Wolfgang Polifke
An efficient computational model for premixed turbulent combustion at high Reynolds numbers based on a turbulent flame speed closure
V Zimont, W Polifke, M Bettelini, W Weisenstein
Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power 120 (3), 526-532, 1998
Measurement of transfer matrices and source terms of premixed flames
CO Paschereit, B Schuermans, W Polifke, O Mattson
Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power 124 (2), 239-247, 2002
W Polifke, J Kopitz
Pearson Deutschland GmbH, 2009
Impact of swirl fluctuations on the flame response of a perfectly premixed swirl burner
T Komarek, W Polifke
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 132, 061503, 2010
Reconstruction of acoustic transfer matrices by instationary computational fluid dynamics
W Polifke, A Poncet, CO Paschereit, K Döbbeling
Journal of Sound and Vibration 245 (3), 483-510, 2001
Constructive and destructive interference of acoustic and entropy waves in a premixed combustor with a choked exit
W Polifke, CO Paschereit, K Döbbeling
Int. J. Acoust. Vib 6 (3), 135-146, 2001
On the low-frequency limit of flame transfer functions
W Polifke, C Lawn
Combustion and Flame 151 (3), 437-451, 2007
Black-box system identification for reduced order model construction
W Polifke
Annals of Nuclear Energy 67, 109-128, 2014
Intrinsic thermoacoustic instability of premixed flames
T Emmert, S Bomberg, W Polifke
Combustion and Flame 162 (1), 75-85, 2015
Low-order acoustic modelling for annular combustors: validation and inclusion of modal coupling
S Evesque, W Polifke
ASME Turbo Expo 2002: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, 321-331, 2002
Partially reflecting and non-reflecting boundary conditions for simulation of compressible viscous flow
W Polifke, C Wall, P Moin
Journal of Computational Physics 213 (1), 437-449, 2006
Assessment of methods for the computation of the linear stability of combustors
T Sattelmayer, W Polifke
Combustion Science and Technology 175 (3), 453-476, 2003
Optimization of rate coefficients for simplified reaction mechanisms with genetic algorithms
W Polifke, W Geng, K Döbbeling
Combustion and Flame 113 (1-2), 119-134, 1998
Comparative Validation Study on Identification of Premixed Flame Transfer Function
L Tay-Wo-Chong, S Bomberg, A Ulhaq, T Komarek, W Polifke
J. Eng. Gas Turbines and Power 134 (2), 021502, 2012
Modeling transfer matrices of premixed flames and comparison with experimental results
BBH Schuermans, W Polifke, CO Paschereit
ASME 1999 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition …, 1999
Structure of locally quenched highly turbulent lean premixed flames
F Dinkelacker, A Soika, D Most, D Hofmann, A Leipertz, W Polifke, ...
Symposium (International) on Combustion 27 (1), 857-865, 1998
Modeling and analysis of premixed flame dynamics by means of distributed time delays
W Polifke
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 79, 100845, 2020
Influence of the swirler design on the flame transfer function of premixed flames
C Hirsch, D Fanaca, P Reddy, W Polifke, T Sattelmayer
Volume 2 Turbo Expo 2005, 151-160, 2005
Dynamics of practical premixed flames, part I: model structure and identification
A Huber, W Polifke
International journal of spray and combustion dynamics 1 (2), 199-228, 2009
Identification of flame transfer functions from LES of a premixed swirl burner
L Tay-Wo-Chong, T Komarek, R Kaess, S Foller, W Polifke
ASME/IGTI Turbo Expo, paper GT2010-22769, DOI 10.1115/GT2010-22769, 2010
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