Elisabetta Palumbo
Elisabetta Palumbo
Senior Researcher,University of Bergamo
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Artificial Neural Networks to assess energy and environmental performance of buildings: An Italian case study
A D'Amico, G Ciulla, M Traverso, VL Brano, E Palumbo
Journal of Cleaner Production 239, 117993, 2019
How to obtain accurate environmental impacts at early design stages in BIM when using environmental product declaration. A method to support decision-making
E Palumbo, B Soust-Verdaguer, C Llatas, M Traverso
Sustainability 12 (17), 6927, 2020
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM): An innovative technique aimed at reusing Lecce stone waste for industrial design and building applications
CE Corcione, E Palumbo, A Masciullo, F Montagna, MC Torricelli
Construction and Building Materials 158, 276-284, 2018
Development and characterization of sustainable PLA/Olive wood waste composites for rehabilitation applications using Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)
D Fico, D Rizzo, V De Carolis, F Montagna, E Palumbo, CE Corcione
Journal of Building Engineering 56, 104673, 2022
BIM-based LCSA application in early design stages using IFC
C LLatas, B Soust-Verdaguer, A Hollberg, E Palumbo, R Quinones
Automation in Construction 138, 104259, 2022
Environmental product declarations as data source for the environmental assessment of buildings in the context of level (s) and DGNB: how feasible is their adoption?
P Del Rosario, E Palumbo, M Traverso
Sustainability 13 (11), 6143, 2021
The LCT challenge: defining new design objectives to increase the sustainability of building retrofit interventions
C Passoni, E Palumbo, R Pinho, A Marini
Sustainability 14 (14), 8860, 2022
The use of environmental product declarations of construction products as a data source to conduct a building life-cycle assessment in Spain
B Soust-Verdaguer, E Palumbo, C Llatas, Á Velasco Acevedo, ...
Sustainability 15 (2), 1284, 2023
Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) of construction products in Spain: Current status and future challenges
B Soust-Verdaguer, E Palumbo, C Llatas, AV Acevedo, E Hoxha, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1078 (1), 012128, 2022
Resilient cities: Mitigation measures for urban districts. A feasibility study
D Longo, A Boeri, V Gianfrate, E Palumbo, SOM Boulanger
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 13 (5), 734-745, 2018
Effect of LCA data sources on GBRS reference values: The envelope of an Italian passive house
E Palumbo
Energies 14 (7), 1883, 2021
A comparative LCA as a tool for evaluating existing best available techniques (BATs) in facing brick manufacturing and more eco-sustainable coating solutions
L Silvestri, E Palumbo, M Traverso, A Forcina
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 26, 673-691, 2021
Ina-Casa La Fiorita. Un protocollo per la riqualificazione condivisa dell’edilizia sociale/Ina-Casa La Fiorita. A system for the shared regeneration of social housing
L Marchi, E Palumbo, A Lombardi, E Antonini
Techne 14, 261-271, 2017
Valutazione ambientale nel ciclo di vita dei prodotti in laterizio
MC Torricelli, C Gargari, E Palumbo
Costruire in laterizio 116, 158-166, 2007
Towards a sustainable district: a streamlined Life cycle assessment applied to an Italian urban district
E Palumbo, M Traverso, E Antonini, A Boeri
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 323 (1), 012095, 2019
Ecolabel per gli edifici del Mediterraneo
MC Torricelli, C Gargari, E Palumbo
Costruire in laterizio 133, 60-65, 2010
Efficientamento dell'involucro edilizio: interazione tra energia inglobata ed energia operativa
E Palumbo, S Politi
Techne 16, 247-257, 2018
Sostenibilità degli edifici in legno. Indirizzi per la progettazione. Valutazione ambientale, sistemi costruttivi, processi di filiera, normativa e casi studio
C Piccardo
Franco Angeli, 2015
Life Cycle Assessment of Luminescent Solar Concentrators Integrated into a Smart Window
V Muteri, S Longo, M Traverso, E Palumbo, L Bua, M Cellura, D Testa, ...
Energies 16 (4), 1869, 2023
Walk-the-talk: Sustainable events management as common practice for sustainability conferences
RN Mankaa, M Bolz, E Palumbo, S Neugebauer, M Traverso
12th Italian LCA network conference, 11-12, 2018
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