Suman Majumder
Suman Majumder
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Prevalence and Correlates of Food Insecurity and Homelessness Among University Students
ME Haskett, D Kotter-Grühn, S Majumder
Journal of College Student Development 61 (1), 109-114, 2020
The role of university students’ wellness in links between homelessness, food insecurity, and academic success
ME Haskett, S Majumder, D Kotter-Grühn, I Gutierrez
Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness 30 (1), 59-65, 2021
Landscape‐level variation in Bt crops predict Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) resistance in cotton agroecosystems
SJ Dorman, KA Hopperstad, BJ Reich, S Majumder, G Kennedy, ...
Pest Management Science 77 (12), 5454-5462, 2021
A new weighted likelihood approach
A Biswas, T Roy, S Majumder, A Basu
Stat 4 (1), 97-107, 2015
Estimating intervention effects on infectious disease control: The effect of community mobility reduction on Coronavirus spread
A Giffin, W Gong, S Majumder, AG Rappold, BJ Reich, S Yang
Spatial Statistics 52, 100711, 2022
Kryging: geostatistical analysis of large-scale datasets using Krylov subspace methods
S Majumder, Y Guan, BJ Reich, AK Saibaba
Statistics and Computing 32 (5), 74, 2022
Food and housing security among NC State students
ME Haskett, S Majumder, S Wright, D Kotter-Grühn
Retrieved from the NC State University website https://dasa. ncsu. edu/wp …, 2018
Statistical Downscaling with Spatial Misalignment: Application to Wildland Fire PM 2.5 Concentration Forecasting
S Majumder, Y Guan, BJ Reich, S O’Neill, AG Rappold
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 1-22, 2020
Statistical inference based on a new weighted likelihood approach
S Majumder, A Biswas, T Roy, SK Bhandari, A Basu
Metrika 84, 97-120, 2021
Multivariate Cluster Point Process to Quantify and Explore Multi‐Entity Configurations: Application to Biofilm Image Data
S Majumder, BA Coull, JLM Welch, PJL Riviere, FE Dewhirst, JR Starr, ...
Statistics in Medicine, 2024
Computationally Scalable Bayesian SPDE Modeling for Censored Spatial Responses
I Sahoo, S Majumder, A Hazra, AG Rappold, D Bandyopadhyay
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.15670, 2024
A Weighted Likelihood Approach to Problems in Survival Data
A Biswas, S Majumder, PG Niyogi, A Basu
Sankhya B, 1-27, 2019
Theoretical properties of a new weighted likelihood estimator for right censored data
A Biswas, P Guha Niyogi, S Majumder, SK Bhandari, A Ghosh, A Basu
Tech. Rep. ISRU/2018/2, Interdisciplinary Statistical Research Unit, Indian …, 2018
Spatiotemporal Inference and Applications for Large Datasets
S Majumder
North Carolina State University, 2020
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