Prof. Adriano Bressane, PhD.
Prof. Adriano Bressane, PhD.
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Desafios e possibilidades para o ensino superior: uma experiência brasileira em tempos de COVID-19
M Spalding, C Rauen, LMR de Vasconcellos, MR da Cruz Vegian, ...
Research, Society and Development 9 (8), e534985970-e534985970, 2020
A system for evaluating the impact of noise pollution on the population's health
A Bressane, PS Mochizuki, RM Caram, JAF Roveda
Cadernos de saude publica 32, e00021215, 2016
Understanding the role of study strategies and learning disabilities on student academic performance to enhance educational approaches: A proposal using artificial intelligence
A Bressane, D Zwirn, A Essiptchouk, ACV Saraiva, ...
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence 6, 100196, 2024
Classificação de fragmentos florestais urbanos com base em métricas da paisagem
AL Silva, RM Longo, A Bressane, MFH Carvalho
Ciência Florestal 29 (3), 1254-1269, 2019
Mechanical behavior of different restorative materials and onlay preparation designs in endodontically treated molars
AB Gomes de Carvalho, GS de Andrade, JP Mendes Tribst, EDA Grassi, ...
Materials 14 (8), 1923, 2021
Association between contact with nature and anxiety, stress and depression symptoms: A primary survey in Brazil
A Bressane, RG Negri, I de Brito Junior, LCC Medeiros, ILL Araújo, ...
Sustainability 14 (17), 10506, 2022
Statistical analysis of texture in trunk images for biometric identification of tree species
A Bressane, JAF Roveda, ACG Martins
Environmental monitoring and assessment 187, 1-9, 2015
Fuzzy-based computational intelligence to support screening decision in environmental impact assessment: A complementary tool for a case-by-case project appraisal
A Bressane, PM da Silva, FA Fiore, TA Carra, H Ewbank, BP De-Carli, ...
Environmental impact assessment review 85, 106446, 2020
Development of a zooplankton biotic index for trophic state prediction in tropical reservoirs
BP De-Carli, A Bressane, RM Longo, A Manzi-Decarli, V Moschini-Carlos, ...
Limnetica 38 (1), 303-316, 2019
Fuzzy-based methodological proposal for participatory diagnosis in the linear parks management
A Bressane, CH Biagolini, PS Mochizuki, JAF Roveda, RW Lourenço
Ecological Indicators 80, 153-162, 2017
Forest restoration assessment in Brazilian Amazonia: A new clustering-based methodology considering the reference ecosystem
FH Fengler, A Bressane, MM Carvalho, RM Longo, GA de Medeiros, ...
Ecological Engineering 108, 93-99, 2017
Fuzzy artificial intelligence—Based model proposal to forecast student performance and retention risk in engineering education: An alternative for handling with small data
A Bressane, M Spalding, D Zwirn, AIS Loureiro, AO Bankole, RG Negri, ...
Sustainability 14 (21), 14071, 2022
Modelagem Fuzzy Aplicada à Análise da Paisagem: Uma proposta para o diagnóstico ambiental participativo
LVG França, A Bressane, FN Silva, A Peche Filho, GA Medeiros, ...
FRONTEIRAS: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science 3 (3 …, 2014
Impact of different complete coverage onlay preparation designs and the intraoral scanner on the accuracy of digital scans
GS de Andrade, JN Luz, JPM Tribst, EP Chun, A Bressane, ALS Borges, ...
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 131 (6), 1168-1177, 2024
A non-hybrid data-driven fuzzy inference system for coagulant dosage in drinking water treatment plant: machine-learning for accurate real-time prediction
A Bressane, APG Goulart, CP Melo, IG Gomes, AIS Loureiro, RG Negri, ...
Water 15 (6), 1126, 2023
Sustainable resource management in a supply chain: a methodological proposal combining zero-inflated fuzzy time series and clustering techniques
H Ewbank, JA Frutuoso Roveda, SR Monteiro Masalskiene Roveda, ...
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 33 (5), 1059-1076, 2020
Poluição Sonora: síntese de princípios fundamentais da teoria acústica
A Bressane, GA Santarine, JC Maurício
Holos Environment 10 (2), 223-237, 2010
Geo-environmental zoning using physiographic compartmentalization: a proposal for supporting sustainable decision-making
CVS Correa, FAGV Reis, LC Giordano, A Bressane, CJ Chaves, ...
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 89 (03), 1503-1530, 2017
Fuzzy machine learning applications in environmental engineering: Does the ability to deal with uncertainty really matter?
A Bressane, AJS Garcia, MV Castro, SD Xerfan, G Ruas, RG Negri
Sustainability 16 (11), 4525, 2024
Computer-aided classification of successional stage in subtropical Atlantic Forest: A proposal based on fuzzy artificial intelligence
A Bressane, IG Gomes, GCS Da Rosa, CCM Brandelik, MB Silva, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195 (1), 184, 2023
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