Nitin Singh Malik
Nitin Singh Malik
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A highly efficient single-photon source based on a quantum dot in a photonic nanowire
J Claudon, J Bleuse, NS Malik, M Bazin, P Jaffrennou, N Gregersen, ...
Nature Photonics 4 (3), 174-177, 2010
Strain-mediated coupling in a quantum dot–mechanical oscillator hybrid system
I Yeo, PL De Assis, A Gloppe, E Dupont-Ferrier, P Verlot, NS Malik, ...
Nature nanotechnology 9 (2), 106-110, 2014
Inhibition, enhancement, and control of spontaneous emission in photonic nanowires
J Bleuse, J Claudon, M Creasey, NS Malik, JM Gérard, I Maksymov, ...
Physical review letters 106 (10), 103601, 2011
Dielectric GaAs Antenna Ensuring an Efficient Broadband Coupling between an InAs<? format?> Quantum Dot and a Gaussian Optical Beam
M Munsch, NS Malik, E Dupuy, A Delga, J Bleuse, JM Gérard, J Claudon, ...
Physical review letters 110 (17), 177402, 2013
Linearly polarized, single-mode spontaneous emission in a photonic nanowire
M Munsch, J Claudon, J Bleuse, NS Malik, E Dupuy, JM Gérard, Y Chen, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (7), 077405, 2012
Room temperature, continuous wave lasing in microcylinder and microring quantum dot laser diodes
M Munsch, J Claudon, NS Malik, K Gilbert, P Grosse, JM Gerard, F Albert, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (3), 2012
Whispering gallery mode lasing in high quality GaAs/AlAs pillar microcavities
P Jaffrennou, J Claudon, M Bazin, NS Malik, S Reitzenstein, L Worschech, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (7), 2010
Strain-gradient position mapping of semiconductor quantum dots
PL De Assis, I Yeo, A Gloppe, HA Nguyen, D Tumanov, E Dupont-Ferrier, ...
Physical review letters 118 (11), 117401, 2017
Large and uniform optical emission shifts in quantum dots strained along their growth axis
P Stepanov, M Elzo-Aizarna, J Bleuse, NS Malik, Y Curé, E Gautier, ...
Nano letters 16 (5), 3215-3220, 2016
Surface effects in a semiconductor photonic nanowire and spectral stability of an embedded single quantum dot
I Yeo, NS Malik, M Munsch, E Dupuy, J Bleuse, YM Niquet, JM Gérard, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (23), 2011
Giant nonlinear interaction between two optical beams via a quantum dot embedded in a photonic wire
HA Nguyen, T Grange, B Reznychenko, I Yeo, PL De Assis, D Tumanov, ...
Physical Review B 97 (20), 201106, 2018
Nitin. S. Malik, Jean-Michel Gérard, Ivan Maksymov, Jean-Paul Hugonin, and Philippe Lalanne. Inhibition, Enhancement, and Control of Spontaneous Emission in Photonic Nanowires
J Bleuse, J Claudon, M Creasey
Phys. Rev. Lett 106 (10), 103601, 2011
Ultra-low power optical transistor using a single quantum dot embedded in a photonic wire
HA Nguyen, T Grange, NS Malik, E Dupuy, D Tumanov, PL de Assis, ...
Quantum Information and Measurement, QT2B. 2, 2017
Dielectric GaAs-antenna ensuring an efficient broadband coupling between an InAs quantum-dot light emitter and a Gaussian optical beam
M Munsch, NS Malik, E Dupuy, A Delga, J Bleuse, JM Gérard, J Claudon, ...
in Phys. Rev. Lett, 0
Les fils photoniques: une geometrie innovante pour la realisation de sources de lumiere quantique brillantes
NS Malik
Université de Grenoble, 2011
Characterizing electron beam induced damage in metrology and inspection of advance devices
A Mohtashami, V Navarro, H Sadeghian, I Englard, D Shemesh, NS Malik
33rd European Mask and Lithography Conference 10446, 174-180, 2017
The photonic trumpet: An efficient, broadband interface between a solid-state quantum emitter and a Gaussian beam
M Munsch, NS Malik, N Gregersen, J Bleuse, E Dupuy, A Delga, J Mørk, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.5269, 2012
Photonic nanowires: a new geometry to realize bright sources of quantum light
NS Malik
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: TEL …, 2011
High brightness single photon sources based on photonic wires
J Claudon, J Bleuse, M Bazin, NS Malik, P Jaffrennou, P Lalanne, ...
2009 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 1-4, 2009
Giant Two-Mode Non-linearity Using a Single Quantum Dot Embedded in a Photonic Wire.
HA Nguyen, T Grange, B Reznychenko, I Yeo, PL de Assis, D Tumanov, ...
20th International Conference on Superlattices, Nanostructures and Nanodevices, 2018
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