Yap Loudi, PhD
Yap Loudi, PhD
Research Scientist at the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, University of Bonn, Germany
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Vertical accuracy evaluation of freely available latest high-resolution (30 m) global digital elevation models over Cameroon (Central Africa) with GPS/leveling ground control …
L Yap, LH Kandé, R Nouayou, J Kamguia, NA Ngouh, MB Makuate
International Journal of Digital Earth 12 (5), 500-524, 2019
Combination of terrestrial and satellite gravity data for the characterization of the southwestern coastal region of Cameroon: appraisal for hydrocarbon exploration
PG Kamto, W Lemotio, APK Tokam, L Yap
International Journal of Geophysics 2021 (1), 5554528, 2021
Subsurface structural mapping using combined terrestrial and grace gravity data of the Adamawa plateau (North-Cameroon)
B Apollinaire, K Joseph, TC Tabod, Y Loudi, N Robert, KH Ludovic, ...
International Journal of Geosciences 8 (07), 869, 2017
Evaluation of global gravity field models using shipborne free-air gravity anomalies over the Gulf of Guinea, Central Africa
KP Gautier, Y Loudi, ZA Alain, KH Ludovic, N Sévérin, K Joseph
Survey Review 54 (384), 243-253, 2022
High precision structural mapping using advanced gravity processing methods: a case study from the North region of Cameroon
PG Kamto, E Oksum, L Yap, LH Kande, J Kamguia
Acta Geophysica 72 (4), 2263-2280, 2024
Evaluation of latest marine gravity field models derived from satellite altimetry over the Gulf of Guinea (Central Africa) with shipborne gravity data
PG Kamto, L Yap, S Nguiya, LH Kandé, J Kamguia
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 66 (1), 23-37, 2022
Reference ellipsoid parameters of Cameroon from GPS data
LH Kande, J Kamguia, L Yap, L Foyang
International Journal of Geosciences 7 (8), 1049-1056, 2016
Characterization of the basement aquifers over Edéa-Kribi corridor using remote sensing and electrical resistivity method—a case study from Central Africa
NG José, Y Loudi, YAJ Quentin, M Yem, NC Gabriel
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1-11, 2021
Estimating gravity field and quasi-geoid in Cameroon (CGM20)
BB R. Barzaghi a, D. Carrion a, J. Kamguia b, L.H. Kande b, L. Yap b
Journal of African Earth Sciences 184 (104377), 2021
Refinement of Bouguer anomalies derived from the EGM2008 model, impact on gravimetric signatures in mountainous region: Case of Cameroon Volcanic Line, Central Africa
PG Kamto, CM Adiang, S Nguiya, J Kamguia, L Yap
Earth and Planetary Physics 4 (6), 639-650, 2020
Validation of a tailored gravity field model for precise quasigeoid modelling over selected sites in Cameroon and South Africa
PA Odera, OI Apeh, L Yap, MS Mphuthi
Journal of Applied Geodesy 18 (3), 499-512, 2024
Gravity Study of the Crust beneath the Babouri-Figuil and Mayo Oulo-Léré Sedimentary Basins, North Cameroon and South Chad
B Saidou, A Bouba, V Oyoa, L Yap, J Kamguia, E Manguelle-Dicoum
Evidence for the Upwelling of Mafic Bodies into the Upper Crust beneath the N40-50° E Branch of the Pan-African Central Cameroon Shear Zone from Gravity Studies
L Yap, R Nouayou, DT Tchato, J Kamguia, A Bouba
Open Journal of Geology 8 (3), 278-297, 2018
Journal of applied geodesy: Validation of a tailored gravity field model for precise quasigeoid modelling over selected sites in Cameroon and South Africa
PA Odera, OI Apeh, L Yap, MS Mphuthi
de Gruyter, 2024
Interpretation of locally high gravity anomalies using terrestrial gravity data in Bagodo, North Cameroon
A Bouba, K Njeudjang, L Yap, B Saidou, J Kamguia, TC Tabod
Earth and Planetary Physics 6 (4), 378-384, 2022
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