Bo Song (宋波)
Bo Song (宋波)
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Vertical structure and spatial associations of dominant tree species in an old-growth temperate forest
Z Hao, J Zhang, B Song, J Ye, B Li
Forest ecology and management 252 (1-3), 1-11, 2007
Forest stand structure and pattern of old-growth western hemlock/Douglas-fir and mixed-conifer forests
M North, J Chen, B Oakley, B Song, M Rudnicki, A Gray, J Innes
Forest Science 50 (3), 299-311, 2004
张健 [1, 郝占庆, 宋波, 叶吉 [1, 李步杭 [1, 姚晓琳 [1
应用生态学报 18 (008), 1681-1687, 2007
Effects of silvicultural treatments on summer forest microclimate in southeastern Missouri Ozarks
D Zheng, J Chen, B Song, M Xu, P Sneed, R Jensen
Climate Research 15 (1), 45-59, 2000
Modeling canopy structure and heterogeneity across scales: from crowns to canopy
B Song, J Chen, PV Desander, DD Reed, GA Bradshaw, JF Franklin
Forest Ecology and Management 96 (3), 217-229, 1997
Effects of salinity and wet–dry treatments on C and N dynamics in coastal-forested wetland soils: Implications of sea level rise
X Liu, A Ruecker, B Song, J Xing, WH Conner, AT Chow
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 112, 56-67, 2017
Scale dependence of tree abundance and richness in a tropical rain forest, Malaysia
F He, JV LaFrankie, B Song
Landscape Ecology 17, 559-568, 2002
Spatial Relationship of Biomass and Species Distribution in an Old-Growth Pseudotsuga-Tsuga Forest
J Chen, B Song, M Rudnicki, M Moeur, K Bible, M North, DC Shaw, ...
Forest Science 50 (3), 364-375, 2004
Spatial patterns and associations of six congeneric species in an old-growth temperate forest
J Zhang, B Song, BH Li, J Ye, XG Wang, ZQ Hao
Acta Oecologica 36 (1), 29-38, 2010
Density dependence on tree survival in an old-growth temperate forest in northeastern China
J Zhang, Z Hao, IF Sun, B Song, J Ye, B Li, X Wang
Annals of Forest Science 66 (2), 1-9, 2009
Scale-dependent relationships between landscape structure and microclimate
M Xu, Y Qi, J Chen, B Song
Plant Ecology 173, 39-57, 2004
Spatial distribution patterns and associations of Pinus koraiensis and Tilia amurensis in broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest in Changbai Mountains
J Zhang, ZQ Hao, B Song, J Ye, BH Li, XL Yao
Ying Yong Sheng tai xue bao= The Journal of Applied Ecology 18 (8), 1681-1687, 2007
Fine-scale species co-occurrence patterns in an old-growth temperate forest
J Zhang, Z Hao, B Song, B Li, X Wang, J Ye
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (10), 2115-2120, 2009
Visualizing forest landscapes using public data sources
X Wang, B Song, J Chen, D Zheng, TR Crow
Landscape and urban planning 75 (1-2), 111-124, 2006
Integrating stand and landscape decisions for multi-purposes of forest harvesting
G Shao, H Wang, L Dai, G Wu, Y Li, R Lang, B Song
Forest ecology and management 207 (1-2), 233-243, 2005
Forest composition and growth in a freshwater forested wetland community across a salinity gradient in South Carolina, USA
X Liu, WH Conner, B Song, AD Jayakaran
Forest Ecology and Management 389, 211-219, 2017
孔繁智, 宋波, 裴铁璠
应用生态学报 1 (3), 201, 1990
Hurricane impacts on a pair of coastal forested watersheds: implications of selective hurricane damage to forest structure and streamflow dynamics
AD Jayakaran, TM Williams, H Ssegane, DM Amatya, B Song, CC Trettin
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (3), 1151-1164, 2014
Existing soil carbon models do not apply to forested wetlands
CC Trettin
Southern Research Station, 2001
Areas influenced by multiple edges and their implications in fragmented landscapes
Q Li, J Chen, B Song, JJ LaCroix, MK Bresee, JA Radmacher
Forest Ecology and Management 242 (2-3), 99-107, 2007
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