Luca Magri
T-linkage: A continuous relaxation of j-linkage for multi-model fitting
L Magri, A Fusiello
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2014
On indirect noise in multicomponent nozzle flows
L Magri
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 828 (R2), 2017
Sensitivity analysis of a time-delayed thermo-acoustic system via an adjoint-based approach
L Magri, MP Juniper
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 719, 183-202, 2013
Multiple model fitting as a set coverage problem
L Magri, A Fusiello
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
Adjoint methods as design tools in thermoacoustics
L Magri
Applied Mechanics Reviews 71 (2), 020801, 2019
Robust multiple model fitting with preference analysis and low-rank approximation
L Magri, A Fusiello
Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2015, 20.1-20.12, 2015
Robust optimization and validation of echo state networks for learning chaotic dynamics
A Racca, L Magri
Neural Networks 142, 252-268, 2021
Physics-informed echo state networks
NAK Doan, W Polifke, L Magri
Journal of Computational Science 47, 101237, 2020
Robust absolute rotation estimation via low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition
F Arrigoni, L Magri, B Rossi, P Fragneto, A Fusiello
2014 2nd International Conference on 3D Vision 1, 491-498, 2014
Physics-informed echo state networks for chaotic systems forecasting
NAK Doan, W Polifke, L Magri
Computational Science–ICCS 2019: 19th International Conference, Faro …, 2019
Uncertainty quantification of growth rates of thermoacoustic instability by an adjoint Helmholtz solver
CF Silva, L Magri, T Runte, W Polifke
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 139 (1), 011901, 2017
Stability analysis of thermo-acoustic nonlinear eigenproblems in annular combustors. Part II. Uncertainty quantification
L Magri, M Bauerheim, F Nicoud, MP Juniper
Journal of Computational Physics 325, 411-421, 2016
Lyapunov exponent as a metric for assessing the dynamic content and predictability of large-eddy simulations
G Nastac, JW Labahn, L Magri, M Ihme
Physical Review Fluids 2 (9), 094606, 2017
Global modes, receptivity, and sensitivity analysis of diffusion flames coupled with duct acoustics
L Magri, MP Juniper
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 752, 237-265, 2014
Short-and long-term predictions of chaotic flows and extreme events: a physics-constrained reservoir computing approach
NAK Doan, W Polifke, L Magri
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477 (2253), 20210135, 2021
Exceptional points in the thermoacoustic spectrum
GA Mensah, L Magri, CF Silva, PE Buschmann, JP Moeck
Journal of Sound and Vibration 433, 124-128, 2018
Stability, sensitivity and optimisation of chaotic acoustic oscillations
F Huhn, L Magri
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 882, A24, 2020
Stability analysis of thermo-acoustic nonlinear eigenproblems in annular combustors. Part I. Sensitivity
L Magri, M Bauerheim, MP Juniper
Journal of Computational Physics 325, 395-410, 2016
Sensitivity of the Rayleigh criterion in thermoacoustics
L Magri, MP Juniper, JP Moeck
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 882, R1, 2020
Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis of low-order thermoacoustic networks using a wave-based approach
JG Aguilar, L Magri, MP Juniper
Journal of Computational Physics 341, 163-181, 2017
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