Anwar Sunna
Anwar Sunna
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Xylanolytic enzymes from fungi and bacteria
A Sunna, G Antranikian
Critical reviews in biotechnology 17 (1), 39-67, 1997
Tunable lifetime multiplexing using luminescent nanocrystals
Y Lu, J Zhao, R Zhang, Y Liu, D Liu, EM Goldys, X Yang, P Xi, A Sunna, ...
Nature Photonics 8 (1), 32-36, 2014
Solid-binding peptides: smart tools for nanobiotechnology
A Care, PL Bergquist, A Sunna
Trends in biotechnology 33 (5), 259-268, 2015
Prospecting for novel lipase genes using PCR
PJL Bell, A Sunna, MD Gibbs, NC Curach, H Nevalainen, PL Bergquist
Microbiology 148 (8), 2283-2291, 2002
Glycosyl hydrolases from hyperthermophiles
A Sunna, M Moracci, M Rossi, G Antranikian
Extremophiles 1, 2-13, 1997
Bioproducts From Euglena gracilis: Synthesis and Applications
A Gissibl, A Sun, A Care, H Nevalainen, A Sunna
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 7, 108, 2019
Alicyclobacillus hesperidum sp. nov. and a related genomic species from solfataric soils of São Miguel in the Azores.
L Albuquerque, FA Rainey, AP Chung, A Sunna, MF Nobre, R Grote, ...
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 50 (2 …, 2000
A gene encoding a novel extremely thermostable 1, 4-β-xylanase isolated directly from an environmental DNA sample
A Sunna, PL Bergquist
Extremophiles 7, 63-70, 2003
Bioengineering strategies for protein-based nanoparticles
D Diaz, A Care, A Sunna
Genes 9 (7), 370, 2018
Facile assembly of functional upconversion nanoparticles for targeted cancer imaging and photodynamic therapy
L Liang, A Care, R Zhang, Y Lu, NH Packer, A Sunna, Y Qian, AV Zvyagin
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (19), 11945-11953, 2016
A Gene Encoding a Novel Multidomain β-1,4-Mannanase from Caldibacillus cellulovorans and Action of the Recombinant Enzyme on Kraft Pulp
A Sunna, MD Gibbs, CWJ Chin, PJ Nelson, PL Bergquist
Applied and environmental microbiology 66 (2), 664-670, 2000
Proteomic response of Euglena gracilis to heavy metal exposure–identification of key proteins involved in heavy metal tolerance and accumulation
B Khatiwada, MT Hasan, A Sun, KS Kamath, M Mirzaei, A Sunna, ...
Algal Research 45, 101764, 2020
A novel thermostable multidomain 1,4-β-xylanase from ‘Caldibacillus cellulovorans’ and effect of its xylan-binding domain on enzyme activity
A Sunna, MD Gibbs, PL Bergquist
Microbiology 146 (11), 2947-2955, 2000
Versatile Platform for Nanoparticle Surface Bioengineering Based on SiO2-Binding Peptide and Proteinaceous Barnase*Barstar Interface
VO Shipunova, IV Zelepukin, OA Stremovskiy, MP Nikitin, A Care, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (20), 17437-17447, 2018
Characterization of the xylanases from the new isolated thermophilic xylan-degrading Bacillus thermoleovorans strain K-3d and Bacillus flavothermus strain LB3A
A Sunna, SG Prowe, T Stoffregen, G Antranikian
FEMS microbiology letters 148 (2), 209-216, 1997
Developing protein-based nanoparticles as versatile delivery systems for cancer therapy and imaging
F Sandra, NU Khaliq, A Sunna, A Care
Nanomaterials 9 (9), 1329, 2019
Sequencing and Expression of a β-Mannanase Gene from the Extreme Thermophile Dictyoglomus thermophilum Rt46B.1, and Characteristics of the Recombinant …
MD Gibbs, RA Reeves, A Sunna, PL Bergquist
Current microbiology 39, 351-357, 1999
Identification of Bacillus kaustophilus, Bacillus thermocatenulatus and Bacillus strain HSR as members of Bacillus thermoleovorans
A Sunna, S Tokajian, J Burghardt, F Rainey, G Antranikian, F Hashwa
Systematic and applied microbiology 20 (2), 232-237, 1997
Biochemical characterization of a recombinant thermoalkalophilic lipase and assessment of its substrate enantioselectivity
A Sunna, L Hunter, CA Hutton, PL Bergquist
Enzyme and microbial technology 31 (4), 472-476, 2002
Tools and strategies for constructing cell-free enzyme pathways
K Petroll, D Kopp, A Care, PL Bergquist, A Sunna
Biotechnology advances 37 (1), 91-108, 2019
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