pierre-emmanuel bournet
pierre-emmanuel bournet
Agrocampus Ouest Centre d'Angers
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Effect of ventilator configuration on the distributed climate of greenhouses: A review of experimental and CFD studies
PE Bournet, T Boulard
Computers and electronics in agriculture 74 (2), 195-217, 2010
Analysis of greenhouse ventilation efficiency based on computational fluid dynamics
SAO Khaoua, PE Bournet, C Migeon, T Boulard, G Chassériaux
Biosystems Engineering 95 (1), 83-98, 2006
Numerical prediction of the effect of vent arrangements on the ventilation and energy transfer in a multi-span glasshouse using a bi-band radiation model
PE Bournet, SAO Khaoua, T Boulard
Biosystems Engineering 98 (2), 224-234, 2007
Measurement and CFD simulation of microclimate characteristics and transpiration of an Impatiens pot plant crop in a greenhouse
A Kichah, PE Bournet, C Migeon, T Boulard
Biosystems engineering 112 (1), 22-34, 2012
Numerical investigation of plunging density current
PE Bournet, D Dartus, B Tassin, B Vincon-Leite
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 125 (6), 584-594, 1999
Two-dimensional simulation of turbulent flow and transfer through stacked spheres
G Alvarez, PE Bournet, D Flick
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (13), 2459-2469, 2003
Modelling heat and mass transfer of a broiler house using computational fluid dynamics
F Rojano, PE Bournet, M Hassouna, P Robin, M Kacira, CY Choi
Biosystems engineering 136, 25-38, 2015
Development of a CFD crop submodel for simulating microclimate and transpiration of ornamental plants grown in a greenhouse under water restriction
HB Ali, PE Bournet, P Cannavo, E Chantoiseau
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 149, 26-40, 2018
Advances of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) applications in agricultural building modelling: Research, applications and challenges
PE Bournet, F Rojano
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 201, 107277, 2022
Is the Penman–Monteith model adapted to predict crop transpiration under greenhouse conditions? Application to a New Guinea Impatiens crop
B Morille, C Migeon, PE Bournet
Scientia Horticulturae 152, 80-91, 2013
Effect of roof and side opening combinations on the ventilation of a greenhouse using computer simulation
PE Bournet, SAO Khaoua, T Boulard, C Migeon, G Chasseriaux
Transactions of the ASABE 50 (1), 201-212, 2007
Computational modelling of thermal and humidity gradients for a naturally ventilated poultry house
F Rojano, PE Bournet, M Hassouna, P Robin, M Kacira, CY Choi
Biosystems Engineering 151, 273-285, 2016
Experimental study of the energy balance of unheated greenhouse under hot and arid climates: Study for the night period of winter season
K Mesmoudi, A Soudani, B Zitouni, PE Bournet, L Serir
Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied …, 2010
Impact of well-watered trees on the microclimate inside a canyon street scale model in outdoor environment
S Mballo, S Herpin, M Manteau, S Demotes-Mainard, PE Bournet
Urban Climate 37, 100844, 2021
Thermal analysis of greenhouses installed under semi arid climate
K Mesmoudi, K Meguellati, PE Bournet
International Journal of Heat and Technology 35 (3), 474-486, 2017
Effect of the greenhouse design on the thermal behavior and microclimate distribution in greenhouses installed under semi‐arid climate
K Mesmoudi, KH Meguallati, PE Bournet
Heat Transfer—Asian Research 46 (8), 1294-1311, 2017
Determination of the inside air temperature of a greenhouse with tomato crop under hot and arid climates
K Mesmoudi, A Soudani, PE Bournet
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 5 (2), 117-129, 2010
Heat-pump dehumidifier as an efficient device to prevent condensation in horticultural greenhouses
E Chantoiseau, C Migeon, G Chasseriaux, PE Bournet
Biosystems Engineering 142, 27-41, 2016
CFD simulations of the night-time condensation inside a closed glasshouse: Sensitivity analysis to outside external conditions, heating and glass properties
HB Ali, PE Bournet, V Danjou, B Morille, C Migeon
Biosystems Engineering 127, 159-175, 2014
Using CFD to improve the irrigation strategy for growing ornamental plants inside a greenhouse
HB Ali, PE Bournet, P Cannavo, E Chantoiseau
Biosystems engineering 186, 130-145, 2019
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