Pierre G. Tovihoudji
Pierre G. Tovihoudji
Kiti vardaiG. Pierre TOVIHOUDJI, Tovihoudji Gbènoukpo Pierre
Université de Parakou/Faculté d'Agronomie
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Fertilizer microdosing enhances maize yields but may exacerbate nutrient mining in maize cropping systems in northern Benin
PG Tovihoudji, PBI Akponikpè, EK Agbossou, P Bertin, CL Bielders
Field crops research 213, 130-142, 2017
Using the DSSAT model to support decision making regarding fertilizer microdosing for maize production in the sub-humid region of Benin
PG Tovihoudji, PBI Akponikpè, EK Agbossou, CL Bielders
Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 13, 2019
Maraîchage en milieu urbain à Parakou au Nord-Bénin et sa rentabilité économique
FI Yolou, I Yabi, F Kombieni, PG Tovihoudji, JA Yabi, AA Paraïso, ...
Int. J. Innovation Sci. Res 19 (2), 290-302, 2015
Combining hill-placed manure and mineral fertilizer enhances maize productivity and profitability in northern Benin
PG Tovihoudji, PBI Akponikpè, A Adjogboto, JA Djenontin, EK Agbossou, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 110, 375-393, 2018
Grain yield, actual evapotranspiration and water productivity responses of maize crop to deficit irrigation: A global meta-analysis
MGB Allakonon, S Zakari, PG Tovihoudji, AS Fatondji, PBI Akponikpè
Agricultural Water Management 270, 107746, 2022
Response of Jute Mallow (Corchorus olitorius L.) to organic manure and inorganic fertilizer on a ferruginous soil in North-eastern Benin
GP Tovihoudji, CP Djogbenou, PBI Akponikpe, E Kpadonou, ...
Journal of Applied Biosciences 92, 8610-8619, 2015
Etude de Vulnérabilité aux changements climatiques du Secteur Agriculture au Bénin
PBI Akponikpe, P Tovihoudji, B Lokonon, E Kpadonou, J Amegnaglo, ...
Report produced under the project “Projet d’Appui Scientifique aux processus …, 2019
Déterminants du rendement de soja dans la commune de N’Dali au nord Bénin
N Ollabode, PG Tovihoudji, AI Labiyi, GB Aihounton, OG Adimi, JA Yabi
Ann. UP, Série Sci. Nat. Agron. Horssérie 1, 35-42, 2017
Variability in maize yield and profitability following hill-placement of reduced mineral fertilizer and manure rates under smallholder farm conditions in northern Benin
PG Tovihoudji, PBI Akponikpè, EK Agbossou, CL Bielders
Field Crops Research 230, 139-150, 2019
Effet des engrais organiques sur la croissance et le rendement de deux variétés de tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum) dans la commune de Parakou (Nord Bénin)
MH Batamoussi, PG Tovihoudji, OM Tokore, J Boulga, IM Essegnon
International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research 24 (1), 86-94, 2016
Diversity of soil fertility management options in maize-based farming systems in northern Benin: A quantitative survey
PG Tovihoudji, FI Akpo, F Tassou Zakari, N Ollabodé, RN Yegbemey, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 11, 1089883, 2023
Profitability and agronomic potential of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under biochar-compost-based amendments in three agroecological zones of northern Benin
GP Tovihoudji, RVC Diogo, WA Abiola, FBRM Akoha, T Godau
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6, 1036133, 2022
Improving maize productivity in northern Benin through localized placement of amendments and fertilizers
GP Tovihoudji
Ph. D. Thesis, 2018
Evaluation of cover crop contributions to conservation agriculture in northern Benin
AM Atakoun, PG Tovihoudji, RVC Diogo, PL Yemadje, O Balarabe, ...
Field Crops Research 303, 109118, 2023
Organo-Mineral Fertilization Enhances the Acceptability of Smooth Cayenne Pineapple Fruit (Ananas comosus (L.) Merrill) for European Export and Domestic …
EL Sossa, CE Agbangba, G Dagbenonbakin, R Tohoun, PG Tovihoudji, ...
Agriculture 9 (3), 65, 2019
Short-term effects of conjunctive use of municipal solid waste compost and inorganic fertilizer on soil properties and maize productivity in Northern Benin.
I Yolou, GP Tovihoudji, M Batamoussi Hermann, I Yabi, AA Paraïso, ...
Hill-placement of manure and fertilizer for improving maize nutrient-and water-use efficiencies in the northern Benin
MWIA Yessoufou, PG Tovihoudji, S Zakari, A Adjogboto, AJ Djenontin, ...
Heliyon 9 (7), 2023
Modélisation de la réponse de l’ananas cayenne lisse a l’azote, au phosphore et au potassium sur sols ferralitiques au Benin
CE Agbangba, EL Sossa, GD Dagbenonbakin, P Tovihoudji, ...
Revue CAMES 4 (2), 13-17, 2016
Risques de fièvres typhoïdes et paratyphoïdes liés à l'utilisation des eaux usées en agriculture urbaine et périurbaine: cas du maraîchage dans la ville de Parakou (Bénin)
J Agossou, L Afouda, JD Adédémy, A Noudamadjo, C N’da Tido, ...
Environnement, Risques & Santé 13 (5), 405-416, 2014
Research trends on biochar-based smart fertilizers as an option for the sustainable agricultural land management: Bibliometric analysis and review
WA Abiola, RVC Diogo, PG Tovihoudji, AK Mien, A Schalla
Frontiers in Soil Science 3, 1136327, 2023
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