Ming Liu
Ming Liu
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Effect of Cr on the passive film formation mechanism of steel rebar in saturated calcium hydroxide solution
M Liu, X Cheng, X Li, Y Pan, J Li
Applied Surface Science 389, 1182-1191, 2016
Optimizing the nickel content in weathering steels to enhance their corrosion resistance in acidic atmospheres
X Cheng, Z Jin, M Liu, X Li
Corrosion Science 115, 135-142, 2017
Corrosion behavior of Cr modified HRB400 steel rebar in simulated concrete pore solution
M Liu, X Cheng, X Li, Z Jin, H Liu
Construction and Building Materials 93, 884-890, 2015
Corrosion behavior of low-Cr steel rebars in alkaline solutions with different pH in the presence of chlorides
M Liu, X Cheng, X Li, TJ Lu
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 803, 40-50, 2017
Electrochemical corrosion performance of Cr and Al alloy steels using a J55 carbon steel as base alloy
R Wang, S Luo, M Liu, Y Xue
Corrosion science 85, 270-279, 2014
Effect of carbonation on the electrochemical behavior of corrosion resistance low alloy steel rebars in cement extract solution
M Liu, X Cheng, X Li, C Zhou, H Tan
Construction and Building Materials 130, 193-201, 2017
Formation of the third bodies of steel sliding against brass under lubricated conditions
L Liu, Y Sheng, M Liu, M Dienwiebel, Z Zhang, D Dastan
Tribology international 140, 105727, 2019
Corrosion fatigue crack propagation behavior of S135 high–strength drill pipe steel in H2S environment
M Liu, S Luo, Y Shen
Engineering Failure Analysis 97, 493-505, 2019
Cr-modified low alloy steel reinforcement embedded in mortar for two years: Corrosion result of marine field test
Y Tian, M Liu, X Cheng, C Dong, G Wang, X Li
Cement and Concrete Composites 97, 190-201, 2019
Fatigue and corrosion fatigue behaviors of G105 and S135 high− strength drill pipe steels in air and H2S environment
L Han, M Liu, S Luo, TJ Lu
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 124, 63-74, 2019
Effect of uniform corrosion on mechanical behavior of E690 high-strength steel lattice corrugated panel in marine environment: A finite element analysis
M Liu
Materials Research Express 8 (6), 066510, 2021
Optimization of intrinsic self-healing silicone coatings by benzotriazole loaded mesoporous silica
G Chen, S Wen, J Ma, Z Sun, C Lin, Z Yue, JMC Mol, M Liu
Surface and Coatings Technology 421, 127388, 2021
Effect of microstructure on the corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex stainless steel. Part 1: Microstructure evolution during isothermal aging at 850° C and evaluation of …
J Li, CW Du, ZY Liu, XG Li, M Liu
Construction and Building Materials 189, 1286-1293, 2018
Corrosion resistances of passive films on low‐Cr steel and carbon steel in simulated concrete pore solution
M Liu, X Cheng, G Zhao, X Li, Y Pan
Surface and Interface Analysis 48 (9), 981-989, 2016
Passive film formation and corrosion resistance of laser-powder bed fusion fabricated NiTi shape memory alloys
M Liu, JN Zhu, VA Popovich, E Borisov, JMC Mol, Y Gonzalez-Garcia
journal of materials research and technology 23, 2991-3006, 2023
Finite element analysis of pitting corrosion on mechanical behavior of E690 steel panel
M Liu
Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 69 (4), 351-361, 2022
Effect of microstructure on the corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex stainless steel. Part 2: Electrochemical noise analysis of corrosion behaviors of different microstructures …
J Li, CW Du, ZY Liu, XG Li, M Liu
Construction and Building Materials 189, 1294-1302, 2018
Inhibition film formed by 2-mercaptobenzothiazole on copper surface and its degradation mechanism in sodium chloride solution
J Li, CW Du, ZY Liu, XG Li, M Liu
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 11 (12), 10690-10705, 2016
Inhibition of stress corrosion cracking in 304 stainless steel through titanium ion implantation
M Liu, CY Li, L Liu, Y Ye, D Dastan, H Garmestani
Materials Science and Technology 36 (3), 284-292, 2020
J. Mater. Sci. Technol.
M Liu, CY Li, L Liu, Y Ye, D Dastan, H Garmestani
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