access
F Visser, GJM Janssen, P Pawelczak
VTC Spring 2008-IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 1394-1398, 2008
Band gap in NiO: A cluster study
GJM Janssen, WC Nieuwpoort
Physical Review B 38 (5), 3449, 1988
Review of range-based positioning algorithms
J Yan, CCJM Tiberius, GJM Janssen, PJG Teunissen, G Bellusci
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 28 (8), 2-27, 2013
Propagation measurements in an indoor radio environment at 2.4 GHz, 4.75 GHz and 11.5 GHz
GJM Janssen, R Prasad
[1992 Proceedings] Vehicular Technology Society 42nd VTS Conference …, 1992
On the preparation and stability of bimetallic PtMo/C anodes for proton-exchange membrane fuel cells
NP Lebedeva, GJM Janssen
Electrochimica Acta 51 (1), 29-40, 2005
Temperature effects of bifacial modules: Hotter or cooler?
M Lamers, E Özkalay, RSR Gali, GJM Janssen, AW Weeber, IG Romijn, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 185, 192-197, 2018
Radio resource allocation for cellular networks based on OFDMA with QoS guarantees
S Pietrzyk, GJM Janssen
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM'04. 4, 2694-2699, 2004
Delay estimation for ranging and localization using multiband channel state information
T Kazaz, GJM Janssen, J Romme, AJ Van der Veen
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (4), 2591-2607, 2021
WLC10-4: Performance measures of dynamic spectrum access networks
P Pawelczak, GJM Janssen, RV Prasad
IEEE Globecom 2006, 1-6, 2006
Positioning in a multipath channel using OFDM signals with carrier phase tracking
H Dun, CCJM Tiberius, GJM Janssen
IEEE Access 8, 13011-13028, 2020
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