H. Rashwan
Breast tumor segmentation and shape classification in mammograms using generative adversarial and convolutional neural network
VK Singh, HA Rashwan, S Romani, F Akram, N Pandey, MMK Sarker, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 139, 112855, 2020
Monovit: Self-supervised monocular depth estimation with a vision transformer
C Zhao, Y Zhang, M Poggi, F Tosi, X Guo, Z Zhu, G Huang, Y Tang, ...
2022 international conference on 3D vision (3DV), 668-678, 2022
Efficient skin lesion segmentation using separable-Unet with stochastic weight averaging
P Tang, Q Liang, X Yan, S Xiang, W Sun, D Zhang, G Coppola
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 178, 289-301, 2019
SLSDeep: Skin lesion segmentation based on dilated residual and pyramid pooling networks
MMK Sarker, HA Rashwan, F Akram, SF Banu, A Saleh, VK Singh, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st …, 2018
Monocular depth estimation using deep learning: A review
A Masoumian, HA Rashwan, J Cristiano, MS Asif, D Puig
Sensors 22 (14), 5353, 2022
Artificial neural network based breast cancer screening: a comprehensive review
S Bharati, P Podder, M Mondal
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.01767, 2020
T-YOLO: Tiny vehicle detection based on YOLO and multi-scale convolutional neural networks
DP Carrasco, HA Rashwan, MÁ García, D Puig
Ieee Access 11, 22430-22440, 2021
Fully automated breast density segmentation and classification using deep learning
N Saffari, HA Rashwan, M Abdel-Nasser, V Kumar Singh, M Arenas, ...
Diagnostics 10 (11), 988, 2020
Breast cancer masses classification using deep convolutional neural networks and transfer learning
SA Hassan, MS Sayed, MI Abdalla, MA Rashwan
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (41), 30735-30768, 2020
Illumination-robust optical flow using a local directional pattern
MA Mohamed, HA Rashwan, B Mertsching, MA García, D Puig
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 24 (9), 1499-1508, 2014
BSCGAN: Deep Background Subtraction with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
MC Bakkay, HA Rashwan, H Salmane, L Khoudour, D Puigtt, Y Ruichek
2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4018-4022, 2018
Analysis of tissue abnormality and breast density in mammographic images using a uniform local directional pattern
M Abdel-Nasser, HA Rashwan, D Puig, A Moreno
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (24), 9499-9511, 2015
SLSNet: Skin lesion segmentation using a lightweight generative adversarial network
MMK Sarker, HA Rashwan, F Akram, VK Singh, SF Banu, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 183, 115433, 2021
Breast tumor segmentation in ultrasound images using contextual-information-aware deep adversarial learning framework
VK Singh, M Abdel-Nasser, F Akram, HA Rashwan, MMK Sarker, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 162, 113870, 2020
Conditional generative adversarial and convolutional networks for X-ray breast mass segmentation and shape classification
VK Singh, S Romani, HA Rashwan, F Akram, N Pandey, MMK Sarker, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st …, 2018
FCA-Net: Adversarial learning for skin lesion segmentation based on multi-scale features and factorized channel attention
VK Singh, M Abdel-Nasser, HA Rashwan, F Akram, N Pandey, A Lalande, ...
Ieee Access 7, 130552-130565, 2019
GCNDepth: Self-supervised monocular depth estimation based on graph convolutional network
A Masoumian, HA Rashwan, S Abdulwahab, J Cristiano, MS Asif, D Puig
Neurocomputing 517, 81-92, 2023
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2021: 24th International Conference, Strasbourg, France, September 27–October 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part III
M De Bruijne, PC Cattin, S Cotin, N Padoy, S Speidel, Y Zheng, C Essert
Springer Nature, 2021
Deep learning framework with confused sub-set resolution architecture for automatic Arabic diacritization
MAA Rashwan, AA Al Sallab, HM Raafat, A Rafea
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, And Language Processing 23 (3), 505-516, 2015
On improving security of GPT cryptosystems
EM Gabidulin, H Rashwan, B Honary
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1110-1114, 2009
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