Francisco P. Romero
Sentiment analysis: A review and comparative analysis of web services
J Serrano-Guerrero, JA Olivas, FP Romero, E Herrera-Viedma
Information Sciences 311, 18-38, 2015
A google wave-based fuzzy recommender system to disseminate information in University Digital Libraries 2.0
J Serrano-Guerrero, E Herrera-Viedma, JA Olivas, A Cerezo, FP Romero
Information Sciences 181 (9), 1503-1516, 2011
Fuzzy logic applied to opinion mining: a review
J Serrano-Guerrero, FP Romero, JA Olivas
Knowledge-Based Systems 222, 107018, 2021
Using metrics to predict OO information systems maintainability
M Genero, J Olivas, M Piattini, F Romero
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 13th International Conference …, 2001
SLR-Tool: A Tool for Performing Systematic Literature Reviews.
AM Fernández-Sáez, MG Bocco, FP Romero
ICSOFT (2), 157-166, 2010
Fuzzy ontologies-based user profiles applied to enhance e-learning activities
M Ferreira-Satler, FP Romero, VH Menendez-Dominguez, A Zapata, ...
Soft Computing 16, 1129-1141, 2012
Hiperion: A fuzzy approach for recommending educational activities based on the acquisition of competences
J Serrano-Guerrero, FP Romero, JA Olivas
Information sciences 248, 114-129, 2013
An application of the FIS-CRM model to the FISS metasearcher: Using fuzzy synonymy and fuzzy generality for representing concepts in documents
JA Olivas, PJ Garcés, FP Romero
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 34 (2-3), 201-219, 2003
An adaptive approach to enhanced traffic signal optimization by using soft-computing techniques
E Angulo, FP Romero, R García, J Serrano-Guerrero, JA Olivas
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (3), 2235-2247, 2011
Concept‐matching IR systems versus word‐matching information retrieval systems: Considering fuzzy interrelations for indexing Web pages
PJ Garcés, JA Olivas, FP Romero
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57 (4 …, 2006
A T1OWA and aspect-based model for customizing recommendations on eCommerce
J Serrano-Guerrero, JA Olivas, FP Romero
Applied Soft Computing 97, 106768, 2020
Classifying unlabeled short texts using a fuzzy declarative approach
FP Romero, P Julián-Iranzo, A Soto, M Ferreira-Satler, J Gallardo-Casero
Language resources and evaluation 47, 151-178, 2013
A fuzzy ontology approach to represent user profiles in e-learning environments
M Ferreira-Satler, FP Romero, VH Menendez, A Zapata, ME Prieto
International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1-8, 2010
FPKD. Fuzzy Prototypical Knowledge Discovery. Application to Forest Fire Prediction
J Olivas, FP Romero
Proceedings of the SEKE, 47-54, 2000
A picture fuzzy set multi criteria decision-making approach to customize hospital recommendations based on patient feedback
M Bani-Doumi, J Serrano-Guerrero, F Chiclana, FP Romero, JA Olivas
Applied soft computing 153, 111331, 2024
A controlled experiment for corroborating the usefulness of class diagram metrics at the early phases of OO developments.
M Genero, JA Olivas, M Piattini, FP Romero, R de Calatrava
ADIS, 2001
BUDI: Architecture for Fuzzy Search in Documental Repositories.
J Serrano-Guerrero, FP Romero, JA Olivas, J de la Mata
Mathware and Soft Computing 16, 71-85, 2009
Understanding what patients think about hospitals: A deep learning approach for detecting emotions in patient opinions
J Serrano-Guerrero, M Bani-Doumi, FP Romero, JA Olivas
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 128, 102298, 2022
An application of fuzzy prototypes to the diagnosis and treatment of fuzzy diseases
R Romero‐Córdoba, JA Olivas, FP Romero, F Alonso‐Gonzalez, ...
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 32 (2), 194-210, 2017
ChatGPT: reflexiones sobre la irrupción de la inteligencia artificial generativa en la docencia universitaria
L Jiménez Linares, JA López-Gómez, JÁ Martín-Baos, FP Romero, ...
Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2023
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