Saif U. R. Malik
A taxonomy and survey on green data center networks
K Bilal, SUR Malik, O Khalid, A Hameed, E Alvarez, V Wijaysekara, R Irfan, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 36, 189-208, 2014
A survey on resource allocation in high performance distributed computing systems
H Hussain, SUR Malik, A Hameed, SU Khan, G Bickler, N Min-Allah, ...
Parallel Computing 39 (11), 709-736, 2013
Trends and challenges in cloud datacenters
K Bilal, SUR Malik, SU Khan, AY Zomaya
IEEE cloud computing 1 (1), 10-20, 2014
A survey of cloud computing data integrity schemes: Design challenges, taxonomy and future trends
F Zafar, A Khan, SUR Malik, M Ahmed, A Anjum, MI Khan, N Javed, ...
Computers & Security 65, 29-49, 2017
FESDA: Fog-enabled secure data aggregation in smart grid IoT network
A Saleem, A Khan, SUR Malik, H Pervaiz, H Malik, M Alam, A Jindal
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (7), 6132-6142, 2019
Modeling and analysis of state-of-the-art VM-based cloud management platforms
SUR Malik, SU Khan, SK Srinivasan
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 1 (1), 1-1, 2013
Performance analysis of data intensive cloud systems based on data management and replication: a survey
SUR Malik, SU Khan, SJ Ewen, N Tziritas, J Kolodziej, AY Zomaya, ...
Distributed and Parallel Databases 34, 179-215, 2016
An efficient privacy mechanism for electronic health records
A Anjum, KKR Choo, A Khan, A Haroon, S Khan, SU Khan, N Ahmad, ...
computers & security 72, 196-211, 2018
DaSCE: Data security for cloud environment with semi-trusted third party
M Ali, SUR Malik, SU Khan
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 5 (4), 642-655, 2015
Towards situational aware cyber-physical systems: A security-enhancing use case of blockchain-based digital twins
S Suhail, SUR Malik, R Jurdak, R Hussain, R Matulevičius, D Svetinovic
Computers in Industry 141, 103699, 2022
A cross tenant access control (CTAC) model for cloud computing: formal specification and verification
Q Alam, SUR Malik, A Akhunzada, KKR Choo, S Tabbasum, M Alam
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 12 (6), 1259-1268, 2016
Improved generalization for secure data publishing
S Yaseen, SMA Abbas, A Anjum, T Saba, A Khan, SUR Malik, N Ahmad, ...
IEEE Access 6, 27156-27165, 2018
Dynamic task mapping for network-on-chip based systems
T Maqsood, S Ali, SUR Malik, SA Madani
Journal of Systems Architecture 61 (7), 293-306, 2015
An efficient approach for publishing microdata for multiple sensitive attributes
A Anjum, N Ahmad, SUR Malik, S Zubair, B Shahzad
The Journal of Supercomputing 74, 5127-5155, 2018
SLA-aware energy efficient resource management for cloud environments
S Mustafa, K Bilal, SUR Malik, SA Madani
IEEE Access 6, 15004-15020, 2018
Fog computing over IoT: A secure deployment and formal verification
S Zahra, M Alam, Q Javaid, A Wahid, N Javaid, SUR Malik, MK Khan
IEEE Access 5, 27132-27144, 2017
Rededge: A novel architecture for big data processing in mobile edge computing environments
M Habib ur Rehman, PP Jayaraman, SUR Malik, AUR Khan, ...
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 6 (3), 17, 2017
A deep learning-based privacy-preserving model for smart healthcare in internet of medical things using fog computing
SA Moqurrab, N Tariq, A Anjum, A Asheralieva, SUR Malik, H Malik, ...
Wireless Personal Communications 126 (3), 2379-2401, 2022
EFFORT: Energy efficient framework for offload communication in mobile cloud computing
SUR Malik, H Akram, SS Gill, H Pervaiz, H Malik
Software: Practice and Experience 51 (9), 1896-1909, 2021
Modeling and analysis of the thermal properties exhibited by cyberphysical data centers
SUR Malik, K Bilal, SU Khan, B Veeravalli, K Li, AY Zomaya
IEEE Systems Journal 11 (1), 163-172, 2015
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