Oscar Laurent
Oscar Laurent
CNRS, Géosciences Environnement Toulouse - Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The diversity and evolution of late-Archean granitoids: Evidence for the onset of “modern-style” plate tectonics between 3.0 and 2.5 Ga
O Laurent, H Martin, JF Moyen, R Doucelance
Lithos 205, 208-235, 2014
Collision vs. subduction-related magmatism: two contrasting ways of granite formation and implications for crustal growth
JF Moyen, O Laurent, C Chelle-Michou, S Couzinié, O Vanderhaeghe, ...
Lithos 277, 154-177, 2017
Archaean tectonic systems: A view from igneous rocks
JF Moyen, O Laurent
Lithos 302, 99-125, 2018
Post-collisional magmatism: Crustal growth not identified by zircon Hf–O isotopes
S Couzinié, O Laurent, JF Moyen, A Zeh, P Bouilhol, A Villaros
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 456, 182-195, 2016
Earth’s earliest granitoids are crystal-rich magma reservoirs tapped by silicic eruptions
O Laurent, J Björnsen, JF Wotzlaw, S Bretscher, M Pimenta Silva, ...
Nature Geoscience 13, 163-169, 2020
Depressurization and boiling of a single magmatic fluid as a mechanism for tin-tungsten deposit formation
M Korges, P Weis, V Lüders, O Laurent
Geology 46 (1), 75-78, 2018
Protracted, coeval crust and mantle melting during Variscan late-orogenic evolution: U–Pb dating in the eastern French Massif Central
O Laurent, S Couzinié, A Zeh, O Vanderhaeghe, JF Moyen, A Villaros, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 106, 421-451, 2017
Crustal melting vs. fractionation of basaltic magmas: Part 1, granites and paradigms
JF Moyen, V Janoušek, O Laurent, O Bachmann, JB Jacob, F Farina, ...
Lithos 402, 106291, 2021
A linear Hf isotope-age array despite different granitoid sources and complex Archean geodynamics: Example from the Pietersburg block (South Africa)
O Laurent, A Zeh
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 430, 326-338, 2015
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of high-K “sanukitoids” from the Bulai pluton, Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa: Implications for geodynamic changes at the Archaean–Proterozoic …
O Laurent, H Martin, R Doucelance, JF Moyen, JL Paquette
Lithos 123 (1-4), 73-91, 2011
Contrasting petrogenesis of Mg–K and Fe–K granitoids and implications for post-collisional magmatism: case study from the Late-Archean Matok pluton (Pietersburg block, South …
O Laurent, M Rapopo, G Stevens, JF Moyen, H Martin, R Doucelance, ...
Lithos 196, 131-149, 2014
How do granitoid magmas mix with each other? Insights from textures, trace element and Sr–Nd isotopic composition of apatite and titanite from the Matok pluton (South Africa)
O Laurent, A Zeh, A Gerdes, A Villaros, K Gros, E Słaby
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 172, 1-22, 2017
Evaluating the reliability of U–Pb laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) carbonate geochronology: matrix issues and a potential calcite …
M Guillong, JF Wotzlaw, N Looser, O Laurent
Geochronology 2 (1), 155-167, 2020
Paleoproterozoic juvenile crust formation and stabilisation in the south-eastern West African Craton (Ghana); new insights from U-Pb-Hf zircon data and geochemistry
S Block, L Baratoux, A Zeh, O Laurent, O Bruguier, M Jessell, L Ailleres, ...
Precambrian Research 287, 1-30, 2016
Flow of partially molten crust controlling construction, growth and collapse of the Variscan orogenic belt: the geologic record of the French Massif Central
O Vanderhaeghe, O Laurent, V Gardien, JF Moyen, A Gébelin, ...
Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 191 (1), 2020
Pre-Cadomian to late-Variscan odyssey of the eastern Massif Central, France: formation of the West European crust in a nutshell
C Chelle-Michou, O Laurent, JF Moyen, S Block, JL Paquette, S Couzinié, ...
Gondwana Research 46, 170-190, 2017
Differentiation of the late-Archaean sanukitoid series and some implications for crustal growth: insights from geochemical modelling on the Bulai pluton, Central Limpopo Belt …
O Laurent, R Doucelance, H Martin, JF Moyen
Precambrian Research 227, 186-203, 2013
Accessory mineral constraints on crustal evolution: elemental fingerprints for magma discrimination
E Bruand, M Fowler, C Storey, O Laurent, C Antoine, M Guitreau, ...
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 13, 7-12, 2020
Tourmaline as a tracer of late-magmatic to hydrothermal fluid evolution: The world-class San Rafael tin (-copper) deposit, Peru
M Harlaux, K Kouzmanov, S Gialli, O Laurent, A Rielli, A Dini, A Chauvet, ...
Economic Geology 115 (8), 1665-1697, 2020
LA-ICP-MS dating of zircons from Meso-and Neoarchean granitoids of the Pietersburg block (South Africa): crustal evolution at the northern margin of the Kaapvaal craton
O Laurent, JL Paquette, H Martin, R Doucelance, JF Moyen
Precambrian Research 230, 209-226, 2013
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