Hongying Sun
Hongying Sun
Anyang Institute of Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Microstructural observation and tensile properties of ODS-304 austenitic steel
M Wang, Z Zhou, H Sun, H Hu, S Li
Materials Science and Engineering: A 559, 287-292, 2013
Mitochondrial genome of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir japonica sinenesis (Brachyura: Thoracotremata: Grapsoidea) reveals a novel gene order and two target …
H Sun, K Zhou, D Song
Gene 349, 207-217, 2005
The Mitochondrial Sequences of Heptathela hangzhouensis and Ornithoctonus huwena Reveal Unique Gene Arrangements and Atypical tRNAs
Y Qiu, D Song, K Zhou, H Sun
Journal of Molecular Evolution 60, 57-71, 2005
Effects of Nb-doping on the mechanical properties and high-temperature steam oxidation of annealing FeCrAl fuel cladding alloys
G Chen, H Wang, H Sun, Y Zhang, P Cao, J Wang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 803, 140500, 2021
Research progress of zero-shot learning
X Sun, J Gu, H Sun
Applied Intelligence 51, 3600-3614, 2021
Mitochondrial genomes of two brachyuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) and phylogenetic analysis
YK Ji, A Wang, XL Lu, DH Song, YH Jin, JJ Lu, HY Sun
Journal of Crustacean Biology 34 (4), 494-503, 2014
Study on hot workability and optimization of process parameters of a modified 310 austenitic stainless steel using processing maps
H Sun, Y Sun, R Zhang, M Wang, R Tang, Z Zhou
Materials & Design 67, 165-172, 2015
Hot deformation behavior and microstructural evolution of a modified 310 austenitic steel
H Sun, Y Sun, R Zhang, M Wang, R Tang, Z Zhou
Materials & Design 64, 374-380, 2014
The complete mitochondrial genome of Symphylella sp.(Myriapoda: Symphyla): Extensive gene order rearrangement and evidence in favor of Progoneata
Y Gai, D Song, H Sun, Q Yang, K Zhou
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49 (2), 574-585, 2008
Structural evolution of oxide dispersion strengthened austenitic powders during mechanical alloying and subsequent consolidation
M Wang, H Sun, L Zou, G Zhang, S Li, Z Zhou
Powder Technology 272, 309-315, 2015
Two new decapod (Crustacea, Malacostraca) complete mitochondrial genomes: bearings on the phylogenetic relationships within the Decapoda
G Qian, Q Zhao, AN Wang, LIN Zhu, K Zhou, H Sun
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 162 (3), 471-481, 2011
Effects of plastic deformations on microstructure and mechanical properties of ODS-310 austenitic steel
M Wang, Z Zhou, H Sun, H Hu, S Li
Journal of nuclear materials 430 (1-3), 259-263, 2012
Myriapod monophyly and relationships among myriapod classes based on nearly complete 28S and 18S rDNA sequences
YH Gai, DX Song, HY Sun, KY Zhou
Zoological Science 23 (12), 1101-1108, 2006
Study on high temperature creep behavior of the accident-resistant cladding Fe–13Cr–4Al-1.85 Mo-0.85 Nb alloy
H Sun, H Wang, X He, F Wang, X An, Z Wang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 802, 140688, 2021
Phylogenetic implications of mitogenome rearrangements in East Asian potamiscine freshwater crabs (Brachyura: Potamidae)
Z Zhang, Y Xing, J Cheng, D Pan, L Lv, N Cumberlidge, H Sun
Molecular phylogenetics and Evolution 143, 106669, 2020
Fabrication of ultrafine grained FeCrAl-0.6 wt.% ZrC alloys with enhanced mechanical properties by spark plasma sintering
H Wan, X An, Q Kong, X Wu, W Feng, H Wang, J Wu, C Lu, W Zha, H Sun, ...
Advanced Powder Technology 32 (5), 1380-1389, 2021
High-Quality Genome Assembly of Eriocheir japonica sinensis Reveals Its Unique Genome Evolution
B Tang, Z Wang, Q Liu, H Zhang, S Jiang, X Li, Z Wang, Y Sun, Z Sha, ...
Frontiers in genetics 10, 1340, 2020
Effects of Cr element on the crystal structure, microstructure, and mechanical properties of FeCrAl alloys
Y Zhang, H Sun, H Wang, X Wang, X An, K He
Materials Science and Engineering: A 826, 142003, 2021
Effects of annealing temperature on the microstructure, textures and tensile properties of cold-rolled Fe–13Cr–4Al alloys with different Nb contents
Y Zhang, H Wang, H Sun, G Chen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 798, 140236, 2020
Evolution of microstructure and tensile properties of Fe–18Ni–12Cr based AFA steel during aging at 700 C
M Wang, H Sun, MP Phaniraj, HN Han, J Jang, Z Zhou
Materials Science and Engineering: A 672, 23-31, 2016
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