Anamarija Zagar
Anamarija Zagar
National Institute of Biology, Slovenia
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Environmental temperatures shape thermal physiology as well as diversification and genome-wide substitution rates in lizards
J Garcia-Porta, I Irisarri, M Kirchner, A Rodríguez, S Kirchhof, JL Brown, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4077, 2019
Phylogeography of the Lacerta viridis complex: mitochondrial and nuclear markers provide taxonomic insights
E Marzahn, W Mayer, U Joger, Ç Ilgaz, D Jablonski, C Kindler, ...
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 54 (2), 85-105, 2016
A place in the sun: interspecific interference affects thermoregulation in coexisting lizards
A Žagar, MA Carretero, N Osojnik, N Sillero, A Vrezec
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69, 1127-1137, 2015
Ecophysiological dissimilarities of two sympatric lizards
N Osojnik, A Žagar, MA Carretero, E García-Muñoz, A Vrezec
Herpetologica 69 (4), 445-454, 2013
Razširjenost plazilcev v Sloveniji: pregled podatkov, zbranih do leta 2009
M Krofel, V Cafuta, G Planinc, M Sopotnik, A Šalamun, S Tome, ...
Natura Sloveniae 11 (2), 61-99, 2009
Geographic patterns of stress in insular lizards reveal anthropogenic and climatic signatures
R Megía-Palma, L Arregui, I Pozo, A Žagar, N Serén, MA Carretero, ...
Science of the Total Environment 749, 141655, 2020
The role of metabolism in understanding the altitudinal segregation pattern of two potentially interacting lizards
A Žagar, T Simčič, MA Carretero, A Vrezec
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2015
Comparing patterns of human harvest and predation by Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx on European roe deer Capreolus capreolus in a temperate forest
M Krofel, K Jerina, F Kljun, I Kos, H Potočnik, N Ražen, P Zor, A Žagar
European Journal of Wildlife Research 60, 11-21, 2014
Phylogeographic evidence for multiple long-distance introductions of the common wall lizard associated with human trade and transport
JL Santos, A Žagar, K Drašler, C Rato, C Ayres, DJ Harris, MA Carretero, ...
Amphibia-Reptilia 40 (1), 121-127, 2019
Towards a functional understanding of species coexistence: ecomorphological variation in relation to whole‐organism performance in two sympatric lizards
A Žagar, MA Carretero, A Vrezec, K Drašler, A Kaliontzopoulou
Functional Ecology 31 (9), 1780-1791, 2017
Is ecophysiology congruent with the present-day relictual distribution of a lizard group? Evidence from preferred temperatures and water loss rates.
D Carneiro, E García-Muñoz, A Žagar, P Pafilis, MA Carretero
Herpetological Journal 27 (1), 2017
A metabolic syndrome in terrestrial ectotherms with different elevational and distribution patterns
A Žagar, MA Carretero, D Marguč, T Simčič, A Vrezec
Ecography 41 (10), 1728-1739, 2018
Quantifying the intersexual and interspecific morphometric variation in two resembling sympatric lacertids: Iberolacerta horvathi and Podarcis muralis
A Žagar, N Osojnik, M Carretero, A Vrezec
Acta Herpetologica 7 (1), 29-39, 2012
A record of cannibalism in Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768)(Reptilia, Lacertidae) from Slovenia
A Žagar, MA Carretero
Herpetology Notes 5, 211-213, 2012
Habitat segregation patterns of reptiles in Northern Dinaric Mountains (Slovenia)
A Žagar, I Kos, A Vrezec
Amphibia-Reptilia 34 (2), 263-268, 2013
Comparing Enchytraeus albidus populations from contrasting climatic environments suggest a link between cold tolerance and metabolic activity
A Žagar, M Holmstrup, T Simčič, B Debeljak, S Slotsbo
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2018
Uncovering the rules of (reptile) species coexistence in transition zones between bioregions.
D Ferreira, A Žagar, X Santos
Salamandra 53 (2), 2017
Genotype‐environment interactions rule the response of a widespread butterfly to temperature variation
F Günter, M Beaulieu, KF Freiberg, I Welzel, N Toshkova, A Žagar, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 33 (7), 920-929, 2020
Predators as mediators: differential antipredator behavior in competitive lizard species in a multi-predator environment
A Žagar, K Bitenc, A Vrezec, MA Carretero
Zoologischer Anzeiger-A Journal of Comparative Zoology 259, 31-40, 2015
A review of eleven short-term reptile surveys in the Western Balkans
A Žegar, V Cafuta, K Drašler, T Jagar, M Krofel, M Lužnik, E Ostanek, ...
Hyla: Herpetological bulletin 2013 (1), 3-18, 2013
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