Yudong Lian (廉玉东)
Yudong Lian (廉玉东)
Kiti vardaiLian Yudong
Center for Advanced Laser Technology, Hebei University of Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Analytical model for plasmon modes in graphene-coated nanowire
Y Gao, G Ren, B Zhu, H Liu, Y Lian, S Jian
Optics express 22 (20), 24322-24331, 2014
OAM beam generation in space and its applications: A review
Y Lian, X Qi, Y Wang, Z Bai, Y Wang, Z Lu
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 151, 106923, 2022
A large detection-range plasmonic sensor based on an H-shaped photonic crystal fiber
H Han, D Hou, L Zhao, N Luan, L Song, Z Liu, Y Lian, J Liu, Y Hu
Sensors 20 (4), 1009, 2020
Wavelength-switchable fiber laser based on few-mode fiber filter with core-offset structure
Y Qi, Z Kang, J Sun, L Ma, W Jin, Y Lian, S Jian
Optics & Laser Technology 81, 26-32, 2016
A high refractive index plasmonic sensor based on D-shaped photonic crystal fiber with laterally accessible hollow-core
N Luan, L Zhao, Y Lian, S Lou
IEEE Photonics Journal 10 (5), 1-7, 2018
Theoretical analysis of all-solid D-type photonic crystal fiber based plasmonic sensor for refractive index and temperature sensing
L Zhao, H Han, Y Lian, N Luan, J Liu
Optical fiber technology 50, 165-171, 2019
Tunable orbital angular momentum generation in optical fibers
Y Jiang, G Ren, Y Lian, B Zhu, W Jin, S Jian
Optics letters 41 (15), 3535-3538, 2016
Broadband orbital angular momentum transmission using a hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber
H Li, G Ren, Y Lian, B Zhu, M Tang, Y Zhao, S Jian
Optics letters 41 (15), 3591-3594, 2016
Switchable multiwavelength fiber laser using erbium-doped twin-core fiber and nonlinear polarization rotation
Y Lian, G Ren, B Zhu, Y Gao, W Jian, W Ren, S Jian
Laser physics letters 14 (5), 055101, 2017
Field enhancement and gradient force in the graphene-coated nanowire pairs
B Zhu, G Ren, Y Yang, Y Gao, B Wu, Y Lian, J Wang, S Jian
Plasmonics 10, 839-845, 2015
Generation, transmission and application of orbital angular momentum in optical fiber: A review
M Ma, Y Lian, Y Wang, Z Lu
Frontiers in Physics 9, 773505, 2021
Tunable subwavelength terahertz plasmon-induced transparency in the InSb slot waveguide side-coupled with two stub resonators
H Liu, G Ren, Y Gao, Y Lian, Y Qi, S Jian
Applied Optics 54 (13), 3918-3924, 2015
Simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature based on NFN structure
Y Bai, B Yin, C Liu, S Liu, Y Lian, S Jian
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 26 (21), 2193-2196, 2014
OAM beams generation technology in optical fiber: A review
Y Lian, Y Yu, S Han, N Luan, Y Wang, Z Lu
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (5), 3828-3843, 2022
Graphene-coated tapered nanowire infrared probe: a comparison with metal-coated probes
B Zhu, G Ren, Y Gao, Y Yang, Y Lian, S Jian
Optics Express 22 (20), 24096-24103, 2014
Optical methods of laser ultrasonic testing technology in the industrial and engineering applications: A review
L Xie, Y Lian, F Du, Y Wang, Z Lu
Optics & Laser Technology 176, 110876, 2024
Multiwavelength Fiber Laser Using Erbium-Doped Twin-Core Fiber and Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror
Y Lian, J Wang, M Yang, Y Zhang, Y Wang
IEEE Access 7 (1), 152478-152482, 2019
Design of PCF supporting 86 OAM modes with high mode quality and low nonlinear coefficient
Y Yu, Y Lian, Q Hu, L Xie, J Ding, Y Wang, Z Lu
Photonics 9 (4), 266, 2022
Numerical simulation of metal defect detection based on laser ultrasound
Y Wang, S Han, Y Yu, X Qi, Y Zhang, Y Lian, Z Bai, Y Wang, Z Lv
IEEE Photonics Journal 13 (4), 1-9, 2021
Dual-band near-infrared plasmonic perfect absorber assisted by strong coupling between bright-dark nanoresonators
Y Lian, G Ren, H Liu, Y Gao, B Zhu, B Wu, S Jian
Optics Communications 380, 267-272, 2016
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