Minhao Zhang
Embracing supply chain agility: an investigation in the electronics industry
YK Tse, M Zhang, P Akhtar, J MacBryde
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 21 (1), 140-156, 2016
Sustainable supply chain management: Confirmation of a higher-order model
M Zhang, YK Tse, B Doherty, S Li, P Akhtar
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 128, 206-221, 2018
From isolation to coordination: how can telemedicine help combat the COVID-19 outbreak?
Y Zhai, Y Wang, M Zhang, JH Gittell, S Jiang, B Chen, F Cui, X He, J Zhao, ...
Digital Health and Medical Analytics: Second International Conference, DHA …, 2021
Examining the antecedents and consequences of green product innovation
M Zhang, W Zeng, YK Tse, Y Wang, P Smart
Industrial Marketing Management 93, 413-427, 2021
Examining green supply chain management and financial performance: roles of social control and environmental dynamism
M Zhang, YK Tse, J Dai, HK Chan
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 66 (1), 20-34, 2017
Managing quality risk in supply chain to drive firm's performance: the roles of control mechanisms
YK Tse, M Zhang, KH Tan, K Pawar, K Fernandes
Journal of Business Research 97, 291-303, 2019
The effect of supply chain finance initiatives on the market value of service providers
HKS Lam, Y Zhan, M Zhang, Y Wang, A Lyons
International Journal of Production Economics 216, 227-238, 2019
Corporate responses to the coronavirus crisis and their impact on electronic‐word‐of‐mouth and trust recovery: Evidence from social media
Y Wang, M Zhang, S Li, F McLeay, S Gupta
British Journal of Management 32 (4), 1184-1202, 2021
Analysing online reviews to investigate customer behaviour in the sharing economy: the case of Airbnb
CKH Lee, YK Tse, M Zhang, J Ma
Information Technology & People 33 (3), 945-961, 2020
Insight from the horsemeat scandal: Exploring the consumers’ opinion of tweets toward Tesco
YK Tse, M Zhang, B Doherty, P Chappell, P Garnett
Industrial Management & Data Systems 116 (6), 1178-1200, 2016
Examining customer perception and behaviour through social media research–An empirical study of the United Airlines overbooking crisis
J Ma, YK Tse, X Wang, M Zhang
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 127, 192-205, 2019
Unpacking the impact of social media analytics on customer satisfaction: do external stakeholder characteristics matter?
Y Wang, M Zhang, YK Tse, HK Chan
International journal of operations & production management 40 (5), 647-669, 2020
Sustainable corporate governance for environmental innovation: A configurational analysis on board capital, CEO power and ownership structure
X Shui, M Zhang, P Smart, F Ye
Journal of Business Research 149, 786-794, 2022
Building relationship innovation in global collaborative partnerships: big data analytics and traditional organizational powers
P Akhtar, Z Khan, R Rao‐Nicholson, M Zhang
R&D Management 49 (1), 7-20, 2019
Harvesting Online Reviews to Identify the Competitor Set in a Service Business: Evidence From the Hotel Industry
F Ye, Q Xia, M Zhang, Y Zhan, Y Li
Journal of Service Research, 1094670520975143, 2020
An investigation of social media data during a product recall scandal
YK Tse, H Loh, J Ding, M Zhang
Enterprise Information Systems 12 (6), 733-751, 2018
Corporate social responsibility and bank credit loans: Exploring the moderating effect of the institutional environment in China
G Huang, F Ye, Y Li, L Chen, M Zhang
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 40 (2), 707-742, 2023
Shaping social media analytics in the pursuit of organisational agility: a real options theory perspective
M Zhang, Y Wang, H Olya
Tourism Management 88, 104415, 2022
The effects of risk and reward sharing on quality performance
YK Tse, M Zhang, F Jia
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 38 (12), 2367-2388, 2018
Environmental performance feedback and timing of reshoring: perspectives from the behavioural theory of the firm
M Zhang, X Shui, P Smart, X Wang, J Chen
British journal of management 34 (3), 1238-1258, 2023
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