D R Sanchez
D R Sanchez
Kiti vardaiDalber R sanchez, Dalber R S Candela, Dalber Ruben Sanchez Candela
Professor de Física
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Superconducting state coexisting with a phase-separated static magnetic order in , , and
T Goko, AA Aczel, E Baggio-Saitovitch, SL Bud’ko, PC Canfield, JP Carlo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (2), 024508, 2009
Muon-spin-relaxation studies of magnetic order and superfluid density in antiferromagnetic NdFeAsO, , and superconducting
AA Aczel, E Baggio-Saitovitch, SL Budko, PC Canfield, JP Carlo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (21), 214503, 2008
Electron-magnon interaction in ( Ho, Dy, Tb, and Gd) series of compounds based on magnetoresistance measurements
MB Fontes, JC Trochez, B Giordanengo, SL Bud’ko, DR Sanchez, ...
Physical Review B 60 (9), 6781, 1999
Cation-mediated interaction and weak ferromagnetism in
RB Guimaraes, M Mir, JC Fernandes, MA Continentino, HA Borges, ...
Physical Review B 60 (9), 6617, 1999
Superfluid density and field-induced magnetism in and measured with muon spin relaxation
TJ Williams, AA Aczel, E Baggio-Saitovitch, SL Bud’ko, PC Canfield, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (9), 094512, 2010
Structural and magnetic properties of the oxyborate
DC Freitas, RB Guimaraes, DR Sanchez, JC Fernandes, MA Continentino, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (2), 024432, 2010
Observation of a Pair-Breaking Field at the Ni Site in Nonsuperconducting RENC
DR Sánchez, H Micklitz, MB Fontes, SL Bud'Ko, E Baggio-Saitovitch
Physical review letters 76 (3), 507, 1996
Magnetism and charge order in the ladder compound
DC Freitas, CPC Medrano, DR Sanchez, MN Regueiro, ...
Physical Review B 94 (17), 174409, 2016
Green iron nanoparticles supported on amino-functionalized silica for removal of the dye methyl orange
TC Perrotti, NS Freitas, M Alzamora, DR Sanchez, NMF Carvalho
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (4), 103237, 2019
Nonmagnetic ions enhance magnetic order in the ludwigite
CPC Medrano, DC Freitas, DR Sanchez, CB Pinheiro, GG Eslava, ...
Physical Review B 91 (5), 054402, 2015
Effect of rare earth doping on BiFeO3 magnetic and structural properties (La, Gd)
JAM Cagigas, DS Candela, E Baggio-Saitovitch
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200 (1), 012134, 2010
Magnetism and charge ordering in studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy
J Larrea J, DR Sánchez, FJ Litterst, EM Baggio-Saitovitch, JC Fernandes, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (17), 174452, 2004
Static magnetic order of SrOFeAs ( Sc and V) revealed by Mössbauer and muon spin relaxation spectroscopies
J Munevar, DR Sánchez, M Alzamora, E Baggio-Saitovitch, JP Carlo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (2), 024527, 2011
First-order phase transitions inCaFe2As2 single crystal: a local probe study
M Alzamora, J Munevar, E Baggio-Saitovitch, SL Bud’ko, N Ni, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (14), 145701, 2011
Green Synthesis of Iron Oxides and Phosphates via Thermal Treatment of Iron Polyphenols Synthesized by a Camellia sinensis Extract
RT Franco, AL Silva, YE Licea, JDP Serna, M Alzamora, DR Sánchez, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 60 (8), 5734-5746, 2021
Magnetic, electronic, structural, and thermal properties of the ludwigite in the paramagnetic state
CW Galdino, DC Freitas, CPC Medrano, R Tartaglia, D Rigitano, ...
Physical Review B 100 (16), 165138, 2019
Weak ferromagnetism in
DR Sánchez, MAC De Melo, MB Fontes, SL Bud’ko, E Baggio-Saitovitch, ...
Physical Review B 57 (17), 10268, 1998
Synthesis, characterization and activity of homogeneous and heterogeneous (SiO2, NaY, MCM-41) iron (III) catalysts on cyclohexane and cyclohexene oxidation
PMA Machado, LM Lube, MDE Tiradentes, C Fernandes, CA Gomes, ...
Applied Catalysis A: General 507, 119-129, 2015
Charge delocalization in the ludwigite Fe3O2BO3
J Larrea, DR Sanchez, FJ Litterst, EM Baggio-Saitovitch
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (48), L949, 2001
Mössbauer spectroscopy of Fe in the compounds R( C (R=Y,Gd,Tb,Dy,Ho,Er):ffTheory and experiment
Z Zeng, DR Sánchez, D Guenzburger, DE Ellis, EM Baggio-Saitovitch, ...
Physical Review B 55 (5), 3087, 1997
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