Fernando Alonso Campos
Social determinants of health and survival in humans and other animals
N Snyder-Mackler, JR Burger, L Gaydosh, DW Belsky, GA Noppert, ...
Science 368 (6493), eaax9553, 2020
Behavioral adaptations to heat stress and water scarcity in white‐faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica
FA Campos, LM Fedigan
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2009
Seasonality of the gut microbiota of free-ranging white-faced capuchins in a tropical dry forest
JD Orkin, FA Campos, MS Myers, SE Cheves Hernandez, A Guadamuz, ...
The ISME journal 13 (1), 183-196, 2019
High social status males experience accelerated epigenetic aging in wild baboons
JA Anderson, RA Johnston, AJ Lea, FA Campos, TN Voyles, MY Akinyi, ...
Elife 10, e66128, 2021
Social bonds, social status and survival in wild baboons: a tale of two sexes
FA Campos, F Villavicencio, EA Archie, F Colchero, SC Alberts
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375 (1811), 20190621, 2020
Does climate variability influence the demography of wild primates? Evidence from long‐term life‐history data in seven species
FA Campos, WF Morris, SC Alberts, J Altmann, DK Brockman, M Cords, ...
Global change biology 23 (11), 4907-4921, 2017
The long lives of primates and the ‘invariant rate of ageing’hypothesis
F Colchero, JM Aburto, EA Archie, C Boesch, T Breuer, FA Campos, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 3666, 2021
Drivers of home range characteristics across spatiotemporal scales in a Neotropical primate, Cebus capucinus
FA Campos, ML Bergstrom, A Childers, JD Hogan, KM Jack, AD Melin, ...
Animal Behaviour 91, 93-109, 2014
Female sociality and sexual conflict shape offspring survival in a Neotropical primate
U Kalbitzer, ML Bergstrom, SD Carnegie, EC Wikberg, S Kawamura, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (8), 1892-1897, 2017
Maternal death and offspring fitness in multiple wild primates
MN Zipple, J Altmann, FA Campos, M Cords, LM Fedigan, RR Lawler, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (1), e2015317118, 2021
Between-Group Variation in Female Dispersal, Kin Composition of Groups, and Proximity Patterns in a Black-and-White Colobus Monkey (Colobus vellerosus)
EC Wikberg, P Sicotte, FA Campos, N Ting
PLoS One 7 (11), e48740, 2012
Glucocorticoid exposure predicts survival in female baboons
FA Campos, EA Archie, LR Gesquiere, J Tung, J Altmann, SC Alberts
Science Advances 7 (17), eabf6759, 2021
Social bonds do not mediate the relationship between early adversity and adult glucocorticoids in wild baboons
S Rosenbaum, S Zeng, FA Campos, LR Gesquiere, J Altmann, SC Alberts, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (33), 20052-20062, 2020
Spatial ecology of perceived predation risk and vigilance behavior in white-faced capuchins
FA Campos, LM Fedigan
Behavioral Ecology 25 (3), 477-486, 2014
A comparison of dominance rank metrics reveals multiple competitive landscapes in an animal society
EJ Levy, MN Zipple, E McLean, FA Campos, M Dasari, AS Fogel, M Franz, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1934), 20201013, 2020
The effect of male parallel dispersal on the kin composition of groups in white-faced capuchins
EC Wikberg, KM Jack, FA Campos, LM Fedigan, A Sato, ML Bergstrom, ...
Animal Behaviour 96, 9-17, 2014
Climate oscillations and conservation measures regulate white-faced capuchin population growth and demography in a regenerating tropical dry forest in Costa Rica
FA Campos, KM Jack, LM Fedigan
Biological Conservation 186, 204-213, 2015
Primate life history, social dynamics, ecology, and conservation: Contributions from long‐term research in Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica
AD Melin, JD Hogan, FA Campos, E Wikberg, G King‐Bailey, S Webb, ...
Biotropica 52 (6), 1041-1064, 2020
Inbreeding avoidance and female mate choice shape reproductive skew in capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus imitator)
EC Wikberg, KM Jack, LM Fedigan, FA Campos, AS Yashima, ...
Molecular ecology 26 (2), 653-667, 2017
Distribution, Abundance, and Spatial Ecology of the Critically Endangered Ecuadorian Capuchin (Cebus Albifrons Aequatorialis)
KM Jack, FA Campos
Tropical Conservation Science 5 (2), 173-191, 2012
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