Dr Shweta Taneja
Dr Shweta Taneja
Associate Professor, CSE Deptt., BPIT, PhD FROM DTU
Patvirtintas el. paštas
An enhanced k-nearest neighbor algorithm using information gain and clustering
S Taneja, C Gupta, K Goyal, D Gureja
2014 Fourth International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication …, 2014
Forecasting air pollution load in Delhi using data analysis tools
N Sharma, S Taneja, V Sagar, A Bhatt
Procedia computer science 132, 1077-1085, 2018
Normalization based k means clustering algorithm
D Virmani, S Taneja, G Malhotra
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.00900, 2015
Predicting trends in air pollution in Delhi using data mining
S Taneja, N Sharma, K Oberoi, Y Navoria
2016 1st India international conference on information processing (IICIP), 1-6, 2016
Comparative study of data warehouse design approaches: a survey
R Jindal, S Taneja
International Journal of Database Management Systems 4 (1), 33, 2012
MFZ-KNN—A modified fuzzy based K nearest neighbor algorithm
S Taneja, C Gupta, S Aggarwal, V Jindal
2015 International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Information …, 2015
A lexical approach for text categorization of medical documents
R Jindal, S Taneja
Procedia Computer Science 46, 314-320, 2015
A review on privacy preserving data mining: Techniques and research challenges
S Taneja, S Khanna, H Tilwalia
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 5 (2 …, 2014
Application of balancing techniques with ensemble approach for credit card fraud detection
S Taneja, B Suri, C Kothari
2019 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication …, 2019
A text preprocessing approach for efficacious information retrieval
D Virmani, S Taneja
Smart Innovations in Communication and Computational Sciences: Proceedings …, 2019
Modelling and simulation of tactical team behaviour
S Bisht, A Malhotra, SB Taneja
Defence Science Journal 57 (6), 853, 2007
A new approach for data classification using Fuzzy logic
S Taneja, B Suri, H Narwal, A Jain, A Kathuria, S Gupta
2016 6th International Conference-Cloud System and Big Data Engineering …, 2016
A fuzzy logic based approach for data classification
S Taneja, B Suri, S Gupta, H Narwal, A Jain, A Kathuria
Data Engineering and Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of IC3T 2016, 605-616, 2018
Mining of soil data using unsupervised learning technique
S Taneja, R Arora, S Kaur
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 7 (11), 2012, 2012
Cross-Platform Empirical Analysis of Mobile Application Development frameworks: Kotlin, React Native and Flutter
AR Bhawna Suri, Shweta Taneja, Isha Bhanot, Himanshi Sharma
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Management …, 2022
U-struct: A framework for conversion of unstructured text documents into structured form
R Jindal, S Taneja
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Control …, 2013
Peering through the fog: an inter-fog communication approach for computing environment
B Suri, S Taneja, H Bhardwaj, P Gupta, U Ahuja
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications …, 2019
Ranking in multi label classification of text documents using quantifiers
R Jindal, S Taneja
2015 IEEE international conference on control system, computing and …, 2015
Automated indian sign language recognition system using lstm models
K Sharma, KA Aaryan, U Dhangar, R Sharma, S Taneja
2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent …, 2022
Entropy deviation method for analyzing network intrusion
D Virmani, S Taneja, T Chawla, R Sharma, R Kumar
2016 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation …, 2016
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