Kimberly Quesnel Seipp
Kimberly Quesnel Seipp
Kiti vardaiKimberly Quesnel
Blue Forest
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Changes in water consumption linked to heavy news media coverage of extreme climatic events
KJ Quesnel, NK Ajami
Science advances 3 (10), e1700784, 2017
A case-study based framework for assessing the multi-sector performance of green infrastructure
BL Gordon, KJ Quesnel, R Abs, NK Ajami
Journal of environmental management 223, 371-384, 2018
Environmental Impact Bonds: a common framework and looking ahead
MW Brand, KQ Seipp, P Saksa, N Ulibarri, A Bomblies, L Mandle, ...
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability 1 (2), 023001, 2021
Shifting landscapes: decoupled urban irrigation and greenness patterns during severe drought
KJ Quesnel, N Ajami, A Marx
Environmental Research Letters 14 (6), 064012, 2019
Large landscape urban irrigation: A data‐driven approach to evaluate conservation behavior
KJ Quesnel, NK Ajami
Water Resources Research 55 (1), 771-786, 2019
Diverse paradigms of residential development inform water use and drought-related conservation behavior
KJ Quesnel, S Agrawal, NK Ajami
Environmental Research Letters 15 (12), 124009, 2020
A novel search algorithm for quantifying news media coverage as a measure of environmental issue salience
NA Roby, P Gonzales, KJ Quesnel, NK Ajami
Environmental Modelling & Software 101, 249-255, 2018
Building water resilience in the face of cascading wildfire risks
MF Belongia, C Hammond Wagner, KQ Seipp, NK Ajami
Science advances 9 (37), eadf9534, 2023
A multi-benefit framework for funding forest management in fire-driven ecosystems across the Western US
KQ Seipp, T Maurer, M Elias, P Saksa, C Keske, K Oleson, B Egoh, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 344, 118270, 2023
Accelerating the integration of distributed water solutions: a conceptual financing model from the electricity sector
KJ Quesnel, NK Ajami, N Wyss
Environmental management 60, 867-881, 2017
Advancing Water Innovation Through Public Benefit Funds: Examining California's Approach for Electricity
KJ Quesnel, NK Ajami
Journal‐American Water Works Association 110 (2), E18-E32, 2018
Tapping into Alternative Ways to Fund Innovative and Multi-Purpose Water Projects: A Financing Framework from the Electricity Sector
KJ Quesnel, NK Ajami, N Wyss
Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, 2016
Funding Water In Times of Financial Uncertainty: The Case for a Public Goods Charge in California
KJ Quesnel, NK Ajami
Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, 2015
The Human Health Benefits of Improving Forest Health in California: Investigating the Links Between Forest Management, Wildfire Smoke, and the Health Sector
TJ Feo, K Quesnel Seipp, S Stroming, J Montgomery, J Graff Zivin, ...
Combining high resolution water use data from smart meters with remote sensing and geospatial datasets to investigate outdoor water demand and greenness changes during drought
K Quesnel, N Ajami, J Urata, A Marx
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, H33H-1822, 2017
Research to restoration and back again: creating an effective feedback between science and project development to support large-scale land management
T Maurer, M Elias, S Chui, K Hodgson, C Loughlin, K Quesnel, PC Saksa, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, SY33A-06, 2023
A multiple-benefit framework for implementing nature-based solutions using conservation finance
T Maurer, K Seipp, M Elias, P Saksa
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-4599, 2023
A vision for human-water systems data
H Kreibich, D Yu, N Brozović, S Ceola, MM de Brito, K Quesnel, ...
IAHS2022, 2022
The Yuba Forest Resilience Bond: A model for using Earth Observation (EO) data to drive investment in headwater management
T Maurer, P Saksa, K Quesnel, R Hakimdavar, J Roche, W Whittlesey, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, SY22A-07, 2021
Ecosystem services of forest restoration in the Western US: a synthesis of benefits to enable financing
K Quesnel, M Elias, PC Saksa, P Wyrsch, A Gritter, KS Hemes, D Lewis, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, GC004-0004, 2020
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