Luca Aldega
Luca Aldega
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Tectonic burial and “young”(< 10 Ma) exhumation in the southern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt (Italy)
S Mazzoli, M D'errico, L Aldega, S Corrado, C Invernizzi, P Shiner, ...
Geology 36 (3), 243-246, 2008
Thermal maturity of the axial zone of the southern Apennines fold‐and‐thrust belt (Italy) from multiple organic and inorganic indicators
S Corrado, L Aldega, P Di Leo, C Giampaolo, C Invernizzi, S Mazzoli, ...
Terra Nova 17 (1), 56-65, 2005
Detecting syn-orogenic extension and sediment provenance of the Cilento wedge top basin (southern Apennines, Italy): Mineralogy and geochemistry of fine-grained sediments and …
S Corrado, L Aldega, F Perri, S Critelli, F Muto, A Schito, V Tripodi
Tectonophysics 750, 404-418, 2019
Pliocene-quaternary thrusting, syn-orogenic extension and tectonic exhumation in the Southern Apennines (Italy): Insights from the Monte Alpi area
S Mazzoli, L Aldega, S Corrado, C Invernizzi, M Zattin
Shallow burial and exhumation of the Peloritani Mountains (NE Sicily, Italy): Insight from paleothermal and structural indicators
L Aldega, S Corrado, L Di Paolo, R Somma, R Maniscalco, ML Balestrieri
Bulletin 123 (1-2), 132-149, 2011
Stratigraphy, structural setting and burial history of the Messinian Laga basin in the context of Apennine foreland basin system
S Bigi, S Milli, S Corrado, P Casero, L Aldega, F Botti, M Moscatelli, ...
Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 1, 61-84, 2009
Architecture and evolution of an extensionally-inverted thrust (Mt. Tancia Thrust, Central Apennines): Geological, structural, geochemical, and K–Ar geochronological constraints
M Curzi, L Aldega, SM Bernasconi, F Berra, A Billi, C Boschi, S Franchini, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 136, 104059, 2020
Fluid flow within the damage zone of the Boccheggiano extensional fault (Larderello–Travale geothermal field, central Italy): structures, alteration and implications for …
F Rossetti, L Aldega, F Tecce, F Balsamo, A Billi, M Brilli
Geological Magazine 148 (4), 558-579, 2011
Assessment of thermal evolution of Paleozoic successions of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland)
A Schito, S Corrado, M Trolese, L Aldega, C Caricchi, S Cirilli, D Grigo, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 80, 112-132, 2017
Clay mineral assemblages and vitrinite reflectance in the Laga Basin (Central Apennines, Italy): What do they record?
L Aldega, F Botti, S Corrado
Clays and Clay Minerals 55 (5), 504-518, 2007
Reconstruction of maximum burial along the Northern Apennines thrust wedge (Italy) by indicators of thermal exposure and modeling
C Caricchi, L Aldega, S Corrado
Bulletin 127 (3-4), 428-442, 2015
On the origin of cleavage in the Central Pyrenees: structural and paleo-thermal study
E Izquierdo-Llavall, L Aldega, V Cantarelli, S Corrado, I Gil-Peña, ...
Tectonophysics 608, 303-318, 2013
Unraveling multiple thermotectonic events accommodated by crustal‐scale faults in Northern Iberia, Spain: Insights from K‐Ar dating of clay gouges
L Aldega, G Viola, A Casas‐Sainz, M Marcén, T Román‐Berdiel, ...
Tectonics 38 (10), 3629-3651, 2019
Overcoming pitfalls of vitrinite reflectance measurements in the assessment of thermal maturity: the case history of the lower Congo basin
A Schito, S Corrado, L Aldega, D Grigo
Marine and Petroleum Geology 74, 59-70, 2016
Thermal evolution of the Kuh-e-Asmari and Sim anticlines in the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt: implications for hydrocarbon generation
L Aldega, S Corrado, E Carminati, A Shaban, S Sherkati
Marine and petroleum geology 57, 1-13, 2014
The Zagros fold-and-thrust belt in the Fars province (Iran): II. Thermal evolution
L Aldega, S Bigi, E Carminati, F Trippetta, S Corrado, MA Kavoosi
Marine and Petroleum Geology 93, 376-390, 2018
Control of folding and faulting on fracturing in the Zagros (Iran): The Kuh-e-Sarbalesh anticline
E Carminati, L Aldega, F Trippetta, A Shaban, H Narimani, S Sherkati
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 79, 400-414, 2014
The signature and mechanics of earthquake ruptures along shallow creeping faults in poorly lithified sediments
F Balsamo, L Aldega, N De Paola, I Faoro, F Storti
Geology 42 (5), 435-438, 2014
Structural evolution of the sedimentary accretionary wedge of the alpine system in Eastern Sicily: Thermal and thermochronological constraints
S Corrado, L Aldega, ML Balestrieri, R Maniscalco, M Grasso
Geological Society of America Bulletin 121 (11-12), 1475-1490, 2009
Zagros fold and thrust belt in the Fars province (Iran) I: Control of thickness/rheology of sediments and pre-thrusting tectonics on structural style and shortening
S Bigi, E Carminati, L Aldega, F Trippetta, MA Kavoosi
Marine and Petroleum Geology 91, 211-224, 2018
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