Bert De Waele
Bert De Waele
Principal Geologist, Global Project Generation
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Assembly, configuration, and break-up history of Rodinia: a synthesis
ZX Li, SV Bogdanova, AS Collins, A Davidson, B De Waele, RE Ernst, ...
Precambrian research 160 (1-2), 179-210, 2008
The 1375 Ma “Kibaran event” in Central Africa: Prominent emplacement of bimodal magmatism under extensional regime
L Tack, MTD Wingate, B De Waele, J Meert, E Belousova, B Griffin, ...
Precambrian research 180 (1-2), 63-84, 2010
Palaeoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic growth and evolution of the eastern Congo Craton: its role in the Rodinia puzzle
B De Waele, SP Johnson, SA Pisarevsky
Precambrian Research 160 (1-2), 127-141, 2008
The Mesoproterozoic Karagwe-Ankole Belt (formerly the NE Kibara Belt): The result of prolonged extensional intracratonic basin development punctuated by two short-lived far …
M Fernandez-Alonso, H Cutten, B De Waele, L Tack, A Tahon, D Baudet, ...
Precambrian Research 216, 63-86, 2012
New geochronological constraints on the geological evolution of Espinhaço basin within the São Francisco Craton—Brazil
A Danderfer, B De Waele, AJ Pedreira, HA Nalini
Precambrian Research 170 (1-2), 116-128, 2009
A review of the Mesoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic magmatic and tectonothermal history of south–central Africa: implications for Rodinia and Gondwana
SP Johnson, T Rivers, B De Waele
Journal of the Geological Society 162 (3), 433-450, 2005
The mesoproterozoic Irumide belt of Zambia
B De Waele, AB Kampunzu, BSE Mapani, F Tembo
Journal of African Earth Sciences 46 (1-2), 36-70, 2006
Isotopic and geochemical evidence of Proterozoic episodic crustal reworking within the Irumide Belt of south-central Africa, the southern metacratonic boundary of an Archaean …
B De Waele, JP Liégeois, AA Nemchin, F Tembo
Precambrian Research 148 (3-4), 225-256, 2006
Timing and dynamics of the juxtaposition of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt against the Bhandara Craton, India: A structural and zircon U‐Pb SHRIMP study of the fold‐thrust belt …
TK Biswal, B De Waele, H Ahuja
Tectonics 26 (4), 2007
Untying the Kibaran knot: A reassessment of Mesoproterozoic correlations in southern Africa based on SHRIMP U-Pb data from the Irumide belt
B De Waele, MTD Wingate, ICW Fitzsimons, BSE Mapani
Geology 31 (6), 509-512, 2003
Palaeomagnetic, geochronological and geochemical study of Mesoproterozoic Lakhna Dykes in the Bastar Craton, India: Implications for the Mesoproterozoic supercontinent
SA Pisarevsky, TK Biswal, XC Wang, B De Waele, R Ernst, U Söderlund, ...
Lithos 174, 125-143, 2013
Proterozoic tectonostratigraphy and paleogeography of central Madagascar derived from detrital zircon U-Pb age populations
R Cox, DS Coleman, CB Chokel, SB DeOreo, JL Wooden, AS Collins, ...
The Journal of geology 112 (4), 379-399, 2004
Sveconorwegian massif-type anorthosites and related granitoids result from post-collisional melting of a continental arc root
J Vander Auwera, O Bolle, B Bingen, JP Liégeois, M Bogaerts, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 107 (3-4), 375-397, 2011
Late Ediacaran geological evolution (575–555 Ma) of the Djanet Terrane, Eastern Hoggar, Algeria, evidence for a Murzukian intracontinental episode
N Fezaa, JP Liégeois, N Abdallah, EH Cherfouh, B De Waele, O Bruguier, ...
Precambrian Research 180 (3-4), 299-327, 2010
Tectonic setting of the Balaram-Kui-Surpagla-Kengora granulites of the South Delhi Terrane of the Aravalli Mobile Belt, NW India and its implication on correlation with the …
YK Singh, B De Waele, S Karmakar, S Sarkar, TK Biswal
Precambrian Research 183 (4), 669-688, 2010
Geological evolution of the Neoproterozoic Bemarivo belt, northern Madagascar
RJ Thomas, B De Waele, DI Schofield, KM Goodenough, M Horstwood, ...
Precambrian Research 172 (3-4), 279-300, 2009
The geochronological framework of the Irumide Belt: A prolonged crustal history along the margin of the Bangweulu Craton.
B De Waele, I Fitzsimons, M Wingate, F Tembo, B Mapani, E Belousova
American Journal of Science 309 (2), 132-187, 2009
Geochronology of the Zambezi supracrustal sequence, southern Zambia: a record of Neoproterozoic divergent processes along the southern margin of the Congo Craton
SP Johnson, B De Waele, D Evans, W Banda, F Tembo, JA Milton, K Tani
The Journal of Geology 115 (3), 355-374, 2007
Post-collisional magmatism in the central East African Orogen: the Maevarano Suite of north Madagascar
KM Goodenough, RJ Thomas, B De Waele, RM Key, DI Schofield, ...
Lithos 116 (1-2), 18-34, 2010
Contemporaneous evolution of the Palaeoproterozoic–Mesoproterozoic sedimentary basins of the São Francisco–Congo Craton
AJ Pedreira, B De Waele
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