Vahideh Hayyolalam
Black widow optimization algorithm: a novel meta-heuristic approach for solving engineering optimization problems
V Hayyolalam, AAP Kazem
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 87, 103249, 2020
A comprehensive and systematic review of the load balancing mechanisms in the Internet of Things
B Pourghebleh, V Hayyolalam
Cluster Computing 23 (2), 641-661, 2020
A systematic literature review on QoS-aware service composition and selection in cloud environment
V Hayyolalam, AAP Kazem
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 110, 52-74, 2018
Service discovery in the Internet of Things: review of current trends and research challenges
B Pourghebleh, V Hayyolalam, A Aghaei Anvigh
Wireless Networks 26 (7), 5371-5391, 2020
Edge Intelligence for Empowering IoT-based Healthcare Systems
V Hayyolalam, M Aloqaily, O Ozkasap, M Guizani
IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, 2021
Exploring the state-of-the-art service composition approaches in cloud manufacturing systems to enhance upcoming techniques
V Hayyolalam, B Pourghebleh, AA Pourhaji Kazem, A Ghaffari
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 105, 471-498, 2019
Single‐objective service composition methods in cloud manufacturing systems: Recent techniques, classification, and future trends
V Hayyolalam, B Pourghebleh, MR Chehrehzad, AA Pourhaji Kazem
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, e6698, 2021
Edge-assisted solutions for IoT-based connected healthcare systems: A literature review
V Hayyolalam, M Aloqaily, Ö Özkasap, M Guizani
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (12), 9419-9443, 2021
Trust management of services (TMoS): Investigating the current mechanisms
V Hayyolalam, B Pourghebleh, AA Pourhaji Kazem
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2020
Dynamic QoS/QoE-aware reliable service composition framework for edge intelligence
V Hayyolalam, S Otoum, Ö Özkasap
Cluster Computing 25 (3), 1695-1713, 2022
QoS-Aware Optimization of Cloud Service Composition Using Symbiotic Organisms Search Algorithm
V Hayyolalam, A Pourhaji kazem 8 (32), 29-38, 2017
Review of Service Composition Approaches in Cloud Environmen
V Hayyolalam, A PourhajiKazem
First international comprehensive competition conference on engineering …, 2016
A hybrid edge-assisted machine learning approach for detecting heart disease
V Hayyolalam, S Otoum, Ö Özkasap
ICC 2022-IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2966-2971, 2022
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence black widow optimization algorithm: a novel meta-heuristic approach for solving engineering optimization problems
V Hayyolalam, A Asghar, P Kazem
Eng Appl Artif Intell 87, 103249, 2020
CBWO: A Novel Multi-objective Load Balancing Technique for Cloud Computing
V Hayyolalam, Ö Özkasap
Future Generation Computer Systems 164, 107561, 2025
CBWO: A novel load balancing technique for cloud computing systems
V Hayyolalam, Ö Özkasap
2024 32nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2024
Synergistic Integration of Blockchain and Software-Defined Networking in the Internet of Energy Systems
V Hayyolalam, A Zekiye, H Abuzahra, Ö Özkasap, M Karakus, E Guler, ...
2024 6th International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications …, 2024
DiabML: AI-assisted diabetes diagnosis method with meta-heuristic-based feature selection
V Hayyolalam, Ö Özkasap
Proceedings of 14th Turkish Congress of Medical Informatics 16 (18), 19-30, 2023
Communication Efficient Client Selection in Federated Learning
V Hayyolalam, Ö Özkasap
10th ACM Celebration of Women in Computing womENcourage, 2023
بررسی مروری رويکرد های ترکيب سرويس در محاسبات ابری
وحیده حی العالم، علی اضغر پورحاجی کاظم
اولين همايش ملی کاربرد سيستم های هوشمند در مهندسی برق، کامپيوتر و فناوری …, 1394
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