Pierre-Emmanuel Hladik
Pierre-Emmanuel Hladik
LS2N, Centrale Nantes
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Solving a real-time allocation problem with constraint programming
PE Hladik, H Cambazard, AM Déplanche, N Jussien
Journal of Systems and Software 81 (1), 132-149, 2008
Simso: A simulation tool to evaluate real-time multiprocessor scheduling algorithms
M Chéramy, PE Hladik, AM Déplanche
5th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded …, 2014
Optimal design of virtual links in AFDX networks
A Al Sheikh, O Brun, M Chéramy, PE Hladik
Real-Time Systems 49, 308-336, 2013
Decomposition and learning for a hard real time task allocation problem
H Cambazard, PE Hladik, AM Déplanche, N Jussien, Y Trinquet
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2004
Strictly periodic scheduling in IMA-based architectures
A Al Sheikh, O Brun, PE Hladik, BJ Prabhu
Real-Time Systems 48, 359-386, 2012
A best-response algorithm for multiprocessor periodic scheduling
A Al Sheikh, O Brun, PE Hladik, BJ Prabhu
2011 23rd Euromicro conference on real-time systems, 228-237, 2011
Partition scheduling on an IMA platform with strict periodicity and communication delays
A Al Sheikh, O Brun, PE Hladik
18th international conference on real-time and network systems, 179-188, 2010
Efficient stochastic analysis of real-time systems via random sampling
KS Refaat, PE Hladik
2010 22nd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 175-183, 2010
Adequacy between AUTOSAR OS specification and real-time scheduling theory
PE Hladik, AM Deplanche, S Faucou, Y Trinquet
2007 International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, 225-233, 2007
Formal verification of complex robotic systems on resource-constrained platforms
M Foughali, B Berthomieu, SD Zilio, PE Hladik, F Ingrand, A Mallet
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering, 2-9, 2018
Mécanique quantique: atomes et molécules, applications technologiques: cours et exercices corrigés
J Hladik, M Chrysos, PE Hladik
Dunod, 2002
Mécanique quantique
J Hladik, M Chrysos, PE Hladik, LU Ancarani
Dunod, 2009
A framework for distributing real-time functions
F Boniol, PE Hladik, C Pagetti, F Aspro, V Jégu
International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems …, 2008
Simulation of real-time multiprocessor scheduling with overheads
M Chéramy, AM Déplanche, PE Hladik
International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies …, 2013
Le Calcul tensoriel en physique: cours et exercices corrigés
J Hladik, PE Hladik
Dunod, 1999
Bridging the gap between formal verification and schedulability analysis: The case of robotics
M Foughali, PE Hladik
Journal of Systems Architecture 111, 101817, 2020
A formal toolchain for offline and run-time verification of robotic systems
S Dal Zilio, PE Hladik, F Ingrand, A Mallet
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 159, 104301, 2023
Simulation of real-time scheduling with various execution time models
M Chéramy, PE Hladik, AM Déplanche, S Dubé
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded …, 2014
Decision support for task mapping on IMA architecture
A Al-Sheikh, O Brun, PE Hladik
Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing (JRWRTC2009), 31-34, 2009
Hippo: A formal-model execution engine to control and verify critical real-time systems
PE Hladik, F Ingrand, S Dal Zilio, R Tekin
Journal of Systems and Software 181, 111033, 2021
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