Timothy Keiningham
Timothy Keiningham
J. Donald Kennedy Endowed Chair in E-Commerce, St. John's University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Return on quality (ROQ): Making service quality financially accountable
RT Rust, AJ Zahorik, TL Keiningham
Journal of marketing 59 (2), 58-70, 1995
A longitudinal analysis of customer satisfaction and share of wallet: Investigating the moderating effect of customer characteristics
B Cooil, TL Keiningham, L Aksoy, M Hsu
Journal of marketing 71 (1), 67-83, 2007
Service marketing
RT Rust, AJ Zahorik, TL Keiningham
(No Title), 1996
The value of different customer satisfaction and loyalty metrics in predicting customer retention, recommendation, and share‐of‐wallet
TL Keiningham, B Cooil, L Aksoy, TW Andreassen, J Weiner
Managing service quality: An international Journal 17 (4), 361-384, 2007
A longitudinal examination of net promoter and firm revenue growth
TL Keiningham, B Cooil, TW Andreassen, L Aksoy
Journal of Marketing 71 (3), 39-51, 2007
Return on quality: Measuring the financial impact of your company's quest for quality
RT Rust, AJ Zahorik, TL Keiningham
(No Title), 1994
A framework for understanding and managing the customer experience
A De Keyser, KN Lemon, P Klaus, TL Keiningham
Marketing Science Institute working paper series 85 (1), 15-121, 2015
Moving the customer experience field forward: introducing the touchpoints, context, qualities (TCQ) nomenclature
A De Keyser, K Verleye, KN Lemon, TL Keiningham, P Klaus
Journal of Service Research 23 (4), 433-455, 2020
Customer experience driven business model innovation
T Keiningham, L Aksoy, HL Bruce, F Cadet, N Clennell, IR Hodgkinson, ...
Journal of Business Research 116, 431-440, 2020
The long-term stock market valuation of customer satisfaction
L Aksoy, B Cooil, C Groening, TL Keiningham, A Yalçın
Journal of Marketing 72 (4), 105-122, 2008
The impact of customer satisfaction on share-of-wallet in a business-to-business environment
TL Keiningham, T Perkins-Munn, H Evans
Journal of Service Research 6 (1), 37-50, 2003
Beyond traditional word‐of‐mouth: An expanded model of customer‐driven influence
V Blazevic, W Hammedi, I Garnefeld, RT Rust, T Keiningham, ...
Journal of Service Management 24 (3), 294-313, 2013
The customer delight principle: Exceeding customers' expectations for bottom-line success
TL Keiningham, TG Vavra
(No Title), 2001
Forward-looking focus: can firms have adaptive foresight?
VA Zeithaml, RN Bolton, J Deighton, TL Keiningham, KN Lemon, ...
Journal of Service Research 9 (2), 168-183, 2006
The interplay of customer experience and commitment
T Keiningham, J Ball, S Benoit, HL Bruce, A Buoye, J Dzenkovska, L Nasr, ...
Journal of Services Marketing 31 (2), 148-160, 2017
Linking customer loyalty to growth
TL Keiningham, L Aksoy, B Cooil, TW Andreassen
mIt Sloan management review 49 (4), 51, 2008
Does customer satisfaction lead to profitability? The mediating role of share‐of‐wallet
TL Keiningham, T Perkins‐Munn, L Aksoy, D Estrin
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 15 (2), 172-181, 2005
A five-component customer commitment model: Implications for repurchase intentions in goods and services industries
TL Keiningham, CM Frennea, L Aksoy, A Buoye, V Mittal
Journal of Service Research 18 (4), 433-450, 2015
Turning complaining customers into loyal customers: Moderators of the complaint handling–Customer loyalty relationship
FV Morgeson III, GTM Hult, S Mithas, T Keiningham, C Fornell
Journal of Marketing 84 (5), 79-99, 2020
Customer delight and the bottom line
TL Keiningham, MKM Goddard, TG Vavra, AJ Iaci
Marketing Management 8 (3), 57, 1999
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