Olivier Christmann
Olivier Christmann
Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas
First-and third-person perspectives in immersive virtual environments: presence and performance analysis of embodied users
G Gorisse, O Christmann, EA Amato, S Richir
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 4, 33, 2017
Proposition and validation of a questionnaire to measure the user experience in immersive virtual environments
K Tcha-Tokey, O Christmann, E Loup-Escande, S Richir
International Journal of Virtual Reality 16 (1), 33-48, 2016
A questionnaire to measure the user experience in immersive virtual environments
K Tcha-Tokey, E Loup-Escande, O Christmann, S Richir
Proceedings of the 2016 virtual reality international conference, 1-5, 2016
Towards a model of user experience in immersive virtual environments
K Tcha-Tokey, O Christmann, E Loup-Escande, G Loup, S Richir
Advances in Human‐Computer Interaction 2018 (1), 7827286, 2018
From robot to virtual doppelganger: Impact of visual fidelity of avatars controlled in third-person perspective on embodiment and behavior in immersive virtual environments
G Gorisse, O Christmann, S Houzangbe, S Richir
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 6, 8, 2019
A design methodology for parts using additive manufacturing
N Boyard, M Rivette, O Christmann, S Richir
6th International Conference on Advanced research in Virtual and rapid …, 2013
Impact of avatar facial anthropomorphism on body ownership, attractiveness and social presence in collaborative tasks in immersive virtual environments
C Dubosc, G Gorisse, O Christmann, S Fleury, K Poinsot, S Richir
Computers & Graphics 101, 82-92, 2021
Effects on user experience in an edutainment virtual environment: comparison between CAVE and HMD
K Tcha-Tokey, E Loup-Escande, O Christmann, S Richir
Proceedings of the European conference on cognitive ergonomics, 1-8, 2017
Augmented sport: exploring collective user experience
M Pallot, R Eynard, B Poussard, O Christmann, S Richir
Proceedings of the virtual reality international conference: Laval virtual, 1-8, 2013
Needs’ elaboration between users, designers and project leaders: Analysis of a design process of a virtual reality-based software
E Loup-Escande, JM Burkhardt, O Christmann, S Richir
Information and Software Technology 56 (8), 1049-1061, 2014
Effects of voluntary heart rate control on user engagement and agency in a virtual reality game
S Houzangbe, O Christmann, G Gorisse, S Richir
Virtual Reality 24 (4), 665-681, 2020
Fear as a biofeedback game mechanic in virtual reality: effects on engagement and perceived usability
S Houzangbe, O Christmann, G Gorisse, S Richir
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on the foundations of …, 2018
Ice breaking: Disentangling factors affecting the performance of immersive co-creation environments
M Pallot, O Christmann, S Richir, L Dupont, V Boly, L Morel
Proceedings of the Virtual Reality International Conference-Laval Virtual …, 2017
Support optimization for additive manufacturing: application to FDM
N Boyard, O Christmann, M Rivette, O Kerbrat, S Richir
Rapid Prototyping Journal 24 (1), 69-79, 2018
De la présence à l’incarnation: proposition d’un méta-modèle pour la réalité virtuelle
G Gorisse, O Christmann, S Richir
Interfaces numériques 7 (1), 94-114, 2018
Impact of verbal communication on user experience in 3D immersive virtual environments
R Eynard, M Pallot, O Christmann, S Richir
2015 IEEE international conference on engineering, technology and innovation …, 2015
Visual search in dynamic 3D visualisations of unstructured picture collections
O Christmann, N Carbonell, S Richir
Interacting with Computers 22 (5), 399-416, 2010
From robot to virtual doppelganger: Impact of avatar visual fidelity and self-esteem on perceived attractiveness
G Gorisse, O Christmann, S Houzangbe, S Richir
Proceedings of the 2018 international conference on advanced visual …, 2018
First-and Third-Person Perspectives in Immersive Virtual Environments: Presence and Performance Analysis of Embodied Users. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 4 (2017)
G Gorisse, O Christmann, EA Amato, S Richir
URL http://journal. frontiersin. org/article/10.3389/850 frobt, 2017
A seamless solution for 3D real-time interaction: design and evaluation
F Hernoux, O Christmann
Virtual Reality 19 (1), 1-20, 2015
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