Sebastián Oriolo
Sebastián Oriolo
Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires (IGEBA). CONICET
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Contemporaneous assembly of Western Gondwana and final Rodinia break-up: implications for the supercontinent cycle
S Oriolo, P Oyhantçabal, K Wemmer, S Siegesmund
Geoscience Frontiers 8 (6), 1431-1445, 2017
Geochronology of shear zones–A review
S Oriolo, K Wemmer, P Oyhantçabal, H Fossen, B Schulz, S Siegesmund
Earth-Science Reviews 185, 665-683, 2018
The Nico Pérez Terrane (Uruguay): from Archean crustal growth and connections with the Congo Craton to late Neoproterozoic accretion to the Río de la Plata Craton
S Oriolo, P Oyhantçabal, MAS Basei, K Wemmer, S Siegesmund
Precambrian Research 280, 147-160, 2016
Timing of deformation in the Sarandí del Yí Shear Zone, Uruguay: Implications for the amalgamation of western Gondwana during the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano‐Pan‐African orogeny
S Oriolo, P Oyhantçabal, K Wemmer, MAS Basei, J Benowitz, J Pfänder, ...
Tectonics 35 (3), 754-771, 2016
Shear zone evolution and timing of deformation in the Neoproterozoic transpressional Dom Feliciano Belt, Uruguay
S Oriolo, P Oyhantçabal, K Wemmer, F Heidelbach, J Pfänder, MAS Basei, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 92, 59-78, 2016
The Nico Pérez Terrane of Uruguay and Southeastern Brazil
P Oyhantçabal, S Oriolo, RP Philipp, K Wemmer, S Siegesmund
Geology of Southwest Gondwana, 161-188, 2018
Early Paleozoic accretionary orogens along the Western Gondwana margin
S Oriolo, B Schulz, S Geuna, PD González, JE Otamendi, J Sláma, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 12 (1), 109-130, 2021
Inherited basement structures and their influence in foreland evolution: a case study in Central Patagonia, Argentina
EM Renda, D Alvarez, C Prezzi, S Oriolo, H Vizan
Tectonophysics 772, 228232, 2019
The Late Paleozoic tectonometamorphic evolution of Patagonia revisited: Insights from the pressure‐temperature‐deformation‐time (P‐T‐D‐t) path of the Gondwanide basement of the …
S Oriolo, B Schulz, PD González, F Bechis, E Olaizola, J Krause, ...
Tectonics 38, 2378-2400, 2019
Structural evolution of the Sarandí del Yí Shear Zone, Uruguay: kinematics, deformation conditions and tectonic significance
S Oriolo, P Oyhantçabal, F Heidelbach, K Wemmer, S Siegesmund
International Journal of Earth Sciences 104, 1759-1777, 2015
Evolution of the Major Gercino Shear Zone in the Dom Feliciano Belt, South Brazil, and implications for the assembly of southwestern Gondwana
M Hueck, MAS Basei, K Wemmer, S Oriolo, F Heidelbach, S Siegesmund
International Journal of Earth Sciences 108, 403-425, 2019
Shear zones in Brasiliano-Pan-African belts and their role in the amalgamation and break-up of southwest Gondwana
S Oriolo, M Hueck, P Oyhantçabal, B Goscombe, K Wemmer, ...
Geology of Southwest Gondwana, 593-613, 2018
Provenance of Austroalpine basement metasediments: tightening up Early Palaeozoic connections between peri-Gondwanan domains of central Europe and Northern Africa
S Siegesmund, S Oriolo, T Heinrichs, MAS Basei, N Nolte, F Hüttenrauch, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 107, 2293-2315, 2018
Late Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic magmatism of the Nico Pérez Terrane (Uruguay): tightening up correlations in southwestern Gondwana
S Oriolo, P Oyhantçabal, J Konopásek, MAS Basei, R Frei, J Sláma, ...
Precambrian Research 327, 296-313, 2019
Phanerozoic low-temperature evolution of the Uruguayan Shield along the South American passive margin
M Hueck, S Oriolo, I Dunkl, K Wemmer, P Oyhantçabal, M Schanofski, ...
Journal of the Geological Society 174 (4), 609-626, 2017
Archean to early Neoproterozoic crustal growth of the southern South American Platform and its wide-reaching “African” origins
M Hueck, S Oriolo, MAS Basei, P Oyhantçabal, BM Heller, K Wemmer, ...
Precambrian Research 369, 106532, 2022
The birth of the Alps: Ediacaran to Paleozoic accretionary processes and crustal growth along the northern Gondwana margin
S Siegesmund, S Oriolo, B Schulz, T Heinrichs, MAS Basei, B Lammerer
International Journal of Earth Sciences 110 (4), 1321-1348, 2021
Cross-strike structures controlling magmatism emplacement in a flat-slab setting (Precordillera, Central Andes of Argentina)
S Oriolo, MS Japas, EO Cristallini, M Giménez
The Kalahari Craton, southern Africa: from Archean crustal evolution to Gondwana amalgamation
S Oriolo, T Becker
Geology of southwest Gondwana, 133-159, 2018
Geology of Southwest Gondwana
S Siegesmund, MAS Basei, P Oyhantçabal, S Oriolo
Springer, 2018
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