Yuwei Xie
Yuwei Xie
Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, China
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Application of environmental DNA metabarcoding for predicting anthropogenic pollution in rivers
F Li, Y Peng, W Fang, F Altermatt, Y Xie, J Yang, X Zhang
Environmental science & technology 52 (20), 11708-11719, 2018
Effects of perfluorooctanoic acid on metabolic profiles in brain and liver of mouse revealed by a high-throughput targeted metabolomics approach
N Yu, S Wei, M Li, J Yang, K Li, L Jin, Y Xie, JP Giesy, X Zhang, H Yu
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23963, 2016
Using in situ bacterial communities to monitor contaminants in river sediments
Y Xie, J Wang, Y Wu, C Ren, C Song, J Yang, H Yu, JP Giesy, X Zhang
Environmental Pollution 212, 348-357, 2016
Acid mine drainage affects the diversity and metal resistance gene profile of sediment bacterial community along a river
X Zhang, S Tang, M Wang, W Sun, Y Xie, H Peng, A Zhong, H Liu, ...
Chemosphere 217, 790-799, 2019
Comparison of approaches to quantify SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater using RT-qPCR: Results and implications from a collaborative inter-laboratory study in Canada
AHS Chik, MB Glier, M Servos, CS Mangat, XL Pang, Y Qiu, PM D'Aoust, ...
Journal of environmental sciences (China) 107, 218, 2021
Ecogenomics of zooplankton community reveals ecological threshold of ammonia nitrogen
J Yang, X Zhang, Y Xie, C Song, J Sun, Y Zhang, JP Giesy, H Yu
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (5), 3057-3064, 2017
Next generation per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances: status and trends, aquatic toxicity, and risk assessment
H Mahoney, Y Xie, M Brinkmann, JP Giesy
Eco-Environment & Health 1 (2), 117-131, 2022
Zooplankton community profiling in a eutrophic freshwater ecosystem-lake tai basin by DNA metabarcoding
J Yang, X Zhang, Y Xie, C Song, Y Zhang, H Yu, GA Burton
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1773, 2017
Responses of earthworms and microbial communities in their guts to Triclosan
L Ma, Y Xie, Z Han, JP Giesy, X Zhang
Chemosphere 168, 1194-1202, 2017
eDNA-based bioassessment of coastal sediments impacted by an oil spill
Y Xie, X Zhang, J Yang, S Kim, S Hong, JP Giesy, UH Yim, WJ Shim, H Yu, ...
Environmental Pollution 238, 739-748, 2018
Effects of tris (2-butoxyethyl) phosphate (TBOEP) on endocrine axes during development of early life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Z Ma, S Tang, G Su, Y Miao, H Liu, Y Xie, JP Giesy, DMV Saunders, ...
Chemosphere 144, 1920-1927, 2016
Effects of captivity and artificial breeding on microbiota in feces of the red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis)
Y Xie, P Xia, H Wang, H Yu, JP Giesy, Y Zhang, MA Mora, X Zhang
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 33350, 2016
Elevated CO2 levels modify TiO2 nanoparticle effects on rice and soil microbial communities
W Du, JL Gardea-Torresdey, Y Xie, Y Yin, J Zhu, X Zhang, R Ji, K Gu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 578, 408-416, 2017
Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals primary chemical contaminants in freshwater sediments from different land-use types
Y Xie, J Wang, J Yang, JP Giesy, H Yu, X Zhang
Chemosphere 172, 201-209, 2017
Functional toxicogenomic assessment of triclosan in human HepG2 cells using genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screening
P Xia, X Zhang, Y Xie, M Guan, DL Villeneuve, H Yu
Environmental science & technology 50 (19), 10682-10692, 2016
Differential responses of gut microbiota of male and female fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) to a short-term environmentally-relevant, aqueous exposure to benzo [a] pyrene
A DeBofsky, Y Xie, C Grimard, AJ Alcaraz, M Brinkmann, M Hecker, ...
Chemosphere 252, 126461, 2020
Indigenous species barcode database improves the identification of zooplankton
J Yang, X Zhang, W Zhang, J Sun, Y Xie, Y Zhang, GA Burton Jr, H Yu
PLoS One 12 (10), e0185697, 2017
Sedimentary DNA reveals over 150 years of ecosystem change by human activities in Lake Chao, China
F Li, X Zhang, Y Xie, J Wang
Environment International 133, 105214, 2019
Ecogenomic responses of benthic communities under multiple stressors along the marine and adjacent riverine areas of northern Bohai Sea, China
Y Xie, S Hong, S Kim, X Zhang, J Yang, JP Giesy, T Wang, Y Lu, H Yu, ...
Chemosphere 172, 166-174, 2017
Rapid transition between SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern Delta and Omicron detected by monitoring municipal wastewater from three Canadian cities
FF Oloye, Y Xie, M Asadi, J Cantin, JK Challis, M Brinkmann, ...
Science of the Total Environment 841, 156741, 2022
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