Athina Vidaki
Athina Vidaki
Research Group Leader & Associate Professor, Maastricht UMC+, The Netherlands
Patvirtintas el. paštas
DNA methylation-based forensic age prediction using artificial neural networks and next generation sequencing
A Vidaki, D Ballard, A Aliferi, TH Miller, LP Barron, D Syndercombe Court
Forensic Science International: Genetics 28, 225-236, 2017
Recent progress, methods and perspectives in forensic epigenetics
A Vidaki, M Kayser
Forensic Science International: Genetics 37, 180-195, 2018
Forensic DNA methylation profiling—potential opportunities and challenges
A Vidaki, B Daniel, DS Court
Forensic Science International: Genetics 7 (5), 499-507, 2013
RNA/DNA co-analysis from human saliva and semen stains–results of a third collaborative EDNAP exercise
C Haas, E Hanson, MJ Anjos, R Banemann, A Berti, E Borges, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 7 (2), 230-239, 2013
RNA/DNA co-analysis from human menstrual blood and vaginal secretion stains: results of a fourth and fifth collaborative EDNAP exercise
C Haas, E Hanson, MJ Anjos, KN Ballantyne, R Banemann, B Bhoelai, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 8 (1), 203-212, 2014
From forensic epigenetics to forensic epigenomics: broadening DNA investigative intelligence
A Vidaki, M Kayser
Genome biology 18, 1-13, 2017
A collaborative European exercise on mRNA-based body fluid/skin typing and interpretation of DNA and RNA results
M Van den Berge, A Carracedo, I Gomes, EAM Graham, C Haas, B Hjort, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 10, 40-48, 2014
Body fluid identification using a targeted mRNA massively parallel sequencing approach–results of a EUROFORGEN/EDNAP collaborative exercise
S Ingold, G Dørum, E Hanson, A Berti, W Branicki, P Brito, P Elsmore, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 34, 105-115, 2018
RNA/DNA co-analysis from human skin and contact traces–results of a sixth collaborative EDNAP exercise
C Haas, E Hanson, R Banemann, AM Bento, A Berti, Á Carracedo, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 16, 139-147, 2015
Development and validation of the VISAGE AmpliSeq basic tool to predict appearance and ancestry from DNA
C Xavier, M de la Puente, A Mosquera-Miguel, A Freire-Aradas, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 48, 102336, 2020
Epigenetic discrimination of identical twins from blood under the forensic scenario
A Vidaki, CD López, E Carnero-Montoro, A Ralf, K Ward, T Spector, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 31, 67-80, 2017
Impact of SNP microarray analysis of compromised DNA on kinship classification success in the context of investigative genetic genealogy
JH de Vries, D Kling, A Vidaki, P Arp, V Kalamara, MMPJ Verbiest, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 56, 102625, 2022
Discovery of potential DNA methylation markers for forensic tissue identification using bisulphite pyrosequencing
A Vidaki, F Giangasparo, D Syndercombe Court
Electrophoresis 37 (21), 2767-2779, 2016
Novel taxonomy-independent deep learning microbiome approach allows for accurate classification of different forensically relevant human epithelial materials
CD López, A Vidaki, A Ralf, DM González, D Radjabzadeh, R Kraaij, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics 41, 72-82, 2019
Validated inference of smoking habits from blood with a finite DNA methylation marker set
SCE Maas, A Vidaki, R Wilson, A Teumer, F Liu, JBJ van Meurs, ...
European journal of epidemiology 34, 1055-1074, 2019
Microbiome-based body site of origin classification of forensically relevant blood traces
CD López, DM González, C Haas, A Vidaki, M Kayser
Forensic Science International: Genetics 47, 102280, 2020
Equivalent DNA methylation variation between monozygotic co-twins and unrelated individuals reveals universal epigenetic inter-individual dissimilarity
B Planterose Jiménez, F Liu, A Caliebe, D Montiel González, JT Bell, ...
Genome Biology 22, 1-23, 2021
Integrating the human microbiome in the forensic toolkit: Current bottlenecks and future solutions
CD López, A Vidaki, M Kayser
Forensic Science International: Genetics 56, 102627, 2022
Investigating the epigenetic discrimination of identical twins using buccal swabs, saliva, and cigarette butts in the forensic setting
A Vidaki, V Kalamara, E Carnero-Montoro, TD Spector, JT Bell, M Kayser
Genes 9 (5), 252, 2018
Estimating the time since deposition of saliva stains with a targeted bacterial DNA approach: a proof-of-principle study
C Díez López, M Kayser, A Vidaki
Frontiers in microbiology 12, 647933, 2021
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