Yaqing Jin
Yaqing Jin
Assistant Professor, The university of Texas at Dallas
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Wake and power fluctuations of a model wind turbine subjected to pitch and roll oscillations
S Fu, Y Jin, Y Zheng, LP Chamorro
Applied Energy 253, 113605, 2019
Effects of freestream turbulence in a model wind turbine wake
Y Jin, H Liu, R Aggarwal, A Singh, LP Chamorro
Energies 9 (10), 830, 2016
Towards uncovering the structure of power fluctuations of wind farms
H Liu, Y Jin, N Tobin, LP Chamorro
Physical review E 96 (6), 063117, 2017
On the evolution of the integral time scale within wind farms
H Liu, I Hayat, Y Jin, LP Chamorro
Energies 11 (1), 93, 2018
Spectral energy cascade of body rotations and oscillations under turbulence
Y Jin, S Ji, LP Chamorro
Physical Review E 94 (6), 063105, 2016
Flow-induced motions of flexible plates: fluttering, twisting and orbital modes
Y Jin, JT Kim, S Fu, LP Chamorro
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 864, 273-285, 2019
On the couple dynamics of wall-mounted flexible plates in tandem
Y Jin, JT Kim, Z Mao, LP Chamorro
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 852, R2, 2018
Flow-induced oscillations of low-aspect-ratio flexible plates with various tip geometries
Y Jin, JT Kim, L Hong, LP Chamorro
Physics of Fluids 30 (9), 2018
Jelly-Z: swimming performance and analysis of twisted and coiled polymer (TCP) actuated jellyfish soft robot
PS Matharu, P Gong, KPR Guntaka, Y Almubarak, Y Jin, YT Tadesse
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 11086, 2023
On the role of thickness ratio and location of axis of rotation in the flat plate motions
Y Jin, S Ji, B Liu, LP Chamorro
Journal of Fluids and Structures 64, 127-137, 2016
On the dynamics of a model wind turbine under passive tower oscillations
B Zhang, Y Jin, S Cheng, Y Zheng, LP Chamorro
Applied Energy 311, 118608, 2022
Interaction of low-level jets with wind turbines: On the basic mechanisms for enhanced performance
A Doosttalab, D Siguenza-Alvarado, V Pulletikurthi, Y Jin, ...
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 12 (5), 2020
Influence of vortical structure impingement on the oscillation and rotation of flat plates
B Liu, AM Hamed, Y Jin, LP Chamorro
Journal of Fluids and Structures 70, 417-427, 2017
On the distinct drag, reconfiguration and wake of perforated structures
Y Jin, JT Kim, S Cheng, O Barry, LP Chamorro
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 890, A1, 2020
Lagrangian acceleration in Rayleigh-Bénard convection at various aspect ratios
JT Kim, S Shen, SL DiMarco, Y Jin, LP Chamorro
Physical Review Fluids 3 (11), 113502, 2018
Wind plant power maximization via extremum seeking yaw control: A wind tunnel experiment
D Kumar, MA Rotea, EJ Aju, Y Jin
Wind Energy 26 (3), 283-309, 2023
Free fall of homogeneous and heterogeneous cones
JT Kim, Y Jin, S Shen, A Dash, LP Chamorro
Physical Review Fluids 5 (9), 093801, 2020
On the transient dynamics of the wake and trajectory of free falling cones with various apex angles
AM Hamed, Y Jin, LP Chamorro
Experiments in Fluids 56, 1-10, 2015
Instability-driven frequency decoupling between structure dynamics and wake fluctuations
Y Jin, JT Kim, LP Chamorro
Physical Review Fluids 3 (4), 044701, 2018
Passive pitching of splitters in the trailing edge of elliptic cylinders
Y Jin, LP Chamorro
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 826, 363-375, 2017
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