Margriet Palm
Margriet Palm
RIVM, Food Safety
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Simulating tissue mechanics with agent-based models: concepts, perspectives and some novel results
P Van Liedekerke, MM Palm, N Jagiella, D Drasdo
Computational particle mechanics 2, 401-444, 2015
Quorum regulation via nested antagonistic feedback circuits mediated by the receptors CD28 and CTLA-4 confers robustness to T cell population dynamics
S Zenke, MM Palm, J Braun, A Gavrilov, P Meiser, JP Böttcher, ...
Immunity 52 (2), 313-327. e7, 2020
Computational screening of angiogenesis model variants predicts that differential chemotaxis helps Tip cells move to the sprout Tip and accelerates sprouting
MM Palm, MG Dallinga, E van Dijk, I Klaassen, RO Schlingemann, ...
PloS one, 2016
Vascular networks due to dynamically arrested crystalline ordering of elongated cells
MM Palm, RMH Merks
Physical Review E 87 (1), 012725, 2013
Large-Scale Parameter Studies of Cell-Based Models of Tissue Morphogenesis Using CompuCell3D or VirtualLeaf
MM Palm, RMH Merks
Tissue Morphogenesis: Methods and Protocols, 301-322, 2015
Computational Modeling of Angiogenesis: Towards a Multi-Scale Understanding of Cell–Cell and Cell–Matrix Interactions
SEM Boas, MM Palm, P Koolwijk, RMH Merks
Mechanical and Chemical Signaling in Angiogenesis, 161-183, 2012
Heritable tumor cell division rate heterogeneity induces clonal dominance
MM Palm, M Elemans, JB Beltman
PLoS Computational Biology 14 (2), e1005954, 2018
Simulating tissue mechanics with agent-based models: concepts, perspectives and some novel results. Comput Part Mech 2 (4): 401–444
P Van Liedekerke, MM Palm, N Jagiella, D Drasdo
Modeling molecule exchange at membranes
MM Palm, MN Steijaert, HMM Ten Eikelder, PAJ Hilbers
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Foundations of …, 2009
Scientific report: Training workshop interdisciplinary life sciences
G Akudibillah, SEM Boas, BM Carreres, M Dallinga, AJ van Dijk, ...
PeerJ PrePrints, 2014
High-throughput simulation studies of angiogenesis-Reverse engineering the role of tip cells and pericytes in vascular development
MMM Palm
Leiden University, 2014
A parameter study of a computational angiogenesis model suggests that limited Apelin sensitivity enables tip cells to lead sprouts
M Palm, M Dallinga, E van Dijk, I Klaassen, R Schlingemann, R Merks
9th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, 2014
Erratum: Vascular networks due to dynamically arrested crystalline ordering of elongated cells [Phys. Rev. E 87, 012725 (2013)]
MM Palm, RMH Merks
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (6 …, 2013
Large-scale parameter studies of cell-based models of tissue morphogenesis using CompuCell3D or VirtualLeaf
F Lignet, A Emde, MM Palm, Y Yarden, E Grenier, RMH Merks, B Ribba
Computational screening of angiogenesis model variants predicts that apelin signaling helps tip cells move to the sprout tip to accelerate sprouting
MM Palm, MG Dallinga, E van Dijk, I Klaassen, RO Schlingemann, ...
Diffusive signaling between endothelial cells and pericytes can cause network collapse and subsequent sprouting
MM Palm, HH Versteeg, RMH Merks
High-throughput simulation studies of angiogenesis
M Palm
Quorum-regulation mediated by nested antagonistic feedback circuits via CD28 and CTLA-4 confers robustness to CD8+ T cell population dynamics
S Zenke, MM Palm, J Braun, A Gavrilov, P Meiser, JP Böttcher, ...
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