Prof. Raviteja Buddala  Ph.D
Prof. Raviteja Buddala Ph.D
Senior Assistant Professor at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Two-stage teaching-learning-based optimization method for flexible job-shop scheduling under machine breakdown
R Buddala, SS Mahapatra
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 100 (5-8 …, 2019
Improved teaching–learning-based and JAYA optimization algorithms for solving flexible flow shop scheduling problems
R Buddala, SS Mahapatra
Journal of Industrial Engineering International 14 (3), 555–570, 2018
An integrated approach for scheduling flexible job-shop using teaching–learning-based optimization method
R Buddala, SS Mahapatra
Journal of Industrial Engineering International 15 (1), 181–192, 2019
Literature Review: ERP Implementation in Various Industries
I Aggarwal, A Anirudh, R Buddala
2021 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 1-6, 2021
Review of machine learning applications in additive manufacturing
S Inayathullah, R Buddala
Results in Engineering, 103676, 2024
An effective teaching learning based optimization for flexible job shop scheduling
R Buddala, SS Mahapatra
International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization …, 2016
A Study on Shift towards Digitization of Hostel Room Allotment for a University
T Nandanwar, P Bahutule, R Buddala
2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology …, 2020
A Study on the Shift towards Digitization of Purchasing Products from Retail Shops
SK Maddiboina, SK Deshaboina, S Khosla, R Buddala, S Navaneeth
2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology …, 2020
Solving multi-objective flexible flow-shop scheduling problem using teaching-learning-based optimisation embedded with maximum deviation theory
R Buddala, SS Mahapatra, MR Singh
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 42 (1), 39-63, 2022
A study on shift towards digitalization of medical reimbursement by insurance companies during COVID like pandemic situation
A Das, R Anand, A Dash, R Buddala
2021 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 1-6, 2021
Improved TLBO and JAYA algorithms to solve new fuzzy flexible job-shop scheduling problems
R Buddala, SS Mahapatra, MR Singh, BC Balusa, VP Balam
Journal of Industrial Engineering International 18 (4), 103, 2022
Luggage and Utility Allocation with Convenience in a University
K Dhanapal, K Sivanandam, AS Moorthy, S Cidharth, R Buddala
2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology …, 2020
An Effective Jaya Optimization for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling
R Buddala, SS Mahapatra, AK Pandey, SB Mishra
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering …, 2016
A study on Shift towards Digitization of Approval of Permissions in a University
P Bagda, K Kumar, S Rajvanshi, A Jain, R Buddala
2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology …, 2020
A meta-heuristic approach for solving flexible flow-shop and job-shop scheduling problems
R Buddala
An efficient methodology for scheduling hybrid flow shop using water wave optimization technique
R Buddala, SS Mahapatra, TE Rao
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and …, 2016
An efficient methodology for scheduling hybrid flow shop using JAYA optimization technique
R Buddala, SS Mahapatra
An International Conference on Smart Strategies for Digital World – An …, 2016
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