Mark Purdon
Advancing comparative climate change politics: Theory and method
M Purdon
Global Environmental Politics 15 (3), 1-26, 2015
Initial response of understorey vegetation to fire severity and salvage‐logging in the southern boreal forest of Québec
M Purdon, S Biais, Y Bergeron
Applied Vegetation Science 7 (1), 49-60, 2004
Advancing the research agenda on food systems governance and transformation
C van Bers, A Delaney, H Eakin, L Cramer, M Purdon, C Oberlack, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 39, 94-102, 2019
Neoclassical realism and international climate change politics: moral imperative and political constraint in international climate finance
M Purdon
Journal of International Relations and Development 20, 263-300, 2017
Comparative politics of sub-federal cap-and-trade: Implementing the Western Climate Initiative
D Houle, E Lachapelle, M Purdon
Global Environmental Politics 15 (3), 49-73, 2015
The nature of ecosystem management: postmodernism and plurality in the sustainable management of the boreal forest
M Purdon
Environmental Science & Policy 6 (4), 377-388, 2003
Examination of the influences of global forest governance arrangements at the domestic level.
S Bernstein, B Cashore, RE Atyi, A Maryudi, K McGinley, T Cadman, ...
Governance of food systems across scales in times of social-ecological change: a review of indicators
A Delaney, T Evans, J McGreevy, J Blekking, T Schlachter, ...
Food Security 10 (2), 287-310, 2018
The political economy of California and Quebec's cap-and-trade systems
M Purdon, D Houle, E Lachapelle
Sustainable Prosperity, Ottawa, 2014
Opening the black box of carbon finance “additionality”: the political economy of carbon finance effectiveness across Tanzania, Uganda, and Moldova
M Purdon
World Development 74, 462-478, 2015
Land Acquisitions in Tanzania: strong sustainability, weak sustainability and the importance of comparative methods
M Purdon
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26, 1127-1156, 2013
Regional variation in forest health under long-term air pollution mitigated by lithological conditions
M Purdon, E Cienciala, V Metelka, J Beranová, I Hunová, M Cerny
Forest Ecology and Management 195 (3), 355-371, 2004
Climate and transportation policy sequencing in California and Quebec
M Purdon, J Witcover, C Murphy, S Ziaja, M Winfield, G Giuliano, ...
Review of Policy Research 38 (5), 596-630, 2021
The comparative turn in climate change adaptation and food security governance research
M Purdon
Copenhagen: CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change Agriculture and Food …, 2014
Research methodology for adaptation policy analysis: embracing the eclectic messy centre
M Purdon, P Thornton
Research handbook on climate change adaptation policy, 157-192, 2019
The clean development mechanism and community forests in Sub-Saharan Africa: reconsidering Kyoto’s “moral position” on biocarbon sinks in the carbon market
M Purdon
Environment, Development and Sustainability 12 (6), 1025-1050, 2010
The impact of salvage-logging after wildfire in the boreal forest: lessons from the Abitibi
M Purdon, J Noël, A Nappi, P Drapeau, B Harvey, S Brais, Y Bergeron, ...
NSERC-UQAT-UQAM Industrial Chair in Sustainable Forest Management, Rouyn-Noranda, 2002
Finding common ground: A critique of subsumption theory and its application to small-scale Forest carbon offsetting in Uganda
M Purdon
Society & Natural Resources 31 (9), 1082-1093, 2018
Strengthening the food systems governance evidence base: Supporting commensurability of research through a systematic review of methods
A Delaney, T Evans, J McGreevy, J Blekking, T Schlachter, ...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security …, 2016
State and Carbon Market in Least Developed Countries: Carbon Finance in the Land-Use Sector and State Power in Tanzania, Uganda and Moldova
M Purdon
2012 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, 2012
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