Marco M. Nicotra
Marco M. Nicotra
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Explicit reference governor for constrained nonlinear systems
E Garone, MM Nicotra
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (5), 1379-1384, 2015
The explicit reference governor: A general framework for the closed-form control of constrained nonlinear systems
MM Nicotra, E Garone
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 38 (4), 89-107, 2018
Taut cable control of a tethered UAV
MM Nicotra, R Naldi, E Garone
19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 3190-3195, 2014
Nested saturation control of an UAV carrying a suspended load
MM Nicotra, E Garone, R Naldi, L Marconi
2014 American control conference, 3585-3590, 2014
Time-distributed optimization for real-time model predictive control: Stability, robustness, and constraint satisfaction
D Liao-McPherson, MM Nicotra, I Kolmanovsky
Automatica 117, 108973, 2020
Nonlinear control of a tethered UAV: The taut cable case
MM Nicotra, R Naldi, E Garone
Automatica 78, 174-184, 2017
Real-time motion control of robotic manipulators for safe human–robot coexistence
K Merckaert, B Convens, C Wu, A Roncone, MM Nicotra, B Vanderborght
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 73, 102223, 2022
Explicit reference governor for linear systems
E Garone, M Nicotra, L Ntogramatzidis
International Journal of Control 91 (6), 1415-1430, 2018
Embedding Constrained Model Predictive Control in a Continuous-Time Dynamic Feedback
D Liao-McPherson, MM Nicotra, IV Kolmanovsky
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2018
Explicit reference governor for continuous time nonlinear systems subject to convex constraints
MM Nicotra, E Garone
2015 American Control Conference (ACC), 4561-4566, 2015
Control of fully actuated unmanned aerial vehicles with actuator saturation
B Convens, K Merckaert, MM Nicotra, R Naldi, E Garone
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 12715-12720, 2017
Spacecraft attitude control with nonconvex constraints: An explicit reference governor approach
MM Nicotra, D Liao-McPherson, L Burlion, IV Kolmanovsky
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (8), 3677-3684, 2019
SOC and SOH estimation for Li-ion batteries based on an equivalent hydraulic model. Part I: SOC and surface concentration estimation
LD Couto, J Schorsch, MM Nicotra, M Kinnaert
2016 American control conference (ACC), 4022-4028, 2016
A robust explicit reference governor for constrained control of unmanned aerial vehicles
MM Nicotra, R Naldi, E Garone
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 6284-6289, 2016
Distributed reinforcement learning for cooperative multi-robot object manipulation
G Ding, JJ Koh, K Merckaert, B Vanderborght, MM Nicotra, C Heckman, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.09540, 2020
An analysis of closed-loop stability for linear model predictive control based on time-distributed optimization
D Liao-McPherson, T Skibik, J Leung, I Kolmanovsky, MM Nicotra
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 67 (5), 2618-2625, 2021
A feasibility governor for enlarging the region of attraction of linear model predictive controllers
T Skibik, D Liao-McPherson, T Cunis, I Kolmanovsky, MM Nicotra
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 67 (10), 5501-5508, 2021
Constrained power reference control for wind turbines
DS Zalkind, MM Nicotra, LY Pao
Wind Energy 25 (5), 914-934, 2022
A semismooth predictor corrector method for real-time constrained parametric optimization with applications in model predictive control
D Liao-McPherson, MM Nicotra, IV Kolmanovsky
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3600-3607, 2018
Explicit reference governor for the constrained control of linear time-delay systems
MM Nicotra, TW Nguyen, E Garone, IV Kolmanovsky
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (7), 2883-2889, 2018
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