Amedeo Manuello Bertetto
Reliable onset time determination and source location of acoustic emissions in concrete structures
A Carpinteri, J Xu, G Lacidogna, A Manuello
Cement and concrete composites 34 (4), 529-537, 2012
Acoustic and electromagnetic emissions as precursor phenomena in failure processes
G Lacidogna, A Carpinteri, A Manuello, G Durin, A Schiavi, G Niccolini, ...
Strain 47, 144-152, 2011
Mechanical and electromagnetic emissions related to stress-induced cracks
A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, A Manuello, G Niccolini, A Schiavi, A Agosto
Experimental Techniques 36, 53-64, 2012
Acoustic emissions at high and low frequencies during compression tests in brittle materials
A Schiavi, G Niccolini, P Tarizzo, A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, A Manuello
Strain 47, 105-110, 2011
Electromagnetic and neutron emissions from brittle rocks failure: experimental evidence and geological implications
A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, O Borla, A Manuello, G Niccolini
Sadhana 37 (1), 59-78, 2012
The b‐value analysis for the stability investigation of the ancient Athena Temple in Syracuse
A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, A Manuello
Strain 47, e243-e253, 2011
Compositional and microchemical evidence of piezonuclear fission reactions in rock specimens subjected to compression tests
A Carpinteri, A Chiodoni, A Manuello, R Sandrone
Strain 47, 282-292, 2011
Evaluation of the repair on multiple leaf stone masonry by acoustic emission
AM Anna Anzani, Luigia Binda, Alberto Caprinteri, Giuseppe Lacidogna
Materials and Structures 41 (6), 1169–1189, 2008
Neutron emissions in brittle rocks during compression tests: Monotonic vs. cyclic loading
A Carpinteri, O Borla, G Lacidogna, A Manuello
Physical Mesomechanics 13 (5-6), 268-274, 2010
Acoustic Emission Monitoring of the Syracuse Athena Temple: Scale Invariance<? format?> in the Timing of Ruptures
G Niccolini, A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, A Manuello
Physical review letters 106 (10), 108503, 2011
Durability evaluation of reinforced masonry by fatigue tests and acoustic emission technique
A Carpinteri, A Grazzini, G Lacidogna, A Manuello
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 21 (6), 950-961, 2014
AE monitoring of a concrete arch road tunnel: Damage evolution and localization
A Manuello, G Niccolini, A Carpinteri
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 210, 279-287, 2019
Energy emissions from brittle fracture: neutron measurements and geological evidences of piezonuclear reactions
A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, A Manuello, O Borla
Strength, Fracture and Complexity 7 (1), 13-31, 2011
Geomechanical and geochemical evidence of piezonuclear fission reactions in the Earth’s crust
A Carpinteri, A Manuello
Strain 47, 267-281, 2011
Piezonuclear fission reactions from earthquakes and brittle rocks failure: evidence of neutron emission and non-radioactive product elements
A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, A Manuello, O Borla
Experimental Mechanics 53, 345-365, 2013
Fundamental frequency evolution in slender beams subjected to imposed axial displacements
A Carpinteri, R Malvano, A Manuello, G Piana
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (11), 2390-2403, 2014
Interaction between snap-through and Eulerian instability in shallow structures
F Bazzucchi, A Manuello, A Carpinteri
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 88, 11-20, 2017
A study on the structural stability of the Asinelli Tower in Bologna
A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, A Manuello, G Niccolini
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 23 (4), 659-667, 2016
Piezonuclear fission reactions in rocks: evidences from microchemical analysis, neutron emission, and geological transformation
A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, A Manuello, O Borla
Rock mechanics and rock engineering 45, 445-459, 2012
Onset time determination of acoustic and electromagnetic emission during rock fracture
G Niccolini, J Xu, A Manuello, G Lacidogna, A Carpinteri
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters 35, 51-62, 2012
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