Charles Goldenbeld
Charles Goldenbeld
senior researcher at the Institute for Road Safety Research SWOV
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The credibility of speed limits on 80 km/h rural roads: The effects of road and person (ality) characteristics
C Goldenbeld, I van Schagen
Accident Analysis & Prevention 39 (6), 1121-1130, 2007
The effects of speed enforcement with mobile radar on speed and accidents: An evaluation study on rural roads in the Dutch province Friesland
C Goldenbeld, I van Schagen
Accident Analysis & Prevention 37 (6), 1135-1144, 2005
The effects of drink-driving checkpoints on crashes—A meta-analysis
A Erke, C Goldenbeld, T Vaa
Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (5), 914-923, 2009
Helmets: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners
World Health Organization
World Health Organization, 2023
The use and risk of portable electronic devices while cycling among different age groups
C Goldenbeld, M Houtenbos, E Ehlers, D De Waard
Journal of safety research 43 (1), 1-8, 2012
Effects of persuasive communication and group discussions on acceptability of anti-speeding policies for male and female drivers
C Goldenbeld, D Twisk, S Houwing
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 11 (3), 207-220, 2008
Traffic enforcement in Europe: effects, measures, needs and future
T Mäkinen, DM Zaidel, G Andersson, MB Biecheler-Fretel, R Christ, ...
Escape project, 2003
Psychological perspectives on changing driver attitude and behaviour
C Goldenbeld, PBM Levelt, J Heidstra
Recherche-Transports-Sécurité 67, 65-81, 2000
Speed management: enforcement and new technologies
FCM Wegman, C Goldenbeld
SWOV Institute for Road Safety 2006 (5), 2006
Developing a road safety index
C Bax, P Wesemann, V Gitelman, Y Shen, C Goldenbeld, E Hermans, ...
EC FP7 project DaCoTA, Belgian, Scientific Report, 2012
Car drivers' road safety performance: A benchmark across 32 countries
C Pires, K Torfs, A Areal, C Goldenbeld, W Vanlaar, MA Granié, ...
IATSS research 44 (3), 166-179, 2020
Short and long term effects of moped rider training: a field experiment
C Goldenbeld, D Twisk, S de Craen
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 7 (1), 1-16, 2004
The comparison of road safety survey answers between web-panel and face-to-face; Dutch results of SARTRE-4 survey
C Goldenbeld, S De Craen
Journal of safety research 46, 13-20, 2013
Impaired driving due to alcohol or drugs: International differences and determinants based on E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes first-wave results in 32 countries
C Goldenbeld, K Torfs, W Vlakveld, S Houwing
IATSS research 44 (3), 188-196, 2020
European road users' risk perception and mobility: the SARTRE 4 survey
D Antov, A Banet, C Barbier, T Bellet, Y Bimpeh, A Boulanger, ...
Crash involvement of motor vehicles in relationship to the number and severity of traffic offenses. An exploratory analysis of Dutch traffic offenses and crash data
C Goldenbeld, M Reurings, Y Van Norden, H Stipdonk
Traffic injury prevention 14 (6), 584-591, 2013
The effect of altered road markings on speed and lateral position
R Davidse, C van Driel, C Goldenbeld
SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research: Leidschendam, The Netherlands, 2004
BASIC-Driver training: New models
M Hatakka, E Keskinen, C Baughan, C Goldenbeld, NP Gregersen, ...
Final report. Turun yliopisto, Finland: University of Turku, 2003
Supporting drivers in forming correct expectations about transitions between rural road categories
A Stelling-Konczak, L Aarts, K Duivenvoorden, C Goldenbeld
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (1), 101-111, 2011
Red light cameras revisited. Recent evidence on red light camera safety effects
C Goldenbeld, S Daniels, G Schermers
Accident Analysis & Prevention 128, 139-147, 2019
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