Ashutosh Gupta
Ashutosh Gupta
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Sodium valproate: monotherapy and polytherapy
A Covanis, AK Gupta, PM Jeavons
Epilepsia 23 (6), 693-720, 1982
The profile of acute poisonings in Harayana-Rohtak Study.
SB Siwach, A Gupta
The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 43 (11), 756-759, 1995
The frequency, characteristics and prognosis of epileptic seizures at the onset of stroke.
RA Shinton, JS Gill, SC Melnick, AK Gupta, DG Beevers
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 51 (2), 273-276, 1988
Aura in temporal lobe epilepsy: clinical and electroencephalographic correlation.
AK Gupta, PM Jeavons, RC Hughes, A Covanis
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 46 (12), 1079-1083, 1983
Production and characterization of α-amylase from Aspergillus niger
A Gupta, VK Gupta, DR Modi, LP Yadava
Biotechnology (Faisalabad) 7 (3), 551-556, 2008
Effects of insulin on renal sodium excretion.
AK Gupta, RV Clark, KA Kirchner
Hypertension 19 (1_supplement), I78, 1992
Low temperature synthesis of MnO2 nanostructures for supercapacitor application
Y Kumar, S Chopra, A Gupta, Y Kumar, SJ Uke, SP Mardikar
Materials Science for Energy Technologies 3, 566-574, 2020
Recent advancement in heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics in cross flow heat exchangers
CK Mangrulkar, AS Dhoble, S Chamoli, A Gupta, VB Gawande
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113, 109220, 2019
A Bayes analysis of modified Weibull distribution via Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation
SK Upadhyay, A Gupta
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 80 (3), 241-254, 2010
Pharmacological activities of cinnamaldehyde and eugenol: antioxidant, cytotoxic and anti-leishmanial studies
UK Sharma, AK Sharma, A Gupta, R Kumar, A Pandey, AK Pandey
Cellular and Molecular Biology 63 (6), 73-78, 2017
Clubfoot controversies: complications and causes for failure.
AH Crawford, AK Gupta
Instructional course lectures 45, 339-346, 1996
Weibull extension model: A Bayes study using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation
A Gupta, B Mukherjee, SK Upadhyay
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 93 (10), 1434-1443, 2008
Some studies on durability of recycled aggregate concrete.
S Mandal, S Chakraborty, A Gupta
Indian Concrete Journal 76 (6), 385-388, 2002
Effect of HCV, HIV and coinfection in kidney transplant recipients: mate kidney analyses
Y Xia, P Friedmann, H Yaffe, J Phair, A Gupta, LK Kayler
American Journal of Transplantation 14 (9), 2037-2047, 2014
Focal cortical–subcortical calcifications (FCSCs) and epilepsy in the Indian subcontinent
G Singh, MS Sachdev, A Tirath, AK Gupta, G Avasthi
Epilepsia 41 (6), 718-726, 2000
Mitochondrial DNA-a tool for phylogenetic and biodiversity search in equines
A Gupta, A Bhardwaj, P Sharma, Y Pal, M Kumar
J Biodivers Endanger Species 1 (006), 2015
Sangita and DS Varma
IK Varma, AK Gupta
J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Chem. Ed 22, 1419, 1984
Thermohydraulic characteristics of inline and staggered angular cut baffle inserts in the turbulent flow regime
S Bhattacharyya, AC Benim, M Pathak, S Chamoli, A Gupta
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 140, 1519-1536, 2020
Echocardiographic changes and alterations in lipid profile in cases of subclinical and overt hypothyroidism.
A Gupta, RS Sinha
The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 44 (8), 546, 551-3, 1996
Spin glasslike behavior and magnetic enhancement in nanosized Ni–Zn ferrite system
B Ghosh, S Kumar, A Poddar, C Mazumdar, S Banerjee, VR Reddy, ...
Journal of applied physics 108 (3), 2010
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