Jumaa Salman Chiad
Jumaa Salman Chiad
Alnahrain University - College of Engineering
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Design and manufacturing knee joint for smart transfemoral prosthetic
FM Kadhim, JS Chiad, AM Takhakh
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 454, 012078, 2018
Buckling Investigation of Isotropic Composite Plate Reinforced by Different Types of Powders
MAWMA Al-Shammari
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) 9 (9 …, 2018
Vibration Analysis and Measurement in Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis for Both Metal and Plastic KAFO Type
AM Takhakh, FM Kadhim, JS Chiad
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 56222 …, 2013
Vibration Analysis and Measurement in the Below Knee Prosthetic Limb: Part I—Experimental Work
BA Bedaiwi, JS Chiad
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 45189, 851-858, 2012
Effect of number and location of dampers on suspension system for washing machine
JS Chiad, FA Abdulla
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) 9 (08 …, 2018
Modeling and evaluation of smart economic transfemral prosthetic
FM Kadhim, AM Takhakh, JS Chiad
Defect and Diffusion Forum 398, 48-53, 2020
The study and analysis of stress distribution subjected on the replacement knee joint components using photo-elasticity and numerical methods
ND Yaseen, JS Chiad, FMA Ghani
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and …, 2018
Evaluation and analysis of different types of prosthetic knee joint used by above knee amputee
FM Kadhim, JS Chiad, MAS Enad
Defect and diffusion forum 398, 34-40, 2020
Study the impact behavior of the prosthetic lower limb lamination materials due to low velocity impactor
JS Chiad
Engineering Systems Design and Analysis 45844, V002T07A001, 2014
Study and evaluation of four bar polycentric knee used in the prosthetic limb for transfemoral amputee during the gait cycle
FT Al-Maliky, JS Chiad
Materials Today: Proceedings 42, 2706-2712, 2021
Study, analysis, the vibration and stability for the artificial hand during its daily working
YKY Shafeeq Yusra Alyas, S Chiad Jumaa
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 9 (13), 1706-1716, 2018
Effects of Lamination Layers on the Mechanical Properties for Above Knee Prosthetic Socket
MJJ SS Hasan, JS Chiad
Engineering and Technology Journal 27 (4), 13, 2009
A review of passive and quasi-passive lower limb exoskeletons for gait rehabilitation
NK Al-Hayali, JS Chiad, SM Nacy, O Hussein
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments 44 (9), 436-447, 2021
A review study for measurement, analysis and evaluation four bar polycentric knee
FT Al-Maliky, JS Chiad
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1094 (1), 012113, 2021
A suggested new material to manufacture above-knee prosthetic socket using the lamination of monofilament, cotton and perlon Fibers
JS Chiad, MSD Tahir
Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences 20 (4), 832-837, 2017
Enhancement of the mechanical properties for above-knee prosthetic socket by using the bamboo fiber.
JS Chiad, MS al-Din Tahir
International Journal of Energy & Environment 8 (4), 2017
Experimental study for materials prosthetic above knee socket under tensile or fatigue stress with varying temperatures effect
HR Wasmi, JS Chiad, AA Hamzah
Journal of Engineering 20 (03), 87-95, 2014
Effects of Lamination Layers on the Mechanical Properties for Above Knee Prosthetic Socket. Eng. &Tech
MJ Jweeg, SS Hasan, JS Chiad
Journal 27 (4), 2009
Design and manufacturing a smart shoe for diabetic foot ulcer monitoring and prediction system using internet-of-things technology
RF Ghazi, JS Chiad, FM Abdulghani
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 46 …, 2024
Effect of the carbon nanotube (CNT) in the materials used for prosthetics and orthotics applications
JS Chiad, W Sadik, AH Jeryo
International Journal of Energy and Environment 9 (3), 283-294, 2018
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