Nathaniel Edelman
Nathaniel Edelman
Children's Hospital Colorado
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Genomic architecture and introgression shape a butterfly radiation
NB Edelman, PB Frandsen, M Miyagi, B Clavijo, J Davey, RB Dikow, ...
Science 366 (6465), 594-599, 2019
Clusters of iron-rich cells in the upper beak of pigeons are macrophages not magnetosensitive neurons
CD Treiber, MC Salzer, J Riegler, N Edelman, C Sugar, M Breuss, ...
Nature 484 (7394), 367-370, 2012
Prevalence and adaptive impact of introgression
NB Edelman, J Mallet
Annual review of genetics 55 (1), 265-283, 2021
Drosophila Interspecific Hybrids Phenocopy piRNA-Pathway Mutants
ES Kelleher, NB Edelman, DA Barbash
PLoS biology 10 (11), e1001428, 2012
No evidence for intracellular magnetite in putative vertebrate magnetoreceptors identified by magnetic screening
NB Edelman, T Fritz, S Nimpf, P Pichler, M Lauwers, RW Hickman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (1), 262-267, 2015
The biophysical, molecular, and anatomical landscape of pigeon CRY4: A candidate light-based quantal magnetosensor
T Hochstoeger, T Al Said, D Maestre, F Walter, A Vilceanu, M Pedron, ...
Science advances 6 (33), eabb9110, 2020
An iron-rich organelle in the cuticular plate of avian hair cells
M Lauwers, P Pichler, NB Edelman, GP Resch, L Ushakova, MC Salzer, ...
Current Biology 23 (10), 924-929, 2013
Improved Genome Assembly and Annotation for the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia)
C Holt, M Campbell, DA Keays, N Edelman, A Kapusta, E Maclary, ...
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 8 (5), 1391-1398, 2018
Recombination and selection against introgressed DNA
C Veller, NB Edelman, P Muralidhar, MA Nowak
Evolution 77 (4), 1131-1144, 2023
High resolution anatomical mapping confirms the absence of a magnetic sense system in the rostral upper beak of pigeons
CD Treiber, M Salzer, M Breuss, L Ushakova, M Lauwers, N Edelman, ...
Communicative & integrative biology 6 (4), e24859, 2013
Geographic contrasts between pre- and postzygotic barriers are consistent with reinforcement in Heliconius butterflies
N Rosser, LM Queste, B Cama, NB Edelman, F Mann, R Mori Pezo, ...
Evolution 73 (9), 1821-1838, 2019
Simultaneous TE analysis of 19 Heliconiine butterflies yields novel insights into rapid TE-based genome diversification and multiple SINE births and deaths
DA Ray, JR Grimshaw, MK Halsey, JM Korstian, AB Osmanski, ...
Genome biology and evolution 11 (8), 2162-2177, 2019
Complex basis of hybrid female sterility and Haldane's rule in Heliconius butterflies: Z‐linkage and epistasis
N Rosser, NB Edelman, LM Queste, M Nelson, F Seixas, ...
Molecular Ecology 31 (3), 959-977, 2022
Synteny-Based Genome Assembly for 16 Species of Heliconius Butterflies, and an Assessment of Structural Variation across the Genus
FA Seixas, NB Edelman, J Mallet
Genome Biology and Evolution 13 (7), evab069, 2021
Recombination, variance in genetic relatedness, and selection against introgressed DNA
C Veller, NB Edelman, P Muralidhar, MA Nowak
BioRxiv 846147, 2019
Variation in genetic relatedness is determined by the aggregate recombination process
C Veller, NB Edelman, P Muralidhar, MA Nowak
Genetics 216 (4), 985-994, 2020
De novo chromosome-length assembly of the mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) genome
S Lamb, AM Taylor, TA Hughes, BR McMillan, RT Larsen, R Khan, ...
Gigabyte 2021, gigabyte34, 2021
A Screen for F1 Hybrid Male Rescue Reveals No Major-Effect Hybrid Lethality Loci in the Drosophila melanogaster Autosomal Genome
TN Cuykendall, P Satyaki, S Ji, DM Clay, NB Edelman, A Kimchy, LH Li, ...
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 4 (12), 2451-2460, 2014
De novo chromosome level assembly of the mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) genome
S Lamb, AM Taylor, TA Hughes, BR McMillan, RT Larsen, R Khan, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.08. 12.456132, 2021
Evolutionary Effects of Hybridization
NB Edelman
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