Tiina Salo
Synergistic effects of altered salinity and temperature on estuarine eelgrass (Zostera marina) seedlings and clonal shoots
T Salo, MF Pedersen
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 457, 143-150, 2014
Genotype-specific responses to light stress in eelgrass Zostera marina, a marine foundation plant
T Salo, TBH Reusch, C Boström
Marine Ecology Progress Series 519, 129-140, 2015
Population specific salinity tolerance in eelgrass (Zostera marina)
T Salo, MF Pedersen, C Boström
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 461, 425-429, 2014
The Effect of Genetic Diversity on Ecosystem Functioning in Vegetated Coastal Ecosystems
T Salo, C Gustafsson
Ecosystems, 1-16, 2016
High ammonium availability amplifies the adverse effect of low salinity on eelgrass Zostera marina
B Villazán, T Salo, FG Brun, JJ Vergara, MF Pedersen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 536, 149-162, 2015
Resilience to heat waves in the aquatic snail Lymnaea stagnalis: Additive and interactive effects with micropollutants
T Salo, C Stamm, FJ Burdon, K Räsänen, O Seppälä
Freshwater Biology 62 (11), 1831-1846, 2017
Transcriptome profiling of Lymnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda) for ecoimmunological research
O Seppälä, JC Walser, T Cereghetti, K Seppälä, T Salo, CM Adema
BMC genomics 22, 1-16, 2021
Effects of plant diversity on primary production and species interactions in brackish water angiosperm communities
T Salo, C Gustafsson, C Boström
Marine Ecology Progress Series 396, 261-272, 2009
Green algae as bioindicators for long-term nutrient pollution along a coastal eutrophication gradient
T Salo, S Salovius-Laurén
Ecological Indicators 140, 109034, 2022
Long‐term warming affects ecosystem functioning through species turnover and intraspecific trait variation
T Salo, J Mattila, J Eklöf
Oikos 129, 283-295, 2020
Use of food web knowledge in environmental conservation and management of living resources in the Baltic Sea
M Eero, J Dierking, C Humborg, E Undeman, BR MacKenzie, H Ojaveer, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (8), 2645-2663, 2021
The effect of patch isolation on epifaunal colonization in two different seagrass ecosystems
C Gustafsson, T Salo
Marine Biology 159 (7), 1497-1507, 2012
Diurnal variation around an optimum and near‐critically high temperature does not alter the performance of an ectothermic aquatic grazer
T Salo, T Kropf, FJ Burdon, O Seppälä
Ecology and evolution 9 (20), 11695-11706, 2019
Role of food web interactions in promoting resilience to nutrient enrichment in a brackish water eelgrass (Zostera marina) ecosystem
K Gagnon, C Gustafsson, T Salo, F Rossi, S Gunell, JP Richardson, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 66 (7), 2810-2826, 2021
Distribution and ecology of the recently introduced tanaidacean crustacean Sinelobus vanhaareni Bamber, 2014 in the northern Baltic Sea
K Gagnon, H Herlevi, J Wikström, MC Nordström, T Salo, ...
Aquatic Invasions 17 (1), 57-71, 2022
Enemy release an unlikely explanation for the invasive potential of the brown alga Sargassum muticum: experimental results, literature review and meta-analysis
MF Pedersen, KL Johnsen, LL Halle, ND Karling, T Salo
Marine Biology 163 (10), 197, 2016
Simultaneous exposure to a pulsed and a prolonged anthropogenic stressor can alter consumer multifunctionality
T Salo, K Räsänen, C Stamm, FJ Burdon, O Seppälä
Oikos 127 (10), 1437-1448, 2018
Variation in Fucus vesiculosus associated fauna along a eutrophication gradient
H Rinne, JF Blanc, T Salo, MC Nordström, N Salmela, S Salovius-Laurén
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 275, 107976, 2022
Environment-and scale-dependent changes in the functioning of invertebrate communities associated with Fucus vesiculosus
T Salo, H Rinne, E Rancken, JF Blanc, S Salovius-Laurén, MC Nordström
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 290, 108411, 2023
Condition‐dependent immune function in a freshwater snail revealed by stable isotopes
O Seppälä, E Yohannes, T Salo
Freshwater Biology 67 (7), 1287-1297, 2022
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