Abbas  Ansar
Abbas Ansar
Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia ORCID 0000-0003-4521-1920
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Positive leadership psychology: Authentic and servant leadership in higher education in Pakistan
A Abbas, M Saud, F Suhariadi, I Usman, D Ekowati
Current Psychology 41 (10), 5859-5871, 2020
Servant leadership and religiosity: An indicator of employee performance in the education sector
A Abbas, M Saud, I Usman, D Ekowati
International Journal of Innovation Creativity and Change 13 (4), 391-409, 2020
Seeking social support through Religion, Psychological wellbeing and Social capital: A Global Survey on Coronavirus situational stress and coping strategies
M Saud, A Ashfaq, A Abbas, QK Mahmood
The social media and digitalization of political participation in youths: An Indonesian perspective
M Saud, R Ida, A Abbas, A Ashfaq, AR Ahmad
Society 8 (1), 83-93, 2020
Environmentally responsible behavior and Knowledge-Belief-Norm in the tourism context: The moderating role of types of destinations
RM Fenitra, GC Premananto, RMH Sedera, A Abbas, N Laila
International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks 10 (2), 273-288, 2022
Human capital creation: a collective psychological, social, organizational and religious perspective
A Abbas, D Ekowati, F Suhariadi, A Anwar
Journal of Religion and Health 63 (3), 2168-2200, 2024
Health implications, leaders societies, and climate change: a global review
A Abbas, D Ekowati, F Suhariadi, RM Fenitra
Ecological footprints of climate change: Adaptive approaches and …, 2023
Data set on coping strategies in the digital age: The role of psychological well-being and social capital among university students in Java Timor, Surabaya, Indonesia
A Abbas, A Eliyana, D Ekowati, MM Saud, A Raza, R Wardani
Data in Brief 30, 105583, 2020
Individual psychological distance: a leadership task to assess and cope with invisible change
A Abbas, D Ekowati, F Suhariadi
Journal of Management Development 40 (3), 168-189, 2021
Strategic intent and strategic leadership: A review perspective for post-COVID-19 tourism and hospitality industry recovery
RM Fenitra, A Abbas, D Ekowati, F Suhairidi
The Emerald handbook of destination recovery in tourism and hospitality, 23-44, 2022
Explaining littering prevention among park visitors using the Theory of Planned Behavior and Norm Activation Model
RM Fenitra, N Laila, GC Premananto, A Abbas, RMH Sedera
International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks 11 (1), 39-53, 2023
Servant leadership a strategic choice for organizational performance. An empirical discussion from Pakistan
A Abbas, M Saud, D Ekowati, I Usman, F Suhariadi
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2021
Negative vs. positive psychology: A review of science of well-being
A Abbas, D Ekowati, F Suhariadi, SAR Hamid
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 1-32, 2022
Integrating cycle of prochaska and diclemente with ethically responsible behavior theory for social change management: Post-covid-19 social cognitive perspective for change
A Abbas, D Ekowati, F Suhariadi, RM Fenitra, M Fahlevi
Handbook of research on global networking post Covid-19, 130-155, 2022
Engagement and flexibility: An empirical discussion about consultative leadership intent for productivity from Pakistan
D Ekowati, A Abbas, A Anwar, F Suhariadi, M Fahlevi
Cogent Business & Management 10 (1), 2196041, 2023
Managing individuals and organizations through leadership: Diversity consciousness roadmap
A Abbas, D Ekowati, F Suhariadi
Handbook of research on applied social psychology in multiculturalism, 47-71, 2021
Work from home: a behavioral model of Indonesian education workers' productivity during Covid-19
F Suhariadi, R Sugiarti, D Hardaningtyas, R Mulyati, E Kurniasari, ...
Heliyon 9 (3), 2023
Autonomy and feedback on innovative work behavior: The role of resilience as a mediating factor in Indonesian Islamic banks
S Suhandiah, F Suhariadi, P Yulianti, A Abbas
Cogent Business & Management 10 (1), 2178364, 2023
Social perspective: leadership in changing society
A Abbas, D Ekowati, F Suhariadi
Social morphology, human welfare, and sustainability, 89-107, 2022
Airlangga University
A Abbas
Indonesia, 2022
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