Ricardo de Oliveira Bordonal
Ricardo de Oliveira Bordonal
Researcher at the Brazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory (LNBR/CNPEM)
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Sustainability of sugarcane production in Brazil. A review
RO Bordonal, JLN Carvalho, R Lal, EB De Figueiredo, BG De Oliveira, ...
Agronomy for sustainable development 38, 1-23, 2018
Agronomic and environmental implications of sugarcane straw removal: a major review
JLN Carvalho, RC Nogueirol, LMS Menandro, RO Bordonal, CD Borges, ...
Global Change Biology Bioenergy 9 (7), 1181-1195, 2017
Greenhouse gas balance and carbon footprint of beef cattle in three contrasting pasture-management systems in Brazil
EB de Figueiredo, S Jayasundara, R de Oliveira Bordonal, TT Berchielli, ...
Journal of cleaner production 142, 420-431, 2017
Soil physical quality response to sugarcane straw removal in Brazil: A multi-approach assessment
GA Castioni, MR Cherubin, LMS Menandro, GM Sanches, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 184, 301-309, 2018
Sugarcane yield and soil carbon response to straw removal in south-central Brazil
R de Oliveira Bordonal, LMS Menandro, LC Barbosa, R Lal, DMBP Milori, ...
Geoderma 328, 79-90, 2018
Environmental and economic impacts of different sugarcane production systems in the ethanol biorefinery
MF Chagas, RO Bordonal, O Cavalett, JLN Carvalho, A Bonomi, ...
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 10, 89-106, 2016
Changes in quantity and quality of soil carbon due to the land-use conversion to sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) plantation in southern Brazil
R de Oliveira Bordonal, R Lal, CC Ronquim, EB de Figueiredo, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 240, 54-65, 2017
Soil physical quality associated with tillage practices during sugarcane planting in south-central Brazil
LC Barbosa, PSG Magalhães, RO Bordonal, MR Cherubin, GAF Castioni, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 195, 104383, 2019
Soil health response to sugarcane straw removal in Brazil
MR Cherubin, RO Bordonal, GA Castioni, EM Guimaraes, IP Lisboa, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 163, 113315, 2021
Can reduced tillage sustain sugarcane yield and soil carbon if straw is removed?
S Tenelli, R de Oliveira Bordonal, LC Barbosa, JLN Carvalho
Bioenergy research 12, 764-777, 2019
Sugarcane straw removal: implications to soil fertility and fertilizer demand in Brazil
MR Cherubin, IP Lisboa, AGB Silva, LL Varanda, RO Bordonal, ...
BioEnergy Research 12, 888-900, 2019
Straw removal affects soil physical quality and sugarcane yield in Brazil
GAF Castioni, MR Cherubin, RO Bordonal, LC Barbosa, LMS Menandro, ...
BioEnergy Research 12, 789-800, 2019
Greenhouse gas balance due to the conversion of sugarcane areas from burned to green harvest, considering other conservationist management practices
R de Oliveira Bordonal, EB de Figueiredo, N La Scala Jr
Gcb Bioenergy 4 (6), 846-858, 2012
Multilocation straw removal effects on sugarcane yield in south-central Brazil
JLN Carvalho, LMS Menandro, SGQ de Castro, MR Cherubin, ...
BioEnergy Research 12, 813-829, 2019
Sustainable intensification of sugarcane production under irrigation systems, considering climate interactions and agricultural efficiency
NP Cardozo, R de Oliveira Bordonal, N La Scala Jr
Journal of Cleaner Production 204, 861-871, 2018
Greenhouse gas emission estimate in sugarcane irrigation in Brazil: is it possible to reduce it, and still increase crop yield?
NP Cardozo, R de Oliveira Bordonal, N La Scala Jr
Journal of cleaner production 112, 3988-3997, 2016
Greenhouse gas mitigation potential from green harvested sugarcane scenarios in São Paulo State, Brazil
R de Oliveira Bordonal, EB de Figueiredo, DA Aguiar, M Adami, ...
biomass and bioenergy 59, 195-207, 2013
Implications of regional N2O–N emission factors on sugarcane ethanol emissions and granted decarbonization certificates
JLN Carvalho, BG Oliveira, H Cantarella, MF Chagas, LC Gonzaga, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149, 111423, 2021
Greenhouse gas balance from cultivation and direct land use change of recently established sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) plantation in south-central Brazil
R de Oliveira Bordonal, R Lal, DA Aguiar, EB De Figueiredo, LI Perillo, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52, 547-556, 2015
Mapping the environmental and techno‐economic potential of biojet fuel production from biomass residues in Brazil
WR Cervi, RAC Lamparelli, BC Gallo, R de Oliveira Bordonal, ...
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 15 (1), 282-304, 2021
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