Peter Ebert
Peter Ebert
Heinrich Heine University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A draft human pangenome reference
WW Liao, M Asri, J Ebler, D Doerr, M Haukness, G Hickey, S Lu, JK Lucas, ...
Nature 617 (7960), 312-324, 2023
Haplotype-resolved diverse human genomes and integrated analysis of structural variation
P Ebert, PA Audano, Q Zhu, B Rodriguez-Martin, D Porubsky, MJ Bonder, ...
Science 372 (6537), eabf7117, 2021
The International Human Epigenome Consortium: a blueprint for scientific collaboration and discovery
HG Stunnenberg, S Abrignani, D Adams, M de Almeida, L Altucci, V Amin, ...
Cell 167 (5), 1145-1149, 2016
DNA methylation dynamics of human hematopoietic stem cell differentiation
M Farlik, F Halbritter, F Müller, FA Choudry, P Ebert, J Klughammer, ...
Cell stem cell 19 (6), 808-822, 2016
Epigenomic profiling of human CD4+ T cells supports a linear differentiation model and highlights molecular regulators of memory development
P Durek, K Nordström, G Gasparoni, A Salhab, C Kressler, M De Almeida, ...
Immunity 45 (5), 1148-1161, 2016
Pangenome-based genome inference allows efficient and accurate genotyping across a wide spectrum of variant classes
J Ebler, P Ebert, WE Clarke, T Rausch, PA Audano, T Houwaart, Y Mao, ...
Nature genetics 54 (4), 518-525, 2022
Fully phased human genome assembly without parental data using single-cell strand sequencing and long reads
D Porubsky, P Ebert, PA Audano, MR Vollger, WT Harvey, P Marijon, ...
Nature biotechnology 39 (3), 302-308, 2021
Semi-automated assembly of high-quality diploid human reference genomes
ED Jarvis, G Formenti, A Rhie, A Guarracino, C Yang, J Wood, A Tracey, ...
Nature 611 (7936), 519-531, 2022
Benchmarking challenging small variants with linked and long reads
J Wagner, ND Olson, L Harris, Z Khan, J Farek, M Mahmoud, A Stankovic, ...
Cell genomics 2 (5), 2022
Combining transcription factor binding affinities with open-chromatin data for accurate gene expression prediction
F Schmidt, N Gasparoni, G Gasparoni, K Gianmoena, C Cadenas, ...
Nucleic acids research 45 (1), 54-66, 2017
Recurrent inversion polymorphisms in humans associate with genetic instability and genomic disorders
D Porubsky, W Höps, H Ashraf, PH Hsieh, B Rodriguez-Martin, F Yilmaz, ...
Cell 185 (11), 1986-2005. e26, 2022
Epigenetic dynamics of monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation
S Wallner, C Schröder, E Leitão, T Berulava, C Haak, D Beißer, ...
Epigenetics & chromatin 9, 1-17, 2016
Ten simple rules for developing usable software in computational biology
M List, P Ebert, F Albrecht
PLoS computational biology 13 (1), e1005265, 2017
A comprehensive analysis of 195 DNA methylomes reveals shared and cell-specific features of partially methylated domains
A Salhab, K Nordström, G Gasparoni, K Kattler, P Ebert, F Ramirez, ...
Genome biology 19, 1-13, 2018
An environment for sustainable research software in Germany and beyond: current state, open challenges, and call for action
H Anzt, F Bach, S Druskat, F Löffler, A Loewe, BY Renard, G Seemann, ...
F1000Research 9, 295, 2021
TEPIC 2—an extended framework for transcription factor binding prediction and integrative epigenomic analysis
F Schmidt, F Kern, P Ebert, N Baumgarten, MH Schulz
Bioinformatics 35 (9), 1608-1609, 2019
Unique and assay specific features of NOMe-, ATAC-and DNase I-seq data
KJV Nordström, F Schmidt, N Gasparoni, A Salhab, G Gasparoni, K Kattler, ...
Nucleic acids research 47 (20), 10580-10596, 2019
Gaps and complex structurally variant loci in phased genome assemblies
D Porubsky, MR Vollger, WT Harvey, AN Rozanski, P Ebert, G Hickey, ...
Genome research 33 (4), 496-510, 2023
BiQ Analyzer HiMod: an interactive software tool for high-throughput locus-specific analysis of 5-methylcytosine and its oxidized derivatives
D Becker, P Lutsik, P Ebert, C Bock, T Lengauer, J Walter
Nucleic acids research 42 (W1), W501-W507, 2014
A fully phased accurate assembly of an individual human genome
D Porubsky, P Ebert, PA Audano, MR Vollger, WT Harvey, KM Munson, ...
bioRxiv, 855049, 2019
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